Circular to Amplats Shareholders - Anglo American Platinum

Circular to Amplats Shareholders - Anglo American Platinum

Circular to Amplats Shareholders - Anglo American Platinum


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3.15 Pro forma financial effectsThe unaudited pro forma financial information of <strong>Amplats</strong>, reflecting the financial effects of theCommunity Development Transaction, is based on the assumption that the Community DevelopmentTransaction had been implemented on 1 January 2011 for purposes of the statement of comprehensiveincome for the six months ended 30 June 2011 and as at 30 June 2011 for purposes of the statemen<strong>to</strong>f financial position.The information is the responsibility of the Direc<strong>to</strong>rs and has been prepared for illustrative purposesonly and may not, because of its nature, give a fair reflection of the financial position, changesin equity, results of operations or cash flows of <strong>Amplats</strong>. It does not purport <strong>to</strong> be indicative of whatthe financial results would have been if the Specific Issue had actually occurred at an earlier date.The unaudited pro forma financial information of <strong>Amplats</strong> should be read in conjunction with thenotes there<strong>to</strong> and the report of the Independent Reporting Accountants (Annexure 2). The detailedpro forma statements of comprehensive income and statement of financial position are set outin Annexure 1.Unaudited pro forma per share information for the six months ended 30 June 2011The unaudited pro forma his<strong>to</strong>rical financial effects of the issue are as follows:For the six months ended 30 June 2011 Before the After theSpecific SpecificIssue Issue MovementNet asset value per share ( Rand) 1 21,423 21,410 (0.1%)Basic earnings per share (cents) 2 1,273 829 (34.9%)Diluted earnings per share (cents) 3 1,268 821 (35.3%)Headline earnings per share (cents) 4 1,236 792 (35.9%)Diluted headline earnings per share (cents) 5 1,232 785 (36.3%)Weighted average number of shares in issue (million) 6 261.5 261.5 0.0%Weighted average diluted number of shares in issue (million) 7 262.5 263.9 0.5%Number of shares in issue (net of Shares subject<strong>to</strong> repurchase) (million) 8 261.2 261.2 0.0%Notes:1. NAV per share is computed by dividing <strong>to</strong>tal equity attributable <strong>to</strong> <strong>Amplats</strong> Ordinary <strong>Shareholders</strong> by the number of <strong>Amplats</strong>Ordinary Shares in issue (net of the Shares subject <strong>to</strong> repurchase). Tangible net asset value per share is equal <strong>to</strong> net assetvalue per share as the Company does not reflect the his<strong>to</strong>rical cost of intangible assets separately as the his<strong>to</strong>rical cos<strong>to</strong>f intangible assets held by <strong>Amplats</strong> is not material.2. Basic EPS is computed by dividing net earnings attributable <strong>to</strong> <strong>Amplats</strong> Ordinary <strong>Shareholders</strong> by the weighted averagenumber of <strong>Amplats</strong> Ordinary Shares in issue. The reduction in basic EPS is due <strong>to</strong> the impact of the upfront IFRS 2 facilitationcharge of R1,161 million on net earnings for the period.3. Diluted EPS is computed by dividing net earnings attributable <strong>to</strong> <strong>Amplats</strong> Ordinary <strong>Shareholders</strong> by the weighted averagediluted number of <strong>Amplats</strong> Ordinary Shares in issue.4. Headline earnings is calculated in terms of <strong>Circular</strong> 3/2009 on Headline Earnings issued by The South African Instituteof Chartered Accountants. Headline earnings per share is computed by dividing headline earnings attributable <strong>to</strong> <strong>Amplats</strong>Ordinary <strong>Shareholders</strong> by the weighted average number of <strong>Amplats</strong> Ordinary Shares in issue.5. The diluted headline earnings per share is computed by dividing headline earnings attributable <strong>to</strong> <strong>Amplats</strong> Ordinary<strong>Shareholders</strong> by the weighted average diluted number of shares in issue.6. The weighted average number of <strong>Amplats</strong> Ordinary Shares in issue was 261.5 million for the six months ended30 June 2011. The Trust is not consolidated and the issuance of the Subscription Shares has not been taken in<strong>to</strong> considerationin calculating the weighted average number of shares in issue as it is subject <strong>to</strong> the repurchase by the Company and foraccounting purposes, it is treated as though the Company has granted an option over its own equity <strong>to</strong> the Trust. The optionissued by the Company impacts only on the weighted average diluted number of shares in issue.7. The weighted average diluted number of <strong>Amplats</strong> Ordinary Shares in issue was 262.5 million for the six months ended30 June 2011 and as a result of the issuance of approximately 6.3 million Subscription Shares, the weighted average dilutednumber of <strong>Amplats</strong> Ordinary Shares in issue for that period has been adjusted <strong>to</strong> the extent that the Subscription Sharesare issued for “no consideration” as per IAS 33 – Earnings Per Share.8. The number of <strong>Amplats</strong> Ordinary Shares in issue at 30 June 2011 was 261.2 million. Although the Company has issuedapproximately 6.3 million Subscription Shares, as these shares have not been taken in<strong>to</strong> consideration for basic andheadline earnings per share, the number of shares in issue after the Community Development Transaction has also notbeen adjusted for these Subscription Shares that are subject <strong>to</strong> repurchase by the Company.18

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