light-curing, self-etching one-component adhesive - Mikodental

light-curing, self-etching one-component adhesive - Mikodental light-curing, self-etching one-component adhesive - Mikodental


ONE COMPONENT – ONE LAYER ...BeautiBond is an innovative “all in oneadhesive of the 7th generation, for therestauration of natural enamel and dentine and offers high initial and long-termstable bonding.Etch, prime and bond reliably with one component only and with one singleapplication. No need for laborious procedures such as shaking or mixing anymore.You will obtain a reliable and reproducible result.Moreover, postoperative sensitivities or white discolourations of the gingiva arevirtually excluded thanks to the unique chemistry of BeautiBond.The extremely low film thickness leaves plenty of space for highly aestheticrestaurations, even in the case of small or shallow cavities.Top bonding strengthExcellent bonding to enamel and todentine due to two specially developedmonomers. The strength matches thatof two-step systems.Permanently stableThe absence of hydrolysis-sensitiveHEMA prevents ageing caused byhydrolysis and guarantees permanentlystrong and safe bonding.Initial bond strength after 24 hPermanent bond strengthBonding strengthin MPaBonding strengthin MPa25EnamelDentine25EnamelDentine202015151010550BeautiBondinitialFL-Bond II0BeautiBondinitialBeautiBondafter 5,000thermocyclesBeautiBondafter 10,000thermocyclesSource: Internal data by SHOFU INC., Japan

… SIMPLE, FAST, SAFEEnamel and dentine conditioningwith one component onlyFor more complex restorations in particular, obviating unnecessary and technicallysensitive procedures provides additional safety. Moreover, the resulting thinbonding layer creates ideal conditions for an invisible margin of the restoration.Application of BeautiBond, drying and light curing.Pay attention to sufficient air drying.Stabilisation of the surface using BEAUTIFIL Flow F10(A3.5) and build-up with BEAUTIFIL II (A3.5+Inc).Thanks to the thin bonding layer, no margin is visible.Clinical photographs by courtesy of Dr KanamuraExternal studies on BeautiBondAt the”3rd Congress on Adhesive Dentistry 2008”, Prof. Sano and Dr. Kawamoto fromHokkaido University, Japan, presented a comparative study of the micro tensilebond strength of BeautiBond including ageing simulations with competing productsof the 6th and 7th generation. Compared to the two-component products of the 6thand 7th generation, there was no decrease in performance. Interestingly, however,a significantly superior bonding of BeautiBond to dentine after thermal cyclingwas discovered when compared to the competitor's one-component product withsimilarly simplified handling.Bonding strengthin MPa120100BeautiBondCompetitor, 7th generationCompetitor, 2 components,6th generation8060Source: "Micro-tensile bond strengthof one-/two-step self-etching adhesivesusing Novel thermal cycling method"40200Initialafter 5,000 TCMicro tensile strength on dentineafter 10,000 TCKAWAMOTO Chiharu, NAGANO Futami,YASUMOTO Kei, SANO Hidehiko;Department of Restorative Dentistry,Division of Oral Health Science,Graduate School of Dental Medicine,Hokkaido University, Sapporo, JAPANThe Third International Congress onAdhesive Dentistry 2008 Xian China

ONE COMPONENT – ONE LAYER ...BeautiBond is an innovative “all in <strong>one</strong>” <strong>adhesive</strong> of the 7th generation, for therestauration of natural enamel and dentine and offers high initial and long-termstable bonding.Etch, prime and bond reliably with <strong>one</strong> comp<strong>one</strong>nt only and with <strong>one</strong> singleapplication. No need for laborious procedures such as shaking or mixing anymore.You will obtain a reliable and reproducible result.Moreover, postoperative sensitivities or white discolourations of the gingiva arevirtually excluded thanks to the unique chemistry of BeautiBond.The extremely low film thickness leaves plenty of space for highly aestheticrestaurations, even in the case of small or shallow cavities.Top bonding strengthExcellent bonding to enamel and todentine due to two specially developedmonomers. The strength matches thatof two-step systems.Permanently stableThe absence of hydrolysis-sensitiveHEMA prevents ageing caused byhydrolysis and guarantees permanentlystrong and safe bonding.Initial bond strength after 24 hPermanent bond strengthBonding strengthin MPaBonding strengthin MPa25EnamelDentine25EnamelDentine202015151010550BeautiBondinitialFL-Bond II0BeautiBondinitialBeautiBondafter 5,000thermocyclesBeautiBondafter 10,000thermocyclesSource: Internal data by SHOFU INC., Japan

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