wadah perpustakaan - Brunei Darussalam Library Association

wadah perpustakaan - Brunei Darussalam Library Association wadah perpustakaan - Brunei Darussalam Library Association

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WADAH PERPUSTAKAANbruneilibraryassociation.wordpress.comBil.31 Mac 2011 ISSN 1609-4271-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jubli Perak 1986-2011 Silver JubileePESTA BUKU BRUNEI 2011The Pesta Buku 2011 ‘Buku adalah Masa Depan’ to mark the 27 th brunei National Daywas declared open by H.E. Pehin Orang Kaya Pekerma Laila Diraja Dato Paduka HjHazair, Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports on 26 February 2011 at the InternationalConvention Centre, Brunei Darussalam. It was participated by 52 vendors taking up 105booths. The ASEAN Book Publishers Association and Asia-Pacific PublishersAssociation and Brunei SEA Write Award winners also had booths to showcase theirpublications. The book fair is organised annually by Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka Bruneiin conjunction with the National Day Celebrations.The chief guest also launched 28 new titles by Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka Brunei. Thismonth Pusat Dakwah Islamiah also launched 25 new titles, Pusat Sejarah Brunei 6 newtitles and Brunei Museums 3 new titles. Go to page 7Wadah Perpustakaan Bil.30 1

WADAH PERPUSTAKAANbruneilibraryassociation.wordpress.comBil.31 Mac 2011 ISSN 1609-4271-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jubli Perak 1986-2011 Silver JubileePESTA BUKU BRUNEI 2011The Pesta Buku 2011 ‘Buku adalah Masa Depan’ to mark the 27 th brunei National Daywas declared open by H.E. Pehin Orang Kaya Pekerma Laila Diraja Dato Paduka HjHazair, Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports on 26 February 2011 at the InternationalConvention Centre, <strong>Brunei</strong> <strong>Darussalam</strong>. It was participated by 52 vendors taking up 105booths. The ASEAN Book Publishers <strong>Association</strong> and Asia-Pacific Publishers<strong>Association</strong> and <strong>Brunei</strong> SEA Write Award winners also had booths to showcase theirpublications. The book fair is organised annually by Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka <strong>Brunei</strong>in conjunction with the National Day Celebrations.The chief guest also launched 28 new titles by Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka <strong>Brunei</strong>. Thismonth Pusat Dakwah Islamiah also launched 25 new titles, Pusat Sejarah <strong>Brunei</strong> 6 newtitles and <strong>Brunei</strong> Museums 3 new titles. Go to page 7Wadah Perpustakaan Bil.30 1

BLA Silver JubileeTask Force MeetingThe Task Force met on the evening of 7 Feb 2011 and 19 Feb 2011 to finalisedpreparations for BLA Silver Jubilee.The BLA Silver Jubilee Celebrations will kick-off on 10 March 2011. All BLA membersand non-member of librarians, Information professionals and archivists, are cordiallyinvited to attend the Majlis Doa Kesyukuran and Mass Prayers to be held on 10 March2011 at 6pm at Surau Pusat Dakwah Islamiah.The following titles are being preparedBLA Silver JubileeBook Launching CommitteeBLA 25 Years Journey<strong>Brunei</strong> <strong>Darussalam</strong> Corporate Bodies Standard EntriesIndex to <strong>Brunei</strong> <strong>Darussalam</strong> <strong>Library</strong> Papers and PresentationsDirectory of <strong>Brunei</strong> Professional Librarians and Information Professionals 2011/2012CD Wadah Perpustakaan 2008-2011.Wadah Perpustakaan Bil.30 2

BLA President and <strong>Brunei</strong> Resources Symposium SpeakersBLA President hosted DinnerBLA President Ms Nellie hosted informal dinner inhonour of Ms Chng Kim See, Chief Librarian ISEASSingapore on 24 Jan 2011 in Bandar Seri Begawan.Also present were Dyg Hjh Rosnani (BLA Secretary)and Dyg Hjh Pusparaini (BLA EXCO).Wadah Perpustakaan Bil.30 3

BUAL BICARA dengan SASTERAWAN NEGARA MALAYSIADatuk A. Samad Said dan PENULIS KREATIF Ain MaisarahThe event was held on Sunday 27 Feb 2011 at 3pm at ICC as part of the Book Fair related event.Writers, students and literature enthuasists were present to welcome the two renowned writersfrom Malaysia. The two writers shared their writing experiences and challenges and concludedwith Q & A and an book signing session.Datuk A. Samad Said is a poet and novelist. He was named the Pejuang Sastera in 1976, SEAWrite Award in 1979, 4 th Sasterawan Negara Malysia in 1985 and Sasterawan Nusantara in 1999.He is best known for his book ‘Salina’Ms. Ain Maisarah is a new comer but has already made history for receiving the second highestroyalty for her books by PTS in 2008 and 2009 compared to 400 other writers. She has produced18 best sellers in the ‘Aku Mahu’ series. She is PTS Ambassador, named the Penulis IdolaRemaja by Berita Harian and Majalah Anis cover girl for February. Ain Maisarah is now theChief Author for Blink Books a sister company of PTS. Her writing career started when she wona writing competition organised by Maxis.Wadah Perpustakaan Bil.30 4

LORD BADEN POWELL LIBRARY AND ARCHIVESBy Dk. Saakdiah binti Pg. Haji OmarThe Scouts <strong>Library</strong> had existed informally since 1971 where the items acquired were kept in acorner near the Scouts Shop in the old Scouts <strong>Association</strong> building known as the ‘BangunanPertubuhan Pengakap Negeri <strong>Brunei</strong>, Jalan Gadong, Bandar Seri Begawan, <strong>Brunei</strong> <strong>Darussalam</strong>.’On 3 July 2005 the Scouts Headquarters was declared open by His Majesty Sultan Haji HassanalBolkiah, Sultan and Yang Dipertuan Negara <strong>Brunei</strong> <strong>Darussalam</strong>. A special room was providedfor the library materials.On 23 Muharram 1427 corresponding to 22 February 2006, the namaing and launching of theLord Baden Powell <strong>Library</strong> and Archives was performed by Yang DiMuliakan Pehin Setia RajaDato Seri Paduka Awang Haji Mohd Ali bin Awang Haji Mohd Daud, President of the Scouts<strong>Association</strong> in conjunction with the 50 th anniversary of the Scouts movement in the Asia Pacificregion.The boy scouts movement is an active uniformed voluntary organisation based on the scoutingknowledge developed by Lord Baden Powell. Thus this library is aptly named after the founder.Lord Baden Powell <strong>Library</strong> and Archives is under the management of the HeadquartersCommissioner assisted by a <strong>Library</strong> and Archives Committee. The Committee is headed by YangMulia Awang Haji Mohd Yussof bin Mohd Salleh as Chairman, Awang Haji Md Said bin Ismail asVice Chairman, Dayangku Saakdiah binti Pengiran Haji Omar (author) as Secretary and sixothers.Lord Baden Powell <strong>Library</strong> and Archives has two categories of materials namely local andforeign containing general reading related to scouting, reports, jamboree magazines from ASEANand the Asia Pacific region. While the archives contains newspapers, reports on activities,trainings and seminars. There are also collections of photographs, newsletters, and memorabilia.Total collection is 2,000 volumes.The library is open to members, students, undergraduates and researchers. It is open on Mondaysto Thursdays and Saturdays from 8.00am to 12.00 noon and from 2.00pm to 4.00pm. On Fridaysit opens from 8.00am to 11.45am.Besides the library there is also an exhibition gallery under the purview of the library andArchives Committee. The exhibition valued at BND$21,000 showcases the early days of thescouting in <strong>Brunei</strong> <strong>Darussalam</strong>, photographs of activities, memorabilia, scouts uniforms, medals,scarves and badges.It is hoped the Lord Baden Powell <strong>Library</strong> and Archives will be of benefit to those seekinginformation on this subject matter.Article translated into English by the EditorWadah Perpustakaan Bil.30 5

ASEAN University Network Inter-<strong>Library</strong> Online and Information NetworkingAmong ASEAN Universities (AUNILO)In September 2002, De La Salle University, Manila, hosted a “Conference on AUN Inter-<strong>Library</strong>Online” to strengthen information networking among AUN Member Universities as well as toprovide support of academic resources to the development of a virtual university. The Conferencegathered librarians and IT experts from AUN Member Universities (from UBD, RUPP, UGM,UI, UM, USM, UP, NUS, NTU, BU, CU, and VNUH) to explore the best possible way for theestablishment of AUN Inter-<strong>Library</strong> Online. A resolution to set up an AUNILO WorkingCommitteeThe terms of reference of the AUNILO Secretariat1. Coordinate AUN Secretariat and member libraries planned activities of the Committeeand monitor progress of said activities;2. Facilitate communication among member libraries;3. Act as clearing house for training and other programs; and4. Present a progress report at the annual meeting.1st Meeting : Growing people: Training andDeveloping New-Age Information Professional for Academic Libraries.28-30 April 2004,Singapore2nd Meeting : <strong>Library</strong> Service Quality Assurance.30 Nov – 2 Dec 2005. Penang.3rd Meeting : Developing Libraries Through Emerging Technologies. 18 – 20 Sept 2006. <strong>Brunei</strong><strong>Darussalam</strong>.4th Meeting Knowledge and Information Management 22-24 November 2007, Thailand5th Meeting <strong>Library</strong> Services of the AUNILO: Towards Integration.6-8 November 2008,Vietnam6 th Meeting :Access to ASEAN Collections: Building portal, bridging nations.,7-9 April 2010,IndonesiaMembersAteneo de Manila University , Burapha University ,Chulalongkorn UniversityDe La Salle University ,Institut Teknologi Bandung ,Mahidol UniversityNanyang Technological University ,National University of Laos UC,National University of Singapore ,Royal University of Phnom Penh,Universitas Gadjah Mada ,Universitas Indonesia ,Universiti <strong>Brunei</strong> <strong>Darussalam</strong>Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia ,Universiti Sains Malaysia ,University of MalayaUniversity of the Philippines ,Vietnam National University, Hanoi ,Vietnam National University,HCM . Go to page 7Wadah Perpustakaan Bil.30 6

From page 6RepositoriesThese are links to AUN Institutional Repositories..University of Malaya, Malaysia• DSpace@UM | The University of Malaya’s institutional repository• EPrints@UM | The University of Malaya’s institutional repository• MyAIS | An open access system for abstracts and indexes of articles published inrefereed scholarly Malaysian journals.• .MyManuskrip | Digital <strong>Library</strong> of Malay Manuscript offering manuscript content as wellas outputs of manuscript research such as articles, reports, theses and links to relevantsites.• Electronic Journal of University Malaya (EJUM) | Currently hosting 12 journals.National University of Singapore• ScholarBank@NUSUniversiti Kebangsaan Malaysia• UKM Institutional Repository• e-prints@UKMUniversiti Sains Malaysia• E-Prints@USMVietnam National University-Hochiminh City• Bộ sưu tập số (Digital Collection)De La Salle University, Philippines• Theses and dissertationsUniversitas Indonesia• UI-anaNanyang Technological University, Singapore• DR-NTU Digital Repository – NTU consists of 2 versions – DR-NTU (Open Access) andDR-NTU (Restricted Access). DR-NTU (Open access) focuses primarily on collectingconference papers and journal articles by NTU faculty & researchers for which publisherspermit self archiving in open access repositories. DR-NTU (Restricted access) comprisestudent submissions such as theses, work attachment reports and final year project reportsthat require user authentication to access the full text.Vietnam National University, Hanoi• Tạp chí Khoa học Achives (sixmonths after publication) of Journals of Sciences; Journal of Social Sciences &Humanities;Journal of Foreign language Studies. Articles are in Vienamese, with all abstracts inEnglish.• Trung tâm Thông tin PDF of some digital books .Source: http:// aunilo.worpress.com.From page 1Calendar of forthcoming book fairs in 2011. Bologna Book Fair 28-31 March 2011,Bangkok International Book Fair 25 March - 6 April 2011, Kuala Lumpur InternationalBook Fair 22 April-1 May 2011, London Book Fair 11-13 April 2011, SeoulInternational Book Fair n/a, Book Expo America 26-28 May 2011, Singapore WorldBook Fair n/a.Wadah Perpustakaan Bil.30 7

HAPPENINGS31 Jan 2011 1 st Annual General Meeting of PERGA <strong>Association</strong>2 Feb 2011 97 <strong>Brunei</strong>ans evacuated from Egypt arrived safely in <strong>Brunei</strong>3 Feb 2011 Chinese New Year3-15 Feb 2011 Dikir Maulud4 Feb 2011 25 th anniversary of the Council of Women of <strong>Brunei</strong> <strong>Darussalam</strong>5 Feb 2011 National Cancer Registry founded5 Feb 2011 Postal Services introduced new SMS POS services6 Feb 2011 Hoisting of giant National flag to mark start of 27 th National Day celebrations6 Feb 2011 2 nd Darusy Syifa graduation with 164 students6 Feb 2011 Soft opening of <strong>Brunei</strong> (boutique) Hotel7 Feb 2011 60 th anniversary of Girl Guides <strong>Association</strong>8 Feb 2011 Majlis Ramah Mesra Perayaan Tahun Baru Tiong Hwa 201113 Feb 2011 60 th anniversary of the Guide Guides <strong>Association</strong>15 Feb 2011 Prophet Mohammad’s Birthday16 Feb 2011 Centre for Road Safety Studies launched at ITB17 Feb 2011 Soverign Parade for 4 th intake of 18 Officer Cadets23 Feb 2011 27 th anniversary of <strong>Brunei</strong> National Day at Taman Omar Ali Saifuddien26 Feb - 7March 2011 <strong>Brunei</strong> Book Fair10 March 2011 25 th anniversary of the <strong>Brunei</strong> <strong>Library</strong> <strong>Association</strong>11-13 March 2011 2 nd Empire Open Golf ChampionshipCONSAL XV, BALI 2012Theme: Preserving Our National Heritage1 st Meeting CONSAL XV Executive Board, 29 April 2010 in Bandung2 nd Meeting CONSAL XV Executive Board, 20 April 2011 in MedanBLA menjemput ahli-ahli untuk menyertai Persidangan CONSAL ke-15. Maklumatlanjut akan menyusul.All materials are copyrighted and any form of reproduction is not permitted without the permissionof the publisher. WADAH PERPUSTAKAAN is published by © <strong>Brunei</strong> <strong>Darussalam</strong> <strong>Library</strong> <strong>Association</strong>,c/o Class 64 <strong>Library</strong>, SOASC, Jalan Tengah, Bandar Seri Begawan BS8411.email:pobox.bla@gmail.com. Editor: Nellie Dato Paduka Haji Sunny. Photo credits. Nellie. Layout:Nooralizah Mohamad and Nurul Fajrina KamaluddinWadah Perpustakaan Bil.30 8

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