Nahant Harbor Review - Nahant, Massachusetts USA

Nahant Harbor Review - Nahant, Massachusetts USA

Nahant Harbor Review - Nahant, Massachusetts USA


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NAHANT HARBOR REVIEW • MAY 2006 • Page 21The <strong>USA</strong>F Band of Liberty Coming to <strong>Nahant</strong>!!!submitted by Skip Frary, <strong>Nahant</strong> Selectman(continued from page 1.) to the modern sounds of Matt Catingub, Rob McConnelland Matt Harris. People of all ages will find a concert by the Liberty Big Band anexciting and entertaining experience.”The Band of Liberty last graced our shores, during the year-long celebration of our150th year of incorporation as a Town, in 2003. In addition to joining us at MarjoramPark, to offer a warm welcome to the air men and women of our Air Force, we hope thatall <strong>Nahant</strong>ers will find a way to show our patriotism on Flag Day by displaying “OldGlory” at their homes and businesses. Mark your calendars now and invite your friendsto join you, at this wonderful seaside event. Watch the <strong>Harbor</strong> <strong>Review</strong> for more informationnext month. You can also visit the band’s web site at www.usafbandofliberty.comStart planning now, to enjoy this wonderful evening of music and song, with familyand friends. Dig out the buntings and check out the flagpole. Consider helping a friend,or neighbor, display the flag proudly, for all to see. Let’s once again leave a long-lastingimpression of our wonderful Town with these service men and women, as they spendFlag Day here in <strong>Nahant</strong>!Thank you to <strong>Harbor</strong> <strong>Review</strong> SubscribersThank you for all the cards and letters of encouragement that you sent in with yoursubscriptions. There will be a major subscriber list update in the June <strong>Harbor</strong> <strong>Review</strong>.The MAY issue will be delivered by the <strong>Nahant</strong> Cub Scouts, Troop 50. They willbe delivering the newspapers from Saturday, April 22 and during the last week of April.They will also be seeking subscriptions so they can earn funds for their activities. If youdo not receive your newspaper by May 1st, please call 781-592-4148 and one will bedelivered to you. Thank you.Please welcome the scouts when they come to the door during the last week ofApril. Many thanks in advance for all who help by subscribing to the “little paper.”APRIL 2006 PUZZLE WINNERSThere were two winners, Sue Snow and Strates Frangules, of the APRILpuzzle. Complete the MAY puzzle and enter the contest. You, too, can win FREEbreakfast for two. Just complete the crossword puzzle, bring it to Captain SeasideRestaurant on <strong>Nahant</strong> Road and put it in the PUZZLE BOX on the counter.For more information, see Chris at Seaside Breakfast.Man’s Best Friendby Rick KennedySolution:S A K I B A B E E R M A B L E UP U N T A M O K C H I R P S E E P SA R E A L O R E L O T T O E A V E ST A L L MUD WAN T T E R R I E RS L I P R E C I T E D A N EA I M R I N M U S E E L S EP E N T A D A K A A S H A L O U DH A D A R A B P A R K B B K I N GE N D S C H O W S K Y H E R S S ER E I N S H A N O I A G U EB L E A T U R G E T O S S P R O B EP R E S W R A C K T A M E DA H A E S E C E O T Y P O S A G AS E X T E T P U L I E U R O H U MT R E A T P E P L S D G E R M A NA S S N L O S S A I D S E AS P O T L O S E R S O S L OS U S P E N D S H I H A P E T A I LA T A L E L O C A L A P I A I D L EWA T E R E R A S E L E T S F L E AS H E A B R A D A D Z E F E R N<strong>Nahant</strong> <strong>Harbor</strong> <strong>Review</strong>PO Box 88 • <strong>Nahant</strong>, MA 01908 <strong>USA</strong>DEADLINE INFORMATION forJUNE 2006All Community Calendar items, personal ads,classifieds, business ads, articles and short stories.MONDAY, MAY 15th • 5:00 P.M.Mail Date: Wednesday, MAY 31stSTAFFOwner/Editor: Donna Lee Hanlon 592-4148Sales Director: Suzanne Hamill 592-1263Assistant:Mary LoweProofreader: Harriet SteevesThe <strong>Nahant</strong> <strong>Harbor</strong> <strong>Review</strong> is published monthlyand distributed to over 2,300 homes and businessesin <strong>Nahant</strong> and beyond by Seaside Business Services,PO Box 88, <strong>Nahant</strong>, MA 01908, (781) 592-4148,Donna Lee Hanlon, Owner, Editor & Publisher.Editor reserves sole discretion for inclusion of ads,articles, letters and other submissions.Anonymously submitted articles and / or letters,unsigned or lacking author contact information, will notbe published. Exception: although not a regular practice,a writer’s identity may be withheld by request, atthe sole descretion of the editor.Articles, Notices, Letters and Calendar Items maybe submitted by: email, donna@nahant.com, or fax,(781) 581-0158, or mail, Editor, PO Box 88, <strong>Nahant</strong>,MA 01908, or to our drop-off box at the EquitableCooperative Bank on <strong>Nahant</strong> Road.The views and opinions expressed in this publicationdo not necessarily reflect those of the managementand staff of the <strong>Nahant</strong> <strong>Harbor</strong> <strong>Review</strong> orSeaside Business Services.All articles are voluntarily submitted to the<strong>Nahant</strong> <strong>Harbor</strong> <strong>Review</strong> without compensation.Help support <strong>Nahant</strong>’s ONLY communitynewspaper. Become a voluntary subscribertoday! Send $15 per subscription with mailingaddress to: <strong>Nahant</strong> <strong>Harbor</strong> <strong>Review</strong>, PO Box 88,<strong>Nahant</strong>, MA 01908. Thank you.Breakfast at the Seasidefrom 6:30 to 11:00 AM149 <strong>Nahant</strong> Road • <strong>Nahant</strong> • 581-9994Treat Mom to aspecial breakfaston Mother’s DayChris & Crew by the Sea!

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