integrated coastal zone management project west ... -

integrated coastal zone management project west ... - integrated coastal zone management project west ... -


201Component E.1 – Capacity building of Institute of Environmental Studies &Wetland Management (IESWM)274. Capacity building in major centres of coastal research and study in West Bengal is animportant component of the development of facilities for integrated coastal zonemanagement in the state. One of the centres that have been identified for this purpose isInstitute of Environmental Studies & Wetland Management (IESWM), Government of WestBengal.275. The objectives of capacity building for ICZM in IESWM are to provide new andcutting edge equipment, computer hardware and software that could be successfully used onsiteand off-site as part of some identified investigations of importance. The objective is alsoto address some current fundamental scientific issues related to ICZM deploying theseequipments so as to verify their efficacy in addressing emerging coastal research issues.Such capacity building will also pave the way for taking up in future other major issues ofICZM. In short the program includes the following:‣ procurement and installation of some advanced field monitoring instruments tomonitor coastal processes in the Sundarban area of West Bengal,‣ procurement and installation of remote sensing related hardware and software atIESWM office at Kolkata, to supplement physical monitoring of coastal processes,including registering of micro level change in form elements of the coastal landscapeand‣ undertaking one research program (deploying the instruments, software andhardware) on modeling of coastal form-process responses in Sundarban due toclimate change‣ Assitance towards construction and operation of an Interpretation Centre on theActivitiesSundarbans by Tagore Society for Rural DevelopmentCoastal Studies Division (CSD) of IESWM276. IESWM [formerly known as Institute of Wetland Management & Ecological Design(IWMED)] under the Department of Environment, Government of West Bengal has beenworking in the coastal areas of West Bengal using mainly remote sensing (RS) &geographical information system (GIS) technology for the last 20 years. One of the majorthrust areas where RS and GIS technology has been immensely useful was in the field ofcoastal zone management which is exclusively the domain of activity of one of the divisions[Coastal Studies Division (CSD)] of IESWM. The activities of CSD are presently being

202carried out in collaboration with Space Applications Centre (SAC), National RemoteSensing Agency (NRSA), Ministry of Environment & Forests (MOEF) and Ministry ofEarth Sciences, Government of India (GOI). Major activities of CSD of IESWM in the fieldof coastal zone studies & management are preparation of natural resources inventory andformulation of management plans pertaining to coastal wetlands, mangroves, coral reefs, etc,monitoring of basic physical processes operative in the estuarine and near shore areas,implications of climate change and related phenomena in the coastal regime of West Bengal.Progressively greater emphasis is being given towards acquiring of instrumental andcomputational facilities for building up of form-process-material interaction modelscurrently operative and also expected under different climatic scenarios in different segmentsof West Bengal coast.277. The above core activities and research of CSD was initiated by a small group of earthscientists, especially geologists but later on, scientists from other related disciplines likebotany, environmental science, atmospheric science, RS and GIS were inducted fordeveloping a multi-disciplinary approach to research problems at hand.278. Till recently majority of research works involved use of both visual and digital imageprocessing techniques for mapping and inventorying purposes supplemented by detailedground truth verification for form identification and mapping. Subsequently techniquesrelating to Geographical Information System (GIS), Global Positioning System (GPS),Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) etc were introduced for a multi-disciplinaryapproach. Very recently, dynamic process and material monitoring in estuarine and nearshore areas including time lapse recording of bathymetry, tidal ranges, wave period, tide andwave velocity, sediment size etc have been introduced.279. Noting the work carried out by this division of IESWM in the coastal zone, Ministryof Environment & Forests, Government of India has recognised IESWM as an authorisedinstitute for demarcation of High Tide Line (HTL), Low Tide Line (LTL) and CoastalRegulation Zone (CRZ) along the Indian coast in 1998.Projects of CSD280. A number of projects have already been completed by CSD of IESWM with theapplication of Remote Sensing & GIS and other related technologies. Some of the importantones are mentioned below: Wetland mapping of West Bengal Wetland mapping of Tripura

201Component E.1 – Capacity building of Institute of Environmental Studies &Wetland Management (IESWM)274. Capacity building in major centres of <strong>coastal</strong> research and study in West Bengal is animportant component of the development of facilities for <strong>integrated</strong> <strong>coastal</strong> <strong>zone</strong><strong>management</strong> in the state. One of the centres that have been identified for this purpose isInstitute of Environmental Studies & Wetland Management (IESWM), Government of WestBengal.275. The objectives of capacity building for ICZM in IESWM are to provide new andcutting edge equipment, computer hardware and software that could be successfully used onsiteand off-site as part of some identified investigations of importance. The objective is alsoto address some current fundamental scientific issues related to ICZM deploying theseequipments so as to verify their efficacy in addressing emerging <strong>coastal</strong> research issues.Such capacity building will also pave the way for taking up in future other major issues ofICZM. In short the program includes the following:‣ procurement and installation of some advanced field monitoring instruments tomonitor <strong>coastal</strong> processes in the Sundarban area of West Bengal,‣ procurement and installation of remote sensing related hardware and software atIESWM office at Kolkata, to supplement physical monitoring of <strong>coastal</strong> processes,including registering of micro level change in form elements of the <strong>coastal</strong> landscapeand‣ undertaking one research program (deploying the instruments, software andhardware) on modeling of <strong>coastal</strong> form-process responses in Sundarban due toclimate change‣ Assitance towards construction and operation of an Interpretation Centre on theActivitiesSundarbans by Tagore Society for Rural DevelopmentCoastal Studies Division (CSD) of IESWM276. IESWM [formerly known as Institute of Wetland Management & Ecological Design(IWMED)] under the Department of Environment, Government of West Bengal has beenworking in the <strong>coastal</strong> areas of West Bengal using mainly remote sensing (RS) &geographical information system (GIS) technology for the last 20 years. One of the majorthrust areas where RS and GIS technology has been immensely useful was in the field of<strong>coastal</strong> <strong>zone</strong> <strong>management</strong> which is exclusively the domain of activity of one of the divisions[Coastal Studies Division (CSD)] of IESWM. The activities of CSD are presently being

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