The Astrology of Local Space - Matrix Software

The Astrology of Local Space - Matrix Software

The Astrology of Local Space - Matrix Software


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Astrology</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Local</strong> <strong>Space</strong>2 degrees. In other words, a move to Ann Arbor was amove in the direction <strong>of</strong> my natal Jupiter. Jupiter rulesmy Ascendant and its position above the 7th housecusp had made it very prominent in any analysis <strong>of</strong>my chart.I wondered at such a coincidence and set out toanswer some <strong>of</strong> the other questions that now beganpopping up in my mind. What about the other places Ihad lived or to which I had traveled or thought <strong>of</strong>travelling to? <strong>The</strong> history <strong>of</strong> my travel came before mymind...some places <strong>of</strong> joy and learning, others <strong>of</strong>sorrow and pain. I plotted the directions andcalculated the charts for all <strong>of</strong> these places and what Ifound through reading these charts wasoverwhelming. It marked my initial surrender to whatnow appears to be, for me, a major discovery in mypersonal astrological life, that <strong>of</strong> an astrology <strong>of</strong> localspace.44

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