Operation Scorched Arse - The Woody Back to School Unit

Operation Scorched Arse - The Woody Back to School Unit Operation Scorched Arse - The Woody Back to School Unit

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Operation Scorched ArseMs Lawton swung the cane with lethalprecision. Despite her state of extreme irritation theGrand Dame was a consummately professionalmartinet. As a graduate from the school of hardwhops Susan Lawton understood the intricatemechanics of a high-performance licking. Every strokewas delivered cleanly across the sweet spot ofDeborah’s backside in a tight formation. Ms Lawtonwas determined that Deborah would suffer nothingworse than a very hot bottom.Debs gritted her teeth. Each explosive swipe ofthe thirty-six inch senior cane was excruciating, butshe was in the zone. “It’s only whops,” she repeatedover and over in her head. The popular Woodymantra helped her to stay focused and not howl orblub or make a muff of herself.The ‘its only whops’ mantra originated withDeborah’s best chum Rosemary Booker. Rosemaryhad entered the Woody Back to School unit sporting avirgin arse; she had never been spanked in her life,let alone caned. However, following her introductionto being whapped with a whippy stick her reactionbecame a Woody legend.“I can’t see what all the fuss is about,” she toldher chums. “After all it was only whops.”Debs knew the form. After each stroke shewriggled and jiggled her body in agitation as theimpact of the wicked stick traversed her centralnervous system. Despite her discomfort she wouldregroup and slowly reposition her upturned derrierefor the next nerve jangling, teeth chattering strike.

95Debs tottered out of the study like a drunkensailor on shore leave. She kept her fists balled in herblazer pockets to avoid the temptation of rubbing.According to the protocols she was required toproceed directly to the lecture room but she decidedto risk making a brief detour to a nearby bathroom.She stared at herself in the mirror. She lookeddisheveled. During spanking the knot of her tie hadslipped down and her blouse looked crumpled. Herface was ashen and her hair needed brushing.She reached under her skirt and very gentlyrolled down her bumbags. She winced as she peeledthe material off the throbbing weals. She raised herskirt and inspected her backside in the mirror. It wasa mess. Ms Lawton had been extremely thorough.She had not missed a centimeter of Deborah’s bumduring the spanking and the flesh was still pulsating.The center of her buttocks were covered with thin redstripes in a very tight formation. The last stroke hadcut across the existing stripes. She winced as she ranher fingers along the weals.She found a paper towel and doused it withcold water. She pressed it against her poorbeleaguered bum. After a few minutes she driedherself off and replaced her bumbags.She washed her face and brushed her hair.She straightened her tie and picked up her satchel.With considerable lack of enthusiasm at the prospectof having to plonk her wounded arse on a hardwooden chair seat she wriggled off towards thelecture rooms.At every opportunity Deborah’s chums ralliedaround to comfort and console her. Debs’ recent trials

95Debs <strong>to</strong>ttered out of the study like a drunkensailor on shore leave. She kept her fists balled in herblazer pockets <strong>to</strong> avoid the temptation of rubbing.According <strong>to</strong> the pro<strong>to</strong>cols she was required <strong>to</strong>proceed directly <strong>to</strong> the lecture room but she decided<strong>to</strong> risk making a brief de<strong>to</strong>ur <strong>to</strong> a nearby bathroom.She stared at herself in the mirror. She lookeddisheveled. During spanking the knot of her tie hadslipped down and her blouse looked crumpled. Herface was ashen and her hair needed brushing.She reached under her skirt and very gentlyrolled down her bumbags. She winced as she peeledthe material off the throbbing weals. She raised herskirt and inspected her backside in the mirror. It wasa mess. Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n had been extremely thorough.She had not missed a centimeter of Deborah’s bumduring the spanking and the flesh was still pulsating.<strong>The</strong> center of her but<strong>to</strong>cks were covered with thin redstripes in a very tight formation. <strong>The</strong> last stroke hadcut across the existing stripes. She winced as she ranher fingers along the weals.She found a paper <strong>to</strong>wel and doused it withcold water. She pressed it against her poorbeleaguered bum. After a few minutes she driedherself off and replaced her bumbags.She washed her face and brushed her hair.She straightened her tie and picked up her satchel.With considerable lack of enthusiasm at the prospec<strong>to</strong>f having <strong>to</strong> plonk her wounded arse on a hardwooden chair seat she wriggled off <strong>to</strong>wards thelecture rooms.At every opportunity Deborah’s chums ralliedaround <strong>to</strong> comfort and console her. Debs’ recent trials

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