integrated coastal zone management project west ... -

integrated coastal zone management project west ... - integrated coastal zone management project west ... -


199construction of a toilet blocklandscapingAbout 4 acres of government land is available that can be utilized for this purpose.267. The cost estimate for implementation of the component is Rs 3684.30 lakhs with thefollowing items:Items1 Kapil Muni Temple Complex2 Sagar eco-tourism centre3 Centre for arts and crafts4 Services5 Electrical works6 Commissioning7 Goods and equipment8 Project Implementation and O & M for 5 years inclusive of M & E268. Sundarban Infrastructure Development Corporation Ltd (SIDCL) a state governmentundertaking under the administrative control of the Department of Sundarban Affairs,Government of West Bengal is the Project Implementing Agency (PIA) of this component ofSPR.Component C. 6 - Enhancing Livelihoods in Sagar Island269. An estimated 15000 families constitute the poor and marginalized in Sagar Island. Ofthese 8000 to 10000 families live in close proximity to embankment areas. The poor areeither landless or small and marginal farmers. They work as agricultural labourers and wagelabourers in fishing trawlers. Those living close to the water engage in prawn/shrimp seedcollection. Livelihood assessment in Sagar Island reveals that there are not any livelihoodsthat are exclusively practiced by the poor except for shrimp seed collection. However, thescale in which the poor practice their livelihoods is very small compared to the non-poor.Further the number of employment/work days of the poor is relatively less. Also the poor arenot engaged in any kind of value addition activities thus occupying the lower rungs of thevalue chain.270. Therefore the component proposes the following to enhance the livelihoods of theSagar islanders:Organize women and youth around savings, credit and micro-insurance in to SHGsUndertake participatory livelihoodsInclude pro-active eco-support and natural resource enhancing activities like RWH,tourism and tourism-based livelihoodsInclude livelihoods enabling infrastructure like vocational training centres,procurement centres, worksheds for enterprises, shops/outlets, skill building centresFacilitate bank linkages and convergence with other programs

200 Utilize the maintenance funds for embankment for enhancing livelihoods asrevolving funds Build skills of the youth in vocational training centres for meeting the servicesrequired in the island Explore the employment opportunities outside the island and provide them training inthese opportunities for placement271. The budget for the livelihood component of the five year Sagar pilot is Rs 2779.00lakhs with the following work element break-up:Work ItemSupport for institutions of livelihoodCommunity mobilization – Institution and capacity buildingFunds to the community for enhancing livelihoodRevolving funds for community institutionsFunds for skills for gainful employmentFunds for livelihoods and business developmentIncentive funds for pro-poor GPsFunds for innovative ideas in livelihoodSupport to livelihood – capacity buildingSupport to livelihoods – livelihoods and business support272. Sundarban Infrastructure Development Corporation Ltd (SIDCL) a state governmentundertaking under the administrative control of the Department of Sundarban Affairs,Government of West Bengal is the Project Implementing Agency (PIA) of this component ofSPR.F. 5 Component E – Capacity Building in ICZM activities273. A common agreement about the ICZM project at West Bengal between Governmentof West Bengal and the Bank is that capacity building is the most critical issue for improvedmanagement of the coastal zones in the state. Although the state has a number of relevantinstitutes (notably Institute of Environmental Studies & Wetland Management, West BengalBiodiversity Board, Indian Institute of Technology– Kharagpur, University of Calcutta,Jadavpur University, etc) and experts, the idea is to build capacity of a higher order,especially in terms of operationalization and application for integrating coastal zonemanagement tools and approaches. Government of West Bengal also wants that the projectshould assist capacity building of the Digha-Sankarpur Development Authority, theSundarban Development Board, and the non-government organizations currently involved incoastal zone management and coastal people‟s livelihood activities. For this, training needassessment and relevant introspection is going on. However, in first phase, CapacityBuilding of IESWM and University of Calcutta through procurement of instruments hasbeen prepared and placed below:

200 Utilize the maintenance funds for embankment for enhancing livelihoods asrevolving funds Build skills of the youth in vocational training centres for meeting the servicesrequired in the island Explore the employment opportunities outside the island and provide them training inthese opportunities for placement271. The budget for the livelihood component of the five year Sagar pilot is Rs 2779.00lakhs with the following work element break-up:Work ItemSupport for institutions of livelihoodCommunity mobilization – Institution and capacity buildingFunds to the community for enhancing livelihoodRevolving funds for community institutionsFunds for skills for gainful employmentFunds for livelihoods and business developmentIncentive funds for pro-poor GPsFunds for innovative ideas in livelihoodSupport to livelihood – capacity buildingSupport to livelihoods – livelihoods and business support272. Sundarban Infrastructure Development Corporation Ltd (SIDCL) a state governmentundertaking under the administrative control of the Department of Sundarban Affairs,Government of West Bengal is the Project Implementing Agency (PIA) of this component ofSPR.F. 5 Component E – Capacity Building in ICZM activities273. A common agreement about the ICZM <strong>project</strong> at West Bengal between Governmentof West Bengal and the Bank is that capacity building is the most critical issue for improved<strong>management</strong> of the <strong>coastal</strong> <strong>zone</strong>s in the state. Although the state has a number of relevantinstitutes (notably Institute of Environmental Studies & Wetland Management, West BengalBiodiversity Board, Indian Institute of Technology– Kharagpur, University of Calcutta,Jadavpur University, etc) and experts, the idea is to build capacity of a higher order,especially in terms of operationalization and application for integrating <strong>coastal</strong> <strong>zone</strong><strong>management</strong> tools and approaches. Government of West Bengal also wants that the <strong>project</strong>should assist capacity building of the Digha-Sankarpur Development Authority, theSundarban Development Board, and the non-government <strong>org</strong>anizations currently involved in<strong>coastal</strong> <strong>zone</strong> <strong>management</strong> and <strong>coastal</strong> people‟s livelihood activities. For this, training needassessment and relevant introspection is going on. However, in first phase, CapacityBuilding of IESWM and University of Calcutta through procurement of instruments hasbeen prepared and placed below:

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