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Student’s Name: _____________________________________________________________________________KAPPA DELTA HOUSING <strong>CONTRACT</strong> 2009-10LICENSE AGREEMENTThe parties to this License Agreement (hereinafter referred to as “Contract”) for room and board andmembership benefits are the __________________________________, (referred to as "HouseCorporation" or "Corporation"), and the undersigned student member ("referred to as Resident") of__________ chapter of <strong>Kappa</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> Sorority, and the undersigned Guarantor(s). The Premises for whichroom and board are provided is located at____________________________________________________________________________________(referred to as “Chapter House”)1.Contract Term: (check one)The "Term" of this Contract is for the entire Academic Year of (university name) (referred to as“University”) commencing when the Chapter House opens for recruitment and fall classes at theUniversity and terminating on the last day of Final Exams of the Spring Term, as scheduled by theUniversity for 2009-2010. The Chapter House will be closed during university breaks. Holding overbeyond the expiration is not permitted.Full Academic Year–-fall and spring termsFall Semester Only(House corporation permission required)Spring Semester Only (House corporation permission required)Reason: ________________________________________________________________Any undergraduate member of (chapter name), returning to the(university name) for the purpose of entering school, regardless ofthe number of course hours carried, must live in the chapter house,when there is space available, or forfeit all rights and privileges as amember of (chapter name), of <strong>Kappa</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> Sorority, and is subjectto National Probation by the National Council. This agreement iscontained in the membership expectation contracts, which aresigned by members each year and a copy sent to the member’sparent upon pledging. Failure to live in the chapter house withoutthe required approval of the House Corporation also will subject themember to National Probation by the National Council. This rulingis based on <strong>Kappa</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> Standards of Ethical Conduct andNational House Rules and membership expectations contract.2.Payment Terms: All sums due and payable under this Contract are referred to as Term BasicCharges.Deposit amount: $________ DUE IN FULL WHEN <strong>CONTRACT</strong> IS SUBMITTEDDeposit will be retained if Resident fails to move in for any reason, the Contract is not completed forthe entire school year, or if the room does not pass inspection after each Resident moves out. Thedeposit shall be held by the House Corporation and may be applied to remedy any default of the Residentunder the terms and conditions of this Contract. The deposit shall be refunded to the Resident upon theResident’s full performance of her obligations under this Contract. Written request must be made to havethe deposit refundedRoom and board: (amount and payment terms)1

Other charges: (here set forth if applicable)3.House corporation responsibilities.a) The House Corporation shall furnish room and board accommodations and membership benefitsduring the school year as determined by sorority and university calendars, and agrees to operate andmaintain the house in compliance with (university name) standards for approved student housing.b) If the chapter house becomes uninhabitable by reason of fire, windstorm or other similar casualty, theHouse Corporation may cancel this Contract, or provide comparable alternate housing it findspractical at such time.c) This Contract is a license for living space in the chapter house and not for any particular room. TheHouse Corporation reserves the right to assign the Resident to a room and to change this roomassignment. The House Corporation reserves the right to assign and change the roommate(s).d) Meals shall be provided at the particular time and place as set forth in the meal schedule determinedby the house director. Reasonable (the reasonableness of which shall be in the sole discretion of thehouse director or House Corporation) accommodations will be made for Residents whose class orwork schedules make them unable to attend the regularly scheduled meal times.4.Resident responsibilities.a) Payments due. In consideration for such room, board and membership benefits, the Residentshall pay the Term Basic Charges specified above during the Term of this Contract. By signingand returning this Contract, the undersigned parent/legal guardian as guarantor approves thisContract and agrees to guarantee payment of the obligation herein created. The parent/legalguardian as guarantor agrees to make any payment that is more than 30 days past due promptlyupon notification of the delinquent status of the Resident's account. This includes but is notlimited to interest charges on the unpaid sum at a rate no higher than the maximum lawful rate ofinterest and all cost of collection, including reasonable attorney’s fees, which the HouseCorporation may incur with collection therewith. These charges are due and payable whether ornot a bill is presented. Any exception to the payment schedule contained herein must bediscussed with the House Corporation board and a payment plan must be in place.b) Membership in Good Standing of National and Local <strong>Kappa</strong> <strong>Delta</strong>. Resident shall at all timesduring the Term of the Housing Contract be a member or new member in good standing ofNational <strong>Kappa</strong> <strong>Delta</strong>, and the ____________ chapter of <strong>Kappa</strong> <strong>Delta</strong>.c) Enrollment and Attendance at the University. Resident shall be enrolled and attending theUniversity.d) Rules and Regulations Resident shall at all times abide by the Rules and Regulations of theUniversity, National and local Chapter of <strong>Kappa</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> Sorority, in effect at all times, including, butnot limited to the <strong>Kappa</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> Standards of Ethical Conduct, <strong>Kappa</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> Sorority Policy onAlcohol, <strong>Kappa</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> Sorority Membership Expectations Contract, National House Rules, and_________ House Rules as recognized by the chapter and house corporation, all of which areincorporated herein by reference as if fully set forth and made a part of this Housing Contract.5.Damage. Damage to a room or its furniture beyond ordinary wear and tear will be charged to theResident(s) occupying the room. Damage to rooms or property used in common with other students willbe charged to all such students equally. If responsibility for damage is acknowledged by one or morestudents, the damage will be charged to such students.6.2

f) The student or a member of her family suffers a serious illness, which requires the student tospend the majority of her time off the campus of (campus name). Documentation must besubmitted to the House Corporation testifying to these circumstances;g) or such other extenuating circumstances as the House Corporation Board may determine fromtime to time in its sole discretion.The Resident forfeits any deposits. In the event of default on this Contract or termination as providedabove, the Resident and parent or legal guardian as guarantor shall be liable for all obligations underthis Contract. These obligations would normally accrue up through the end of the term during whichthe termination action was taken and include room rent, board, dues and all other fees which are tobe paid in full by all initiated members should they not finish the current term. If any amounts dueand owing as a result of such termination are not paid by the Resident within 30 days thereof, theundersigned parent/ legal guardian or guarantor agrees to promptly make said payment uponnotification of the termination action and the balance remaining to be paid.17.Termination procedure. In the event that this Contract is terminated by the House Corporationand/or the Sorority prior to the expiration hereof, the rights and responsibilities of the parties hereto shallbe as follows:a) The Resident shall be responsible for any and all charges incurred pursuant to this Contract up toand including the effective date of the termination of this Contract.b) The House Corporation Board shall calculate the amount of the Term Basic Charges that may bereturned to the Resident within thirty (30) days of the effective date of the termination of thisContract. The House Corporation may prorate the Board fee in its sole discretion, but the Room,Maintenance and other fees are non-refundable.c) The rights and obligations of the parties shall continue to be in full force and effect during anyapplicable notice periods.18.Internet Service. (EXAMPLE—ALTER to fit your Internet situation) The Residenthas access to the Chapter Internet service. Use of the service is voluntary. To access the wirelessservice, the Resident must provide a wireless card for her computer. A computer cable is provided fordirect connection to the Internet in each bedroom. Computer cables are the property of the HouseCorporation and may not be removed from the house. The Resident is required to install anti-virussoftware on her computer and update it regularly according to instructions provided by the HouseCorporation’s computer contractor. The Resident will be responsible to follow all instructions of thecontractor regarding virus elimination, software patches, and any other procedures necessary toensure the security and proper functioning of the service and all computers using the service. TheHouse Corporation is not responsible for temporary loss of service due to electrical power outage,service provider outage, virus contamination, or problems resulting from the failure of a Resident(s) tofollow recommendations of the computer contractor.19.License not transferable. This license is not transferable without the written consent of theHouse Corporation. No consent shall be given unless the proposed assignee meets all qualifications ofthe original Resident to this Contract and is a currently matriculated member or new member of________________________________ chapter of <strong>Kappa</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> Sorority.5

This Contract shall be signed and returned to the (state who) who is a member of the House Corporation withthe deposit stated herein.The Resident and her undersigned parent(s) or legal guardian(s) shall be jointly and severally liable for theResident’s full and faithful performance of the terms and conditions of this Contract.RESIDENTBy:___________________________________________(Print Name)_____________________________________________________________________________Date<strong>HOUSE</strong> CORPORATION BOARDBy:___________________________________________(Print Name___________________________________________(Signature)___________________________________________ DateGUARANTOR:PARENT(S) or LEGAL GUARDIAN(S)By:___________________________________________(Print Name)___________________________________________(Signature)___________________________________________ DateResident’s School Address: ____________________________________________________________________Resident’s e-mail address: ____________________________________________________________________Resident’s Contact phone number: ____________________________________________________________Resident’s Social Security Number_____________________________________________________________Parent’s Home Address: ______________________________________________________________________Parent’s Home Telephone Number (with area code): _________________________________________Parent’s e-mail address: ________________________________________________________________________6

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