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Approach• A priori estimation of parameters related to land-atmosphere interactions, i.e. soil and vegetationsystem, was tried usingGIS analysis. This isbased upon the idea thatA 0real situations nearA Bground surface areCrelatively easily reflectedin GIS with in situ and/orremotely-sensed data.

Development of basin-wide distributedparameterhydrologic modelStudy siteBasehydrologicmodelEvapotranspirationmoduleSoil-moistureaccountingmoduleLittleWashita, OK,USAPRMSNoilhan-Planton(N-P)PRMS originalKhlongLuang,ThailandPRMSN-PModified N-P(Ver.1)Kusaki-dam& ShiobaradamPWRI modelN-PModified N-P(Ver.2)

Approach• A priori estimation of parameters related to land-atmosphere interactions, i.e. soil and vegetationsystem, was tried usingGIS analysis. This isbased upon the idea thatA 0real situations nearA Bground surface areCrelatively easily reflectedin GIS with in situ and/orremotely-sensed data.

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