Operation Scorched Arse - The Woody Back to School Unit

Operation Scorched Arse - The Woody Back to School Unit

Operation Scorched Arse - The Woody Back to School Unit

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3“Some members of the House Council believe thatunder the new provisions of the House Charter thatmakes you guilty of bringing the Red House in<strong>to</strong>disrepute.”Debs glared at the prefects. “What provisions?”she demanded.“<strong>The</strong>y are being ratified by the Mistress of theHouse as we speak,” said Janet Mitchell smugly.Cathryn Cassidy looked daggers at Mitch theBitch. “<strong>The</strong>y are not ratified yet you stupid bitch,” shesnarled.“Oh but they will be,” interjected YvonneGodfrey, “you mark my words.”Deborah knew when she was being stitched uplike a kipper. <strong>The</strong> prefec<strong>to</strong>rial council presiding overthe Red House was comprised of two of her chums,Patsy and Cat, and her four sworn enemies, Yvonne,Bitchypoo, Spanker Spage and Ivan the Terrible. MsWhar<strong>to</strong>n, the most despised member of the unit’sBrass served as Mistress of the Red House and wouldratify anything that could make life disagreeable forthe inmates.At first Patsy and Cathryn refused <strong>to</strong> hear theapplication and argued furiously with Yvonne and hercronies. At one point Patsy had <strong>to</strong> restrain Cat wholooked ready <strong>to</strong> scratch Janet’s eyes out. Finally agrubby arrived in the library and handed Patsy adocument. Patsy read it quickly and then handed it <strong>to</strong>Cathryn.“This is so bogus,” Cat growled.“I’m sorry Debs,” groaned Patsy, “but we’regoing <strong>to</strong> have <strong>to</strong> take a vote.”

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