integrated coastal zone management project west ... -

integrated coastal zone management project west ... - integrated coastal zone management project west ... -


195underground SW pipes to be laid at adequate slope to transport the water. The pipe lines willbe provided with inspection pits – 900 mmx750 mm to be constructed with brick walls andmasonry catch pits 600 mm x 600 mm with gratings at top.Component C.3 - Beach Beautification and Illumination at Digha254. Digha is one of the most important tourist spots in West Bengal. People mostly fromthe middle class families prefer this sea side resort for easy accessibility from Calcutta andelsewhere in the State. A large part of the tourist population comprises day-trippers whogenerally visit on week ends mainly for recreational purposes, holidaying or enjoying infiesta. One of the major problems faced at Digha is the absence of recreational items that canattract a larger mass of tourists to stay here for a longer time than making a short trip as isnow the usual practice. To target visits of more tourists as a means to boost the local tourismindustry, attempts have been made to create amenities that can play a positive role in causingmore footfalls of the visitors to this sea side resort. Among such amenities, beautification ofthe long stretch of beach has been considered very important. It has been planned toadequately beautify the available spaces along the beach embankment, cross roads andseaward side of the arterial road traversing in east-west direction parallel to the sea bycreating landscaped gardens, greeneries for amusement of the visitors and at the same timefor providing further amenities for recreation. Along with this type of beautification, areaillumination and garden illumination have also been given due attention. The DSDAauthorities have initiated works of illumination along the beach embankment and theproposal made here will complement the efforts initiated by the DSDA. Schemes for beachbeautification and illumination at Sankarpur have not been proposed in this DPR asSankarpur beach first need major protection measure and development of an arterial roadparallel to the beach.255. The beach at Digha stretches 5 km in east-west direction covering both old Dighaand new Digha. The sea front at Digha looses much of its attractiveness due to near absenceof properly designed parks and gardens spatially distributed along the beach. In fact, thetourists roaming along the beach to enjoy the scenic beauty have got no halting facilities tofully enjoy their visit. In order to mitigate the deficiency, it has been proposed to create anumber of parks and landscaped garden with seat outs along the beach embankment wheretourists gather in large number. The landscaped gardens have been designed to includevisually pleasant garden pathways, water bodies, greeneries and tree plantation to create theright ambience for enjoyment of scenic beauty. To beautify the gardens adequately,

196illumination by providing low height post mounted garden light fixtures with energyefficient 1x11 watt CFL lamps has been proposed.256. Grass lawns will be created by depositing and spreading good earth mixed withmanure in the proportion of 1:1.The grass sods will be planted at the interval of 50mm ineither row. The grass lawns thus created will be maintained for 2 months by watering andafter that mowing will be resorted to for presenting a uniform green surface. Holes 600 mmin dia up to 600 mm in depth will be dug and the holes will subsequently be filled up withgood earth mixed with damp manure in the proportion 2:1. Trees will be planted and treeguards made of split bamboo will be erected for the protection of saplings. For flowergardens, trenches upto 600mm will be dug and the empty trenches will be filled up withgood earth mixed with manure. The flowering trees will be planted on the filled up trenchesand will be maintained with watering as necessary. For hedging, similar trenches will bemade and filled up with good earth mixed with manure for plantation of hedges andshrubberies. 50 mm dia. posts 8 ft high conforming to appropriate metal coat will beprovided with 1x11W CFL lamp.Cost257. The cost towards implementation of the three components of works (B.1 – Beachcleaning and sanitation at Digha, C.2 - Livelihood Generation in DSDA Area and C.3 -Beach Beautification and Illumination at Digha) to be implemented by DSDA is Rs4109.44 lakhs and the project cost to be financed Rs 4092.94 lakhs.Component C.4 - Post harvest handling and fish auction centre at Digha Mohana258. A temporary auction market comprising shanties/thatched sheds for auction ofmarine fish is functioning at Digha Mohana for more than two decades. It is proposed toconstruct a permanent marine auction market at Digha with the required ancillary facilities toaccommodate increased volume of fish trade in a hygienic environment.259. The project facilities will include one auction hall with 104 auction places (5 m x 6 m) with a proposed covered areahaving a dimension of about 93 m x 85 m, proper drainage system with 600 mm diameter hume pipe (NP-3) covered drain withdischarge at effluent treatment plant, internal road network with concrete paved 3.5 m wide carriage way and two mainentrances and exits, one box washing room with suitable washing system and disinfecting arrangementsoutside the auction hall,

196illumination by providing low height post mounted garden light fixtures with energyefficient 1x11 watt CFL lamps has been proposed.256. Grass lawns will be created by depositing and spreading good earth mixed withmanure in the proportion of 1:1.The grass sods will be planted at the interval of 50mm ineither row. The grass lawns thus created will be maintained for 2 months by watering andafter that mowing will be resorted to for presenting a uniform green surface. Holes 600 mmin dia up to 600 mm in depth will be dug and the holes will subsequently be filled up withgood earth mixed with damp manure in the proportion 2:1. Trees will be planted and treeguards made of split bamboo will be erected for the protection of saplings. For flowergardens, trenches upto 600mm will be dug and the empty trenches will be filled up withgood earth mixed with manure. The flowering trees will be planted on the filled up trenchesand will be maintained with watering as necessary. For hedging, similar trenches will bemade and filled up with good earth mixed with manure for plantation of hedges andshrubberies. 50 mm dia. posts 8 ft high conforming to appropriate metal coat will beprovided with 1x11W CFL lamp.Cost257. The cost towards implementation of the three components of works (B.1 – Beachcleaning and sanitation at Digha, C.2 - Livelihood Generation in DSDA Area and C.3 -Beach Beautification and Illumination at Digha) to be implemented by DSDA is Rs4109.44 lakhs and the <strong>project</strong> cost to be financed Rs 4092.94 lakhs.Component C.4 - Post harvest handling and fish auction centre at Digha Mohana258. A temporary auction market comprising shanties/thatched sheds for auction ofmarine fish is functioning at Digha Mohana for more than two decades. It is proposed toconstruct a permanent marine auction market at Digha with the required ancillary facilities toaccommodate increased volume of fish trade in a hygienic environment.259. The <strong>project</strong> facilities will include one auction hall with 104 auction places (5 m x 6 m) with a proposed covered areahaving a dimension of about 93 m x 85 m, proper drainage system with 600 mm diameter hume pipe (NP-3) covered drain withdischarge at effluent treatment plant, internal road network with concrete paved 3.5 m wide carriage way and two mainentrances and exits, one box washing room with suitable washing system and disinfecting arrangementsoutside the auction hall,

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