Pre-Matric Scholarship to OBC/SEBC students ... - Stscodisha.gov.in

Pre-Matric Scholarship to OBC/SEBC students ... - Stscodisha.gov.in

Pre-Matric Scholarship to OBC/SEBC students ... - Stscodisha.gov.in


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SCHEME OF PRE-MATRIC SCHOLARSHIPS TO THE OTHERBACKWARD CLASSES FOR STUDIES IN INDIA1. OBJECTIVEEven after 51 years of <strong>in</strong>dependence and <strong>in</strong> spite of various measures taken <strong>to</strong>improve the level of education <strong>in</strong> the country, literacy levels among backward classes,particularly among women, cont<strong>in</strong>ues <strong>to</strong> be extremely low. The number of steps havealready been taken by the Government and considerable progress has been achieved<strong>in</strong> improv<strong>in</strong>g the level of literacy and education dur<strong>in</strong>g the last 51 years, but there isstill a long way <strong>to</strong> go before respectable levels of literacy are achieved. It has beenrecognized now that education and economic support for backward classes has notbeen adequate and there is disparity between them and the non-backward sections ofthe population at every level. In view of the same, it is felt that earnest efforts arerequired <strong>to</strong> <strong>in</strong>troduce various new schemes specifically for these target group i.e.backward classes <strong>to</strong> provide them a level play<strong>in</strong>g field <strong>in</strong> comparison <strong>to</strong> non-backwardsections of the population.The position of women <strong>in</strong> terms of literacy among <strong>OBC</strong>s population is also acause of concern. Consider<strong>in</strong>g the important role of women <strong>in</strong> shap<strong>in</strong>g the size of thefamily and outlook of its members, <strong>in</strong>vestment <strong>in</strong> improv<strong>in</strong>g education among womenof these communities will not only improve their social and economic status, but willalso help <strong>in</strong> accelerat<strong>in</strong>g the socio-economic development of these communities andthe nation as a whole.Experience shows that children of <strong>OBC</strong>s from the poorer section do not goschools as they often have <strong>to</strong> provide a help<strong>in</strong>g hand <strong>to</strong> their parents <strong>in</strong> traditionaloccupation or otherwise supplement the family <strong>in</strong>come. It is considered that a schemeof <strong>Pre</strong>-matric <strong>Scholarship</strong> would be helpful <strong>in</strong> spread<strong>in</strong>g education amongst suchchildren specially amongst the girl child of weaker sections. A scheme of <strong>Pre</strong>-matric<strong>Scholarship</strong> for the benefit of children belong<strong>in</strong>g <strong>to</strong> Weaker Section amongst <strong>OBC</strong>shas been formulated with the object <strong>in</strong> view.2. Scope<strong>OBC</strong>s liv<strong>in</strong>g below double the poverty l<strong>in</strong>e form a bigger chunk of a populationand there are disparities amongst <strong>OBC</strong>s themselves <strong>to</strong> start with, it is proposed <strong>to</strong>award scholarship <strong>to</strong> school go<strong>in</strong>g children of poorer <strong>OBC</strong> parents whose annual<strong>in</strong>come is below double the poverty l<strong>in</strong>e.3. ELIGIBILITY<strong>Scholarship</strong> award will be sanctioned <strong>in</strong> the case of <strong>students</strong> whose parents/guardians <strong>in</strong>come from all sources does not exceed Rs.44,500/- per annum.Note 1 : So long as either of the parents (or husband <strong>in</strong> the case of marriedunemployed girl student) are alive, only <strong>in</strong>come of the parents/husband, as the casemay be from all sources will be taken <strong>in</strong><strong>to</strong> account and of no other members evenD:\Data from Computer Cell\<strong>OBC</strong> SEC\Jena Babu\SCHEME OF PRE-MATRIC <strong>OBC</strong>-2013-14.doc

though they may be earn<strong>in</strong>g. In the form of <strong>in</strong>come declaration, <strong>in</strong>come will bedeclared on this basis. Only <strong>in</strong> the case where both the parants (or husband <strong>in</strong> thecase of married but unemployed girl student) have died, the <strong>in</strong>come of the guardianwho is support<strong>in</strong>g the student <strong>in</strong> his/her studies will have <strong>to</strong> be taken <strong>in</strong><strong>to</strong>consideration. Such <strong>students</strong> whose parent’s <strong>in</strong>come is affected due <strong>to</strong> unfortunatedeath of one of earn<strong>in</strong>g parents and resultantly comes with<strong>in</strong> the <strong>in</strong>come ceil<strong>in</strong>gprescribed under the scheme, shall become eligible for scholarship, subject <strong>to</strong> theirfulfill<strong>in</strong>g other conditions of eligibility, from the month <strong>in</strong> which such sad <strong>in</strong>cidencetaken place. Applications for scholarships from such <strong>students</strong> can be considered evenafter lapse of last date of receipt of applications, on compassionate grounds.22.Note 2 : House Rent allowance received by the parents of a student shall beexempted from the computation of “Income” if the same has been permitted <strong>to</strong> beexempted for purpose of Income-Tax.Note 3 : Income Certificate is required <strong>to</strong> be taken once only, i.e. at the time ofadmission <strong>to</strong> courses, which are cont<strong>in</strong>u<strong>in</strong>g for more than one year.4. DURATION AND COURSE OF STUDIESThe scholarships may be given <strong>to</strong> the <strong>students</strong> enrolled <strong>in</strong> Class-I or anysubsequent class of pre-matric stage <strong>in</strong> the case of Day Scholars, and Class-III or anysubsequent class of <strong>Pre</strong>-matric stage <strong>in</strong> the case of hostelers. The scholarship willterm<strong>in</strong>ate at the end of Class-X. The duration of scholarship <strong>in</strong> an academic year willbe 10 months.5. INSTITUTION OF STUDYThe scholarship will be tenable only <strong>in</strong> such <strong>in</strong>stitutions and for such prematriculationcourses, which have been duly recognized by the concerned StateGovernment and Union Terri<strong>to</strong>ry Adm<strong>in</strong>istration.6. COVERAGE VALUE OF SCHOLARSHIP AND AD-HOC GRANTI. Hostelers :The <strong>students</strong> as hostelers will be covered from class III <strong>to</strong> X. The rates ofscholarships will be as under :-Class- III <strong>to</strong> VIII : Rs.200/- per month for 10 monthsClass-IX <strong>to</strong> X : Rs.250/- per month for 10 monthsII.Day ScholarsThe <strong>students</strong> as day scholars will be covered from Class-I <strong>to</strong> Class-X. The ratesof scholarships will be as under :-Class-I <strong>to</strong> V : Rs.25/- per month for 10 monthsClass-VI <strong>to</strong> VIII : Rs.40/- per month for 10 monthsClass IX <strong>to</strong> X : Rs.50/- per month for 10 monthsD:\Data from Computer Cell\<strong>OBC</strong> SEC\Jena Babu\SCHEME OF PRE-MATRIC <strong>OBC</strong>-2013-14.doc

III.Ad-Hoc GrantAn ad-hoc grant of Rs.500/- per student per annum <strong>to</strong> all <strong>students</strong> i.e. hostelersas well as day scholars will also be given.IV. The <strong>Scholarship</strong> amount will be payable from the date of jo<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g <strong>to</strong> the date ofleav<strong>in</strong>g the school, exclud<strong>in</strong>g the period of vacation, which will be about 10 months <strong>in</strong>a year except <strong>in</strong> the cases where the <strong>students</strong> enters late or leaves early <strong>in</strong> the mids<strong>to</strong>f academic year.7. ADMINISTRATIVE AUTHORITYThe scheme will be implemented and adm<strong>in</strong>istered <strong>in</strong> accordance with theprocedure laid down by the State Govts./ UT Adm<strong>in</strong>istration <strong>in</strong> this regard.8. SELECTIONThe concerned State Governments and Union Terri<strong>to</strong>ry Adm<strong>in</strong>istrations will laydown the detailed procedure for selection of <strong>students</strong>.9. OTHER CONDITIONS FOR AWARD :i) The <strong>students</strong> may not be allowed <strong>to</strong> take up employment or render help <strong>to</strong>parents <strong>in</strong> their work dur<strong>in</strong>g the course of studies.ii)iii)iv)The award will be discont<strong>in</strong>ued if a student fails <strong>to</strong> secure annual promotionexcept <strong>in</strong> case of unavoidable reasons <strong>to</strong> be certified by the competentauthority of the scheme.If a student violates school discipl<strong>in</strong>e or any other terms and condition of thescholarship, scholarship may be suspended or even cancelled, subject <strong>to</strong> thesatisfaction of the competent school authority. The State Government/ UnionTerri<strong>to</strong>ry Adm<strong>in</strong>istrations can also directly cancel the award if duly satisfied ofthe reasons of violation of these regulations <strong>gov</strong>ern<strong>in</strong>g the scheme.Migration of <strong>students</strong> from one <strong>in</strong>stitution <strong>to</strong> another would not normally beallowed dur<strong>in</strong>g the course of academic year except under exceptionalcircumstances and <strong>in</strong> the <strong>in</strong>terest of student’s academic career.v) The scholar obta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g benefits under this scheme shall not be allowed <strong>to</strong> availof benefits under any other <strong>Pre</strong>-matric scholarship scheme.vi)vii)The <strong>students</strong> should be regular <strong>in</strong> attendance for which the yardstick shall bedecided by the competent authority of the school.The scholarship amount shall be disbursed through Bank A/c of the beneficiarystudent.10. RENEWAL OF SCHOLARSHIPThe scholarship, once awarded, may be renewed dur<strong>in</strong>g next academic yearalso by the concerned State Government/ Union Terri<strong>to</strong>ry Adm<strong>in</strong>istration unless thecompetent authority of the school recommends <strong>to</strong> the State Government/ UnionD:\Data from Computer Cell\<strong>OBC</strong> SEC\Jena Babu\SCHEME OF PRE-MATRIC <strong>OBC</strong>-2013-14.doc

Terri<strong>to</strong>ry Adm<strong>in</strong>istration, <strong>to</strong> discont<strong>in</strong>ue the award with reference <strong>to</strong> relevant clause ofthese regulations <strong>gov</strong>ern<strong>in</strong>g the scheme.11. ANNOUNCEMENT OF SCHEMEThe scheme will be announced by the concerned State Government / UnionTerri<strong>to</strong>ry Adm<strong>in</strong>istration well <strong>in</strong> time, by giv<strong>in</strong>g advertisements <strong>in</strong> the lead<strong>in</strong>g languagenewspapers local dailies and by us<strong>in</strong>g other suitable publicity media.12. MODE OF APPLYINGThe concerned Department of the State Government/ Union Terri<strong>to</strong>ryAdm<strong>in</strong>istration will supply the application forms, which should be received back by theDepartment along with prescribed certificate, by the last date.13. PATTERN OF FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE50% central assistance will be provided <strong>to</strong> State Govt. The scholarship moneywill be paid <strong>to</strong> the selected <strong>students</strong> by the State Govt./ UT Admn. <strong>to</strong> which theybelong <strong>in</strong> accordance with the procedure laid down by the State Govt. / UT Admn. <strong>in</strong>this regard. Rema<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g 50% will be borne by the State Govt. The conformed budgetavailability <strong>to</strong>wards State Govt. share of assistance will have <strong>to</strong> be shown byconcerned State Govt. while apply<strong>in</strong>g for the central assistance under the scheme. Incase of UTs 100% central assistance will be provided.14. MONITORINGThe moni<strong>to</strong>r<strong>in</strong>g of the f<strong>in</strong>ancial and physical performance of the scheme will bedone through seek<strong>in</strong>g detailed <strong>in</strong>formation from the Agencies implement<strong>in</strong>g theScheme. On the physical aspects the Agencies implement<strong>in</strong>g the scheme will berequired <strong>to</strong> furnish quarterly progress report regard<strong>in</strong>g the number of beneficiariesreceiv<strong>in</strong>g award under the scheme, both class-wise and gender-wise. On the f<strong>in</strong>ancialyear and expenditure proposed for the present f<strong>in</strong>ancial year will be submitted by theAgencies concerned. The Agencies implement<strong>in</strong>g the scheme will also be <strong>in</strong>sistedupon <strong>to</strong> submit the latest audited accounts.15. EVALUATIONThe M<strong>in</strong>istry of Social Justice & Empowerment may get the scheme evaluatedby entrust<strong>in</strong>g a research study <strong>to</strong> reputed <strong>in</strong>stitutions/ agencies, on the performance ofthe Scheme <strong>in</strong> different parts of the country, under this M<strong>in</strong>istry’s centrally sponsoredScheme of Research and Tra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g.******D:\Data from Computer Cell\<strong>OBC</strong> SEC\Jena Babu\SCHEME OF PRE-MATRIC <strong>OBC</strong>-2013-14.doc

^ìZ^ QûZâQûZâúu \eLûÉ `cðF_âûK-cûUâòKþ Éeùe @¤d^ Keê[ôaû @^ýû^ý _Qê@û aMð I iûcûRòK Z[û gòlûMZ @^Mâie aMðe QûZâQûZâúcû^u _ûAñIWÿògû ieKûe QûZâ aéò (iõ_éq aäK C^Üd^ @]ôKûeú/Ròfäû cwk @]ôKûeúu ^òKUùe _âZòahð @MÁ cûi 31ZûeòL _ìaðeê \eLûÉ \ûLf ùjaû @ûagýK)aûkK/aûkòKû/ \òaû¤ûdú/@ù«aûiú@^ýû^ý _Qê@û aMð / iûcûRòK Z[ûgòlûMZ @^Mâie(~ûjû @^ûagýK KûUò \ò@)\eLûÉKûeú ^òRe_ûiù_ûUð `ùUûùe^òRe Êûle Keòùa GaõZûjû gòlûiõiÚûe cêLýu\ßûeû @ûùUùÁW ùjûAiõfMÜ ùjaögâú~êq ......................................................., aäK ùWùbf_þùc @`òie/Ròfäû cwk @]ôKûeú, cùjû\daòbûM ‘K’ ( Part ‘A’)(\eLûÉKûeú _eòÃûe bûùa ^òR jÉûleùe _ìeY Keòùa)1ö _ìeû ^ûc gâú / Kêcûeú .....................................................................................................2ö @^ýû^ý _Qê@û aMð aû iûcûRòK Z[û gòlûMZ @^Mâie ............................................................3ö _òZû/cûZûu ^ûc ...............................................................................................4ö R^à ZûeòL .......................................................................................................5ö ]cð ....................................................6ö RûZúdZû .............................................7ö _òZû, cûZûu aéò aû ù_hû .................................................................................8ö aûkK/ aûkòKû .................................................................9ö iÚûdú aûiMéj VòKYû –eûRý .................................... Ròfäû ....................................aäK aû cŠk .......................... Zjiòf ................................WûKNe ................................. [û^û ....................................Mâûc .................................... _fäú (~\ò [ûG) ....................

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eûRÊ aòbûM @`òòieu Vûeê ÊZª aûhòðK @ûd iûUðò`òùKUþ \ûLf Keòaûe @ûagýKZû ^ûjóö ùNûhYû _ZâiVòKþ ^[ôaûe _âcûY còkòùf iõ_éq QûZâ/ QûZâú aû Zûue @bòbûaKuê aéò Uuû ù`eÉ ù\aûKê _Wòaö18ö G[ôij iõù~ûM Keòaûe \eKûeú KûMR_Zâ aû ùfLû, -(K)(L)(M)\eLûÉ ijòZ iõfMÜ ‘L’ aòbûM (Part ‘B’) `cðùe aò\ýûkd/ @^êÂû^e cêLý KcðKðûu \ßûeû _êeY KeûA\ÉLZ KeûAùaö_eògòÁ 1ùe CùfäL[ôaû ]cð aû RûZò _âcûY_Zâ \ûLf KeòùaöùKûe aýûuòwþ iêaò]û [ôaû ù~ ùKøYiò RûZúd KeY aýûuùe \eLûÉKûeúu ^ûùc RcûLûZû ùLûfò CqLûZûe Account No., IFSC Code ij _â[c _éÂûe ^Kf \eLûÉ ijòZ iõfMÜ Keòùaöcñê/ @ûù¸ GZŸßûeû ùNûhYû Keê@Qê Kò \eLûÉ ùe CfäòLôZ icÉ aòaeYú iZý @ùU Gaõ Z^à¤eê KòQò bêf_âcûY ùjùf cñê / @ûù¸ @ûA^þ @^ê~ûdú \ŠòZ ùjaê Gaõ icê\ûd aéò Uuû ù`eÉ ù\aûKê aû¤ ùjaêöi) \eLûÉKûeúu Êûleii)(K) _òZû/cûZû/Zßûa]ûeKu Êûleaû Uò_ PòjÜ(L) _ìeû ^ûc(M)QûZâu ijòZ iμKð

PART B(To be filled <strong>in</strong> by the Head of the <strong>in</strong>stitution where the applicant is study<strong>in</strong>g)(i)(ii)(iii)(iv)(v)(vi)(vii)(viii) (a)(b)The statement made by the applicant <strong>in</strong> Part Aare correct <strong>to</strong> the best of my knowledge andthe caste certificate has been checked.Character, conduct and attendance of theapplicant (general review).Whether you recommend the applicant for theaward of scholarship.If so, either as a day scholar or Boarder.Duration of the course which the applicant isstudy<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> your <strong>in</strong>stitutionDate of the commencement of the currentacademic session of this course.Exact date on which the applicant jo<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>in</strong>the Institution and course/class this year.Likely date, month and year on which theannual exam<strong>in</strong>ation <strong>in</strong> the current session willbe over (<strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g practicals).Is the applicant exempted from payment oftuition fee.If yes, please <strong>in</strong>dicate whether exemption isfor full or half tuition fee.:::: Years…………, Month…………….:::: Yes/ No:(ix) (1) Whether the applicant is resid<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> the hostelof the <strong>in</strong>stitution or an approved hostel.: Yes/ No2 If the applicant is resid<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> a hostel, please :<strong>in</strong>dicate if he/she is entitled <strong>to</strong>-(a) Free board<strong>in</strong>g :(b) Date of jo<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> the hostel/ :Name of the nearest branch of State Bank of India or theGovernment Treasury through which the payment of<strong>Scholarship</strong> desired.:Certified that this Institution is affiliated <strong>to</strong> ………………………………………University / Board andis recognized by the Government of India/State Government of ……………………. . The applicant isstudy<strong>in</strong>g …………………………course <strong>in</strong> this <strong>in</strong>stitution and the m<strong>in</strong>imum qualification required foradmission <strong>to</strong> that course is a pass <strong>in</strong> the …………………… exam<strong>in</strong>ation.

I undertake that the <strong>Scholarship</strong> amount <strong>in</strong> respect of the applicant if and when placed at my disposalwill be disbursed by me for the specific purposes for which it is given and the accounts will be regularlyrendered <strong>to</strong> the authority which awarded the scholarship. In case the applicant leaves <strong>in</strong>stitution orotherwise discont<strong>in</strong>ues the studies or accepts any other regular scholarship/stipend the fact will beimmediately reported <strong>to</strong> the said authority and payment of scholarship <strong>to</strong> the applicant will also bediscont<strong>in</strong>ued. The undisbursed amount lay<strong>in</strong>g with the <strong>in</strong>stitution on account of ma<strong>in</strong>tenance charges,fees, etc., will also be refunded <strong>in</strong> the Government account.No……………………………Place…………………………Date………………………….Signature of the Head of the Institution…………………………Name <strong>in</strong> Capital letters………………………………………….Designation…………………………………………………….Address……………………………………………………….……………………………………………………………….……………………………………………………………….Seal of theInstitution

ANNEXURE- IIFORM OF DECLARATION OF INCOMEFORM – A(To be given by the parent/ legal guardian when the student is not employed)Whereas my son/ daughter. Dependant/Shri/ Kumari ……………….. ………………………………...Student of ……………………………………………… Institution/University/College has applied for grant of<strong>Scholarship</strong>, I, Shri/ Kumari………………...………………………………………………….son/ daughter ofShri…………………………………………….. (address) ………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…………………………………. declare that my <strong>to</strong>tal annual <strong>in</strong>come from all sources <strong>in</strong> the preced<strong>in</strong>g yearend<strong>in</strong>g the 31 st March 20……… is Rs………………….. (as per details furnished below). I also affirm thatparticulars of property held by me are (as per details furnished <strong>in</strong> the schedule hereunder) and that I havecorrectly <strong>in</strong>dicated the amount of various taxes, cesses and land revenue paid by me. I made myself personallyresponsible for the accuracy of the facts and figure furnished.I, further undertake that <strong>in</strong> the event of the particulars given <strong>in</strong> this declaration be<strong>in</strong>g found <strong>to</strong> be false,I shall refund <strong>to</strong> the Government the whole amount of the said……………………………… and Governmentdecision on whether the declaration of particulars is false shall be f<strong>in</strong>al and b<strong>in</strong>d<strong>in</strong>g on me.Place…………………………Date………………………….Signature/ Thumb impression ofparent / legal guardian

FORM B(To be given by the candidate who is employed)I, Shri/ Shrimati……………………………………......, son/daughter of Shri………………………………....………………………………..(address)………………………………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………………………. am a student of………………………………….. Institution/University/College and have applied for the grant of scholarship.I hereby declare that my annual <strong>in</strong>come and the annual <strong>in</strong>come of other members of my family from allsources <strong>in</strong> the preced<strong>in</strong>g year end<strong>in</strong>g the 31 st March………. is Rs. ………………..as per details furnishedbelow. I further declare that the particulars of property held by me and the other members of my family are asshown below and that I have correctly <strong>in</strong>dicated the amount of various taxes, cesses and revenue paid byme/us. I am personally responsible for the accuracy of the facts and figures furnished.2. I hereby declare and undertake that <strong>in</strong> the event of the particulars given <strong>in</strong> this declaration be<strong>in</strong>gfound <strong>to</strong> be false (<strong>in</strong> respect of which the Government decision shall be f<strong>in</strong>al and b<strong>in</strong>d<strong>in</strong>g on me). I shallrefund <strong>to</strong> the Government the whole amount of the scholarship paid <strong>to</strong> me.3. I have a family <strong>to</strong> support and is consist<strong>in</strong>g of ……………………………….. members.4. Please state whether you have taken prior permission of your appo<strong>in</strong>t<strong>in</strong>g authority for prosecut<strong>in</strong>ghigher studies.Place…………………Date………………..SignatureANNEXURE IIISCHEDULEI. Extent of land held - : (as owner / tenant)(i) Area (Hectare of land) :(ii) Village :(iii) Survey No. and Revenue assessment : (houses, shop, build<strong>in</strong>gs, house-site)(iv) Annual <strong>in</strong>come from land :II. Property held -(i) House No. :(ii) State) :(iii) Village / Town / City :(iv) Area of site :(v) Rent derived, if any :(vi) House-tax paid :(vii) Address of shop :

(viii) Nature of trade :(ix) Sales tax / Income tax :(x) Licence No. :III. Salaries drawn -(i) Name of employer with designation and :address.(ii) Office / Unit <strong>in</strong> which he / she is work<strong>in</strong>g. :(iii) Address :(iv) Monthly emoluments :(v) Other benefits like house rent allowance, free :house and other perquisites.IV. Others -(i) Income from Subsidiary Industries Part-time :occupations.(ii) Amounts drawn as wages :(iii) Any other <strong>in</strong>come :Place……………………..Date……………………..Signature of left / right thumb impressionName……………………………………Address………………………………….…………………………………………..N.B.- Mostly the <strong>in</strong>come declaration will be verified with reference <strong>to</strong> official records. As for example <strong>in</strong> the case of Government servantsof those <strong>in</strong> private services, the <strong>in</strong>come can be verified by a reference <strong>to</strong> the employees. In the case of agriculturist by a reference <strong>to</strong> theRevenue Officer, <strong>in</strong> the case of persons pay<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>come tax reference may be made <strong>to</strong> <strong>in</strong>come tax authorities. In the case of shopkeeper,reference may be made <strong>to</strong> sales tax figures, Sales tax figures could <strong>in</strong> turn, assum<strong>in</strong>g a normal profit of 10% <strong>in</strong> case of retailers and 15%<strong>to</strong> 20% <strong>in</strong> the case of wholesale dealers for gra<strong>in</strong>s, etc. and normally 15% <strong>to</strong> 20% for non-food items given an idea of profit. In the case ofthose own<strong>in</strong>g houses annual rental value can be easily known by a reference <strong>to</strong> house-tax which is fixed on the basis of rental value. In thecase of landless labourers, small holders, tenant of small areas on those who comb<strong>in</strong>e this a rough idea of the <strong>in</strong>come can be obta<strong>in</strong>ed by astudy of the size and land held and extent of land cultivated as owner/ tenant or held and extent of land cultivated as owner/ tenant or bothand / or by a reference <strong>to</strong> land revenue records.

FORM No.2FORM OF CERTIFICATE TO BE ISSUED BY THE HEAD OF EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION.IN CASE OF RENEWAL OF PRE-MATRIC SCHOLARSHIPCertified that the follow<strong>in</strong>g <strong>students</strong> of this <strong>in</strong>stitution whose details are given below were <strong>in</strong> receipt of <strong>Pre</strong>-<strong>Matric</strong> <strong>Scholarship</strong> under the M<strong>in</strong>orities & Backward Classes WelfareDepartment dur<strong>in</strong>g the year ………………..Sl.No.Name of the Student ReligionWhether<strong>OBC</strong>/<strong>SEBC</strong>Sub-CasteClass <strong>in</strong> whichhe/she studiedlast year( )If promoted, class <strong>in</strong>which he/ she is study<strong>in</strong>gdur<strong>in</strong>g this yearWhether hostelleror day-scholar (<strong>in</strong>current academicSession)Remarks1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 912345678Hence, I recommend for award of <strong>Pre</strong>-matric <strong>Scholarship</strong> <strong>in</strong> favour of the above-mentioned <strong>students</strong> for the said classes dur<strong>in</strong>g the current academic session of……………………………………………………I undertake that the scholarship amount <strong>in</strong> respect of the student, if and when placed at my disposal will be disbursed by me for the specific purpose for which it is given andaccounts will be regularly rendered <strong>to</strong> the authority which award the scholarship. In case the student leaves the <strong>in</strong>stitution or otherwise discont<strong>in</strong>ues the studies or receipts any other regularscholarship/stipend, the fact will be immediately reported <strong>to</strong> the said authority and the payment of scholarship <strong>to</strong> the student will also be discont<strong>in</strong>ued.No. ………………………………….Place ………………………………..Date ……………………………….Signature of the Head of the InstitutionDesignation (Seal)N.B. – (i) The names of all <strong>OBC</strong>/<strong>SEBC</strong> <strong>students</strong> of the <strong>in</strong>stitution should be cont<strong>in</strong>uously enlisted prior <strong>to</strong> the portion of recommendation/ undertak<strong>in</strong>g;(ii) Separate forms should be used for <strong>OBC</strong> and <strong>SEBC</strong> <strong>students</strong>.

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