Technology: The Vehicle for Instructional Change - Coppell ...

Technology: The Vehicle for Instructional Change - Coppell ...

Technology: The Vehicle for Instructional Change - Coppell ...


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<strong>Technology</strong>: <strong>The</strong> <strong>Vehicle</strong><strong>for</strong> <strong>Instructional</strong> <strong>Change</strong><strong>Technology</strong> Leadership RetreatJune 11, 2008© <strong>Coppell</strong> ISD, all rights reserved

Handouts & Resources• Parent/Student Laptop Handbook• New Tech High <strong>Technology</strong> Menu• SmartBoard 680i Gen 2http://www.smarttech.com• Smart Tech. AirLiner Wireless Slatehttp://www.smarttech.com• Presentation available at:http://www.coppellisd.com/newtech/presentations© <strong>Coppell</strong> ISD, all rights reserved

How Did We Get Here?© <strong>Coppell</strong> ISD, all rights reserved

How did We Get Here?Three parallel searches– <strong>Coppell</strong> HS overcrowded• Education Summit (2005)• Grade Alignment Committee (2006)• Board/Curriculum Research (2007)• Pinnacle 2010 (2007)– Community Symposium• Are we preparing our students <strong>for</strong> the 21 st Century?– Visioning Institute• Time to change public schools© <strong>Coppell</strong> ISD, all rights reserved

A Different Approach IsNeeded“We are not keeping up internationally,but more importantly, we are notkeeping up with demands of society……We need to prepare students <strong>for</strong> theirfuture, not our past.”--Bill Daggett

Model For 21 st CenturyLearning• 21 st Century Learner Framework• Problem/Project Based Learning• <strong>Technology</strong> Infusion• Collaborative Approach to Learning• Relevance, Rigor and Relationships

Why are 21st CenturySkills Important?• <strong>Technology</strong> and advanced communication havetrans<strong>for</strong>med the way we work and live• Rapid changes in the economic, technological,in<strong>for</strong>mational, demographic and politicallandscape• <strong>The</strong> workplace is demanding more highly skilledworkers• Employment readiness skills are continuallybeing re-defined• Education must adapt to these changes and“bridge the gap between how students live andhow they learn”-Adapted from Learning <strong>for</strong> the 21st Century

21 st Century LearnersOutcomes1. Core Knowledge2. Learning and Innovation Skills– Creativity and Innovation Skills– Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills– Communication and Collaboration Skills3. In<strong>for</strong>mation, Media and <strong>Technology</strong> Skills– In<strong>for</strong>mation Literacy– Media Literacy– ICT Literacy4. Life and Career Skills– Flexibility & Adaptability– Initiative & Self-Direction– Social & Cross-Cultural Skills– Productivity & Accountability– Leadership & Responsibility•http://www.21stcenturyskills.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=254&Itemid=120

How Do We Prepare Students<strong>for</strong> 21 st Century Learning?http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2yCB4i7GJuM

<strong>Technology</strong> • <strong>Technology</strong> is thetool, not the focus• 1:1 Computer ratio• Learning System• Wireless Integration• Digital Video Wall• Video Production &Content Creation• InteractiveWhiteboards© <strong>Coppell</strong> ISD, all rights reserved

1:1 Computer Ratio• Dell Latitude D530• Dual core processor• 2 gig memory• CDRW/DVD• Backpack• Spare battery© <strong>Coppell</strong> ISD, all rights reserved


NTH Learning SystemTOOLBOXINSTRUCTIONAL TOOLSProject BriefcaseStudent JournalCourse Agenda

TOOLS: PROJECT BRIEFCASE<strong>The</strong> Project Briefcase allows<strong>The</strong> Project Briefcase allowsteachers to put all projectmaterials in one spot <strong>for</strong>easy student access and toshare with other teachers.

TOOLS: STUDENT JOURNAL<strong>The</strong> digital Student Journalallows teachers to enter prompts<strong>for</strong> student response. Entriescan be grouped by topics,projects, or any other category.

TOOLS: COURSE AGENDA<strong>The</strong> Course Agenda helpskeep complicated projectsorganized.

NTH Learning System TOOLBOXASSESSMENT TOOLSNTHS GradebookCollaboration EvaluatorPortfolio GuidelinesPresentation Evaluation Database

TOOLS: PEER COLLABORATION EVALUATORAt the end of each project,students evaluate theirgroup members using thiscollaboration rubricdatabase.

TOOLS: DIGITAL PORTFOLIO GUIDELINES<strong>The</strong> Professional Portfolio is thecapstone of the NTHS LearningSystem. NTHS’s entirecurriculum serves eight overalllearning outcomes. In theirportfolios, students demonstratetheir proficiency in all eightoutcomes.

Digital Student Portfolios

TOOLS: PRESENTATION EVALUATION DATABASE<strong>The</strong> Presentation Database is aplace to record and displayevaluations of student per<strong>for</strong>manceon presentations. Collecting data onour learning outcomes is critical <strong>for</strong>the student’s Professional Portfolio.

NTH Learning System TOOLBOXCOMMUNICATION TOOLSStudent Bulletin BoardStaff Agenda and Communication

TOOLS: DISCUSSION BULLETIN BOARDS<strong>The</strong> Bulletin Board toolallows students to shareideas. This particular one isfrom a project wherestudents were asked tocreate political parties. Oftenthe parties had students fromdifferent periods.

TOOLS: STAFF AGENDA AND DISCUSSION<strong>The</strong> staff agenda anddiscussion database helpscreate a culture of innovationand consensus. Issues areproposed and discussedonline be<strong>for</strong>e staff meetings.

Wireless Integration• Cisco 1252 a/g/n• 100% BuildingCoverage• Roaming Capability© <strong>Coppell</strong> ISD, all rights reserved

Digital Video Wall• 3x3 Wall Config• 9 Samsung460UX monitors• Student Projects• District content© <strong>Coppell</strong> ISD, all rights reserved

Video Production andCreation• Apple Mac Proworkstations(Graphic Arts Lab)• Digital camcorders• Digital cameras© <strong>Coppell</strong> ISD, all rights reserved

Interactive Whiteboards• Smartboard 680iGeneration 2• Integrated projector• Multi-user function• Incorporate video andonline resources• Encourages interaction• Smartboard software© <strong>Coppell</strong> ISD, all rights reserved

Laptop Expectations andResponsibilities• Terms of Laptop Loan• Use & Maintenance Fee• Fair Market Value• Estimated Repair Pricing• Financial Hardships**Complete details of expectations andresponsibilities are located within the CISDParent/Student Laptop Handbook© <strong>Coppell</strong> ISD, all rights reserved

Terms of the Laptop LoanTerms• Parent/Student will pay a nonrefundable annual use andmaintenance fee of $50 on or be<strong>for</strong>e taking possession ofthe property.• Comply at all times with the <strong>Coppell</strong> ISD Parent/StudentLaptop Handbook and Acceptable Use Policy.• Any failure to comply may terminate student rights ofpossession effectively immediately and the District mayrepossess the property.Title• Legal title to the property is in the District and shall at alltimes remain in the District. Student right of possessionand use is limited to and conditioned upon full andcomplete compliance with District Agreement and theParent/Student Laptop Handbook.© <strong>Coppell</strong> ISD, all rights reserved

Terms of the Laptop LoanLoss or Damage(cont.)• If the property is damaged, lost or stolen, student is responsible<strong>for</strong> repair costs or its fair market value on the date of loss.• Loss or theft of the property must be reported to the District bythe next school day after the occurrence.• Table of estimated pricing <strong>for</strong> a variety of repairs is included in theParent/Student Laptop Handbook.• Seniors must clear all records and pay all fees be<strong>for</strong>e participatingin graduation ceremonies.Repossession• If student does not timely and fully comply with all terms ofDistrict Agreement and the Parent/Student Laptop Handbook,including the timely return of the property, the District shall beentitled to declare student in default and come to their place ofresidence, or other location of the property, to take possession ofthe property.© <strong>Coppell</strong> ISD, all rights reserved

Terms of the Laptop Loan(cont.)Term of Agreement• Student right to use and possession of theproperty terminates not later than the last day ofthe school year unless earlier terminated by theDistrict or upon withdrawal from the District.Appropriation• Student failure to timely return the property andthe continued use of it <strong>for</strong> nonschool purposeswithout the District’s consent may be consideredunlawful appropriation of the District’s property.© <strong>Coppell</strong> ISD, all rights reserved

Use & Maintenance FeeStudents will pay a non-refundable annual use &maintenance fee of $50.• Students will pay fee on or be<strong>for</strong>e taking possession of thelaptop.• In case of theft, vandalism, and other criminal acts, a policereport MUST be filed by the student or parent within48 hours of the occurrence. Incidents happening offcampus must be reported to the police by the parentand a copy of the report be brought to the school.• If laptop is stolen and student reports the theft (by the nextschool day) and police filed a report, then the student will beresponsible <strong>for</strong> $200 <strong>for</strong> replacement cost instead of the FairMarket Value.© <strong>Coppell</strong> ISD, all rights reserved

Use & Maintenance Fee (cont.)• If laptop is stolen or lost, students/parents areresponsible to pay <strong>for</strong> the fair market value to replacethe laptop (see Table of Fair Market Value).• Student will be charged the full price of the laptopif deliberately damaged or vandalized.• Seniors must clear all records and pay all fees be<strong>for</strong>eparticipating in graduation.• Students/Parents are responsible <strong>for</strong> reasonable cost ofrepair <strong>for</strong> damaged laptops (see Table of EstimatedRepair Pricing).© <strong>Coppell</strong> ISD, all rights reserved

Table of Fair Market ValueAge of Laptop Value1 year or less $5002 years $4003 years $3004 years $200*Original cost to the District is currently $1,130© <strong>Coppell</strong> ISD, all rights reserved

Table of Estimated Repair PricingRepairLoss, DeliberateDamage, orNeglectAccidental DamageBroken Screen (LCD) $250 $100Keyboard $15Power Adapter $40Battery $100Re-image of HardDrive due to violationof AUP$20 $20Abandonment Fee $20 $20Backpack $50*<strong>The</strong> costs of any other parts needed <strong>for</strong> repairs will be based onmanufacturer’s current price list.© <strong>Coppell</strong> ISD, all rights reserved

Financial HardshipsBased on TEC 11.158, the school district may requirepayment of a reasonable fee, not to exceed the actualannual maintenance cost <strong>for</strong> the use of musical instrument,[technology] and uni<strong>for</strong>ms owned or rented by the district.If this fee creates a financial hardship on the student orparent from obtaining a laptop, please contact the campusadministration about options to waive the fee. Upon proofof financial hardship, the administration may elect to:• Create a payment plan <strong>for</strong> the student to pay out feesover time• Allow reduced payment of the fee• Allow student to conduct community service equal invalue to the fee© <strong>Coppell</strong> ISD, all rights reserved

How are we going tosupport & train our staff?© <strong>Coppell</strong> ISD, all rights reserved

Staff DevelopmentOngoing in the following areas:• Integration & utilization of New Tech Learning system in aProject Based Learning environment• SmartBoard Interactive Whiteboard & AirLiner integration• Review of proper maintenance & care of laptops by CISD<strong>Technology</strong> Department• <strong>Instructional</strong> software support by dedicated <strong>Technology</strong>Specialist at campus and Integration Specialists• Embedded uses of digital, video and document camerasExpectation....• New Tech High @ <strong>Coppell</strong> will be the test bed <strong>for</strong> the restof the district.© <strong>Coppell</strong> ISD, all rights reserved

Campus Support• <strong>Technology</strong> Specialist dedicated tocampus <strong>for</strong> both instructional &technical support.• Additional support from PC SupportTechnicians and/or Network Engineersas needed.• Future student involvement• Take the rest as it comes!!!© <strong>Coppell</strong> ISD, all rights reserved

What does it cost & howare we going to sustain it?© <strong>Coppell</strong> ISD, all rights reserved

What does it cost?New <strong>Technology</strong> Foundation Costs:Learning SystemTraining & TravelPlanning PhaseStartup PhaseYear 1 SupportYear 2 SupportYear 3 SupportSummer Conference – Year 2Summer Conference – Year 33 Year Total Cost$150,000$50,000$25,000$25,000$70,000$60,000$45,000$12,500$12,500$450,000© <strong>Coppell</strong> ISD, all rights reserved

What does it cost? (cont.)Dell Laptops & Mac Pro WorkstationsDell Laptop Battery Charging BaysInteractive Whiteboards & AirLinersDigital, Document & Video CamerasVideo WallDigital Streaming Services (inCommandBroadcasting)Data & Voice HardwareCabling InfrastructureSurface Raceway & Power<strong>Instructional</strong> SoftwarePrinting & Copy Needs3 Year Total Cost$584,825$27,529$47,123$21,540$40,000FREE (Donated)$35,000$78,892$115,000$11,299$34,412$995,620© <strong>Coppell</strong> ISD, all rights reserved

What does it cost? (cont.)Overall Cost <strong>for</strong> 3 Years:New <strong>Technology</strong> Foundation $450,000<strong>Technology</strong> Infrastructure $995,620<strong>Technology</strong> Specialist $50,000Total $1,495,620**All items within first 3 years are being purchasedwith existing <strong>Technology</strong> bond dollars© <strong>Coppell</strong> ISD, all rights reserved

How are we going to fundit after year 3?• Future bond election involving Northlakeproperty and possible new buildingconstruction• <strong>Technology</strong> Allotment dollars• Maintenance & Operation dollars• New Tech Advisory Board donations• Corporate donations• Do you want to donate? ☺© <strong>Coppell</strong> ISD, all rights reserved

What happens to studentlaptops after they graduate?• Current laptop replacement schedule is 5years.• All laptops are purchased with a 5 yearwarranty.• Student laptops will be collected androtated down to elementary schools afteryear 4.• All laptops rotated down to elementaryschools will be replaced after year 5 as apart of the District replacement schedule.© <strong>Coppell</strong> ISD, all rights reserved

A Taste of New-Tech!© <strong>Coppell</strong> ISD, all rights reserved

Reflections• If a NTH@C graduate applied <strong>for</strong> ajob in your company or to attendyour university/school, what wouldyou expect to see from them thatyou would not see from a candidatefrom a traditional school setting?• In regards to meeting the needs ofthe 21 st century learner, what havewe missed?© <strong>Coppell</strong> ISD, all rights reserved

Contact In<strong>for</strong>mationChad BranumExecutive Director of <strong>Technology</strong>cbranum@coppellisd.com(214) 496-6900Sherrye DotsonAsst. Supt. <strong>for</strong> Curriculum & Instructionsdotson@coppellisd.com(214) 496-7002Contact <strong>for</strong> ToursTabitha BranumDirector – New Tech High @ <strong>Coppell</strong>tbranum@coppellisd.com(214) 496-5900© <strong>Coppell</strong> ISD, all rights reserved

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