Circular to Amplats Shareholders - Anglo American Platinum

Circular to Amplats Shareholders - Anglo American Platinum

Circular to Amplats Shareholders - Anglo American Platinum


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“Final Period”“Final Period Equity Trigger”“First Period”“First Period Equity Trigger”“Foundation Period”the period commencing on the Closing Date and expiring on (andincluding) the earlier of:(i) the Final Trigger Date, as fully defined in Annexure 4 <strong>to</strong> this <strong>Circular</strong>;and(ii) the End Date;the quotient of:(i) R2 000 000 000; and(ii) the number of Subscription Shares issued and allotted <strong>to</strong> the Trustat the Closing Date;the period commencing on the Closing Date and expiring on (andincluding) the fifth anniversary of the Closing Date;the quotient of:(i) R1 400 000 000; and(ii) the number of Subscription Shares issued and allotted <strong>to</strong> the Trustat the Closing Date;the period commencing on the Closing Date and ending on the daypreceding the second anniversary of the Closing Date;“General Meeting” the General Meeting of <strong>Amplats</strong> <strong>Shareholders</strong> <strong>to</strong> be held at 12:00on Wednesday, 14 December 2011, at the registered office of <strong>Amplats</strong>,55 Marshall Street, Johannesburg, <strong>to</strong> consider and, if deemed fit, passwith or without modification the special and ordinary resolutions set outin the Notice of General Meeting, and including any adjournment of suchmeeting;“Group”“HEPS”“IFRS”“Income Tax Act”“Independent Trustee”“JSE”<strong>Amplats</strong> and any of its subsidiaries, joint ventures or associates from time<strong>to</strong> time;headline EPS as calculated in terms of <strong>Circular</strong> 3/2009 on HeadlineEarnings issued by The South African Institute of Chartered Accountants;International Financial Reporting Standards;the Income Tax Act (Act 58 of 1962), as amended;a Trustee who or which satisfies the qualification criteria set out in theTrust Deed for appointment as an Independent Trustee, and who or whichhas been appointed as an Independent Trustee in terms of the Trust Deed;JSE Limited (registration number 2005/022939/06), a company licensed<strong>to</strong> operate an exchange under the Securities Services Act;“King III” King Report on Corporate Governance for South Africa – 2009;“KPI”“KPI Cash Incentive”“LSA”“LSA NPC”“Last Practicable Date”key performance indica<strong>to</strong>rs relating <strong>to</strong> health and safety on and off theMines, which have been determined, in the sole discretion of RPM,as being applicable <strong>to</strong> a particular Mine during any year;the payments made or <strong>to</strong> be made by RPM, in its sole discretion, <strong>to</strong> thoseBeneficiaries, excluding the LSA NPC, which have achieved the KPIs se<strong>to</strong>ut during that year;the predominant labour sending areas from where migrant workers<strong>to</strong> the Mines are drawn within South Africa and the greater SouthernAfrican region;the non-profit company <strong>to</strong> be incorporated by the Company in accordancewith the Companies Act for the benefit of the residents of the LSAs;4 November 2011, being the last practicable date prior <strong>to</strong> releaseof the detailed terms announcement of the Community DevelopmentTransaction on SENS;7

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