Circular to Amplats Shareholders - Anglo American Platinum

Circular to Amplats Shareholders - Anglo American Platinum

Circular to Amplats Shareholders - Anglo American Platinum


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PLATINUMANGLO AMERICAN PLATINUM LIMITED(formerly <strong>Anglo</strong> <strong>Platinum</strong> Limited)(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)Registration number 1946/022452/06Share code: AMS ISIN: ZAE000013181(“<strong>Amplats</strong>” or the “Company”)FORM OF PROXYFor use only by <strong>Amplats</strong> <strong>Shareholders</strong> of Certificated <strong>Amplats</strong> Shares and holders of Dematerialised Shares held through a CSDP and who haveelected “own name” registration in the Register maintained by the CSDPs, at the General Meeting of the Company (“General Meeting”) <strong>to</strong> be heldat 12:00, on Wednesday, 14 December 2011 in the Audi<strong>to</strong>rium, 18th Floor, 55 Marshall Street, Johannesburg, 2001 or at any adjournment thereof.If you are an <strong>Amplats</strong> Shareholder entitled <strong>to</strong> attend, speak at and vote at the General Meeting you can appoint a proxy or proxies <strong>to</strong> attend, vote andspeak in your stead. A proxy need not be a shareholder of the Company.If you are a holder of <strong>Amplats</strong> Shares in the Company and have Dematerialised your <strong>Amplats</strong> Shares through a CSDP or broker (and have notselected “own name” registration in the sub-Register maintained by a CSDP or broker), do not complete this form of proxy but instruct your CSDPor broker <strong>to</strong> issue you with the necessary letter of representation <strong>to</strong> attend the General Meeting, or if you do not wish <strong>to</strong> attend, provide your CSDPor broker with your voting instructions in terms of your cus<strong>to</strong>dy agreement entered in<strong>to</strong> with it.I/We(full names in BLOCK LETTERS)of (address)being a holder/s of <strong>Amplats</strong> Shares, hereby appoint (see note 2):1. of (or failing him/her),2. of (or failing him/her),3. the chairman of the Company or failing the chairman, the chairman of the General Meeting,as my/our proxy <strong>to</strong> attend, speak, and on a poll <strong>to</strong> vote or abstain from voting on my/our behalf at the combined General Meeting which will be heldfor the purpose of considering and, if deemed fit, passing, with or without modification, the special and ordinary resolutions <strong>to</strong> be proposed thereatand at any adjournment thereof.Number of votes (one per share)In favour of Against AbstainSpecial resolution 1Specific authority <strong>to</strong> provide financial assistance <strong>to</strong> the TrustSpecial resolution 2Specific authority <strong>to</strong> issue Subscription Shares <strong>to</strong> the TrustSpecial resolution 3Specific authority <strong>to</strong> repurchase Subscription Shares from the TrustSpecial resolution 4General authority <strong>to</strong> provide financial assistance <strong>to</strong> related and inter-related partiesOrdinary resolution 1Approval of Community Development TransactionOrdinary resolution 2Approval of amendments <strong>to</strong> Share Option SchemeOrdinary resolution 3Approval of amendments <strong>to</strong> Long-Term Incentive PlanOrdinary resolution 4Approval of amendments <strong>to</strong> Share Option SchemeOrdinary resolution 5Approval of amendments <strong>to</strong> Bonus Share PlanNote: Please indicate with an “ X” in the spaces above how you wish your votes <strong>to</strong> be cast.Signed at this day of 2011SignaturePlease read the notes on the reverse hereof.

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