Circular to Amplats Shareholders - Anglo American Platinum

Circular to Amplats Shareholders - Anglo American Platinum

Circular to Amplats Shareholders - Anglo American Platinum


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2. Financial assistance <strong>to</strong> direc<strong>to</strong>rs, prescribed officers and other participants inemployee incentive schemes2.1 IntroductionBy virtue of the operation of the share incentive schemes in the Group, it may be necessaryfor <strong>Amplats</strong> <strong>to</strong> provide financial assistance <strong>to</strong> direc<strong>to</strong>rs or prescribed officers of <strong>Amplats</strong>and/or another company related or inter-related <strong>to</strong> <strong>Amplats</strong> (or any person related <strong>to</strong> them or <strong>to</strong> anycompany or corporation related or inter-related <strong>to</strong> them), or <strong>to</strong> any other person who is a beneficiaryof or participants in any such incentive schemes, for the purposes of or in connection with thesubscription for options or securities or the purchase of securities of <strong>Amplats</strong> or another companyrelated or inter-related <strong>to</strong> <strong>Amplats</strong>.2.2 RationaleIf an incentive scheme operating in the Group does not fall within the definition of the term “employeeincentive scheme” under the Companies Act and/or does not satisfy the requirements of section 97of the Companies Act, <strong>Amplats</strong> requires the approval of the <strong>Amplats</strong> <strong>Shareholders</strong> by specialresolution, <strong>to</strong> the extent that it provides financial assistance thereunder.2.3 Details<strong>Amplats</strong> would like <strong>to</strong> have the ability <strong>to</strong> provide financial assistance, in accordance with sections 44and 45 of the Companies Act, <strong>to</strong> any person who qualifies for participation in any incentive schemeoperating in the Group, in the event that such scheme does not qualify for the limited employeeincentive scheme exemptions <strong>to</strong> sections 44 and 45 of the Companies Act. Should the requisiteshareholder approval not be granted, it could render these schemes incapable of operation, so thatthe means of providing long -term incentives <strong>to</strong> employees would be adversely impacted.Accordingly, <strong>Amplats</strong> <strong>Shareholders</strong> are requested <strong>to</strong> authorise by way of general authority, theprovision of financial assistance for the purposes of, or in connection with, the subscription foroptions or securities or the purchase of securities, of <strong>Amplats</strong> or another company related or interrelated<strong>to</strong> <strong>Amplats</strong>, in general terms, <strong>to</strong> direc<strong>to</strong>rs or prescribed officers of <strong>Amplats</strong> and/or anothercompany related or inter-related <strong>to</strong> the Company (or any person related <strong>to</strong> any of them or <strong>to</strong> anycompany or corporation related or inter-related <strong>to</strong> them), or <strong>to</strong> any other person who is a beneficiaryof or participates in any of the incentive schemes operating in the Group that does not constitutean employee share scheme, satisfying the requirements of section 97, under the Companies Act,in order <strong>to</strong> facilitate their participation in any such scheme.This general authority would be valid up <strong>to</strong> and including the 2012 annual general meeting of <strong>Amplats</strong>.D. Information relating <strong>to</strong> the Company1. Salient information on <strong>Amplats</strong>1.1 Background information on <strong>Amplats</strong><strong>Amplats</strong> was incorporated in South Africa in 1946 and is the world’s leading primary producerof platinum group metals (PGMs) accounting for approximately 40% of the world’s newly minedplatinum. The Company is listed on the JSE.<strong>Amplats</strong>’ mining operations were restructured in 2009. The former Rustenburg Section was splitin<strong>to</strong> the Bathopele, Khomanani, Thembelani, Khuseleka and Siphumelele mines, while the formerAmandelbult Section was split in<strong>to</strong> the Tumela and Dishaba mines. Union Mine, Mogalakwena Mineand Twickenham Mine remained managed operations of the Group.In addition, the Group is also in joint ventures and associations with ARM Mining Consortium Limited<strong>to</strong> operate the Modikwa <strong>Platinum</strong> Mine, the Xstrata Kagiso <strong>Platinum</strong> Partnership <strong>to</strong> operate theMo<strong>to</strong><strong>to</strong>lo Mine, Royal Bafokeng Resources Proprietary Limited over the combined Bafokeng-Rasimone<strong>Platinum</strong> Mine/Styldrift properties, Eastern <strong>Platinum</strong> Limited, the Bapo Ba Mogale Mining CompanyLimited, and Mvelaphanda Resources Limited (on behalf of Northam Limited) over the Pandora JointVenture, the Bakgatla-Ba-Kgafela traditional authority at the Union Mine, and Anooraq Resources22

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