Operation Scorched Arse - The Woody Back to School Unit

Operation Scorched Arse - The Woody Back to School Unit Operation Scorched Arse - The Woody Back to School Unit

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Operation Scorched Arsethan a normal bar-stool and the crossbars weredesigned diagonally beneath the seat.Katie was already celebrating her latestsuccess. She had recently persuaded Ms Lawton toallow her to replace the traditional ashplant wieldedby the Red-shirt’s with the more lethally punishinghairbrush. The transition was not popular amongstthe inmates; particularly as they were forced tospread-eagle themselves across Katie’s lap while theywere being spanked. Her eyes lit up when she sawthe stool and she immediately got out her chequebook.“I was fucking dangling,” Claire Brooks hadcomplained to her chums after the officialinauguration of the spanking stool into Woodyworld.“I couldn’t touch the ground on either side and I hadnothing to hold onto.”Penelope Ann neatly folded back Joanna’s skirtand the tail of her blouse before rolling down herbumbags. She looped her left arm around Jojo’s waistand made sure she was tucked in firmly. The Redshirtslowly circled the wooden oval head of thehairbrush across the naked flesh of Joanna’s rightbuttock.“I’m going to need you to put it up and keep itup,” she said.Jojo just grunted.Penelope Ann Evans raised the brush abouteighteen inches above Jojo’s defenseless flesh andbrought it down with a loud crack.

103A truly fine dangling needs to be deliveredlong, slow and juicy. Despite her distaste at having topunish Jojo Penny Ann had her reputation toconsider. Every year the Red-shirt’s vied for gainingthe status of being the hottest spanker ever. Pen wasalready getting rave reviews from the whop-hardenedmega-minxes and had no intention of letting the smallmatter of friendship get in her way.Jojo didn’t expect any slack. She fullyunderstood that Penelope Ann was merely doing herduty. She settled in and focused on getting into thezone. The first time Penny Ann had dangled her Jojohad been at a disadvantage. Unbeknownst to JoannaMs Lawton had amended the protocols and decreedthat inmates in Phase 5, or above, of their sentenceswould be subjected to a full twelve spanks of thebrush. Jojo had been caught by surprise when aseventh spank had arrived and had been nailed forthe first time in her illustrious career. She had nointention of that happening again.Penny Ann was being thorough. She slowlyworked up one side of Jojo’s bum and back down theother. The oval headed brush that Katie Beck hadselected was perfectly designed to redden everysquare centimeter of the sweet spot in six easyspanks. The Woody connoisseurs were of a collectivemind that this level of bum burning was quite ampleand that an additional six spanks was completelyunnecessary in furthering their goals of socialrehabilitation.

103A truly fine dangling needs <strong>to</strong> be deliveredlong, slow and juicy. Despite her distaste at having <strong>to</strong>punish Jojo Penny Ann had her reputation <strong>to</strong>consider. Every year the Red-shirt’s vied for gainingthe status of being the hottest spanker ever. Pen wasalready getting rave reviews from the whop-hardenedmega-minxes and had no intention of letting the smallmatter of friendship get in her way.Jojo didn’t expect any slack. She fullyunders<strong>to</strong>od that Penelope Ann was merely doing herduty. She settled in and focused on getting in<strong>to</strong> thezone. <strong>The</strong> first time Penny Ann had dangled her Jojohad been at a disadvantage. Unbeknownst <strong>to</strong> JoannaMs Law<strong>to</strong>n had amended the pro<strong>to</strong>cols and decreedthat inmates in Phase 5, or above, of their sentenceswould be subjected <strong>to</strong> a full twelve spanks of thebrush. Jojo had been caught by surprise when aseventh spank had arrived and had been nailed forthe first time in her illustrious career. She had nointention of that happening again.Penny Ann was being thorough. She slowlyworked up one side of Jojo’s bum and back down theother. <strong>The</strong> oval headed brush that Katie Beck hadselected was perfectly designed <strong>to</strong> redden everysquare centimeter of the sweet spot in six easyspanks. <strong>The</strong> <strong>Woody</strong> connoisseurs were of a collectivemind that this level of bum burning was quite ampleand that an additional six spanks was completelyunnecessary in furthering their goals of socialrehabilitation.

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