integrated coastal zone management project west ... -

integrated coastal zone management project west ... - integrated coastal zone management project west ... -


167164. The initial study has indicated that there will be two prong solutions, namely shorttermand long-term. The long-term solution will be to devise and design measures likeconstruction of hydraulic groins through opening up of the mouth of estuaries, removal ofnaturally created barrier to supply sediment at the starved regions, etc. and will be based onsediment flow analysis and outcome of more specific research on coastal processes aroundSagar Island as per Component N. Such designing will be completed concurrently withcoastal process monitoring scheduled for 3 years.165. Short-term solution will be taken up at Dublat where heavy waves breakingcontinuously at the foot of the embankment erode the embankment during high tide period.The embankment as a result fails very often resulting in tidal inundation and consequenceloss of crops and public properties. The planned short-term solution will includestrengthening and armouring of the embankments. It is proposed to armour the embankmentfor 1500 m length by 2.0 m x 1.0 m x 0.60 m thick M-15 concrete block pitching works overfilter beds in addition to construction of cross walls. The design parameters are as follows:Existing ground level (average)(+) 2.00 m GTSHighest and average high tide level(+) 5.40 m GTS and (+) 4.50 m GTSAverage and lowest low tide level(-) 1.20 m GTS and (-) 2.00 m GTSSea side berm level and height of wave1.00 – 2.00 m and 1.50 – 2.00 mFormation level of proposed sea dyke(+) 8.20 m GTSTop level of proposed block pitching(+) 7.90 m GTSSea- and country side slope of proposed sea dyke 1:6 and 1:2Height of proposed sea dyke above beach level 6.70 mSea dyke encased in sea side below berm level 1.50 mConventional size of C.C. (1:2:4) block2.00 m x 1.00 m x 0.60 mSize of sausage at the toe of block pitching 1.00 m x 0.60 mTop of sea side portion at +8.20 m levelBrick wall with corbelling in R/S TopLength of the proposed sea dyke1500.00 mTotal sea side slope length of proposed sea dyke 48.05 mFree board of the proposed dyke3.70 mThickness of geofabric filter2.0 mmSpacing of intermediate cross wall15.00 m apartThickness of cross wall and depth400 cm thick, 1050 mm depth166. The implementing agency for the short-term construction work will be SundarbanInfrastructure Development Corporation Ltd (SIDCL). The cost has been estimated at Rs

16827.33 crores having a works cost component of 25.36 crores. The short term work will becompleted in 3 years but at present no budgetary fund allocation has been made.Component A.2 - Prevention of coastal erosion by development of coastalbio-shield in Digha-Sankarpur area167. Bio-shields, or vegetative cover, along coastal zones play a significant role in shoreprotection and also in protection of the coastal human habitations and agricultural cropsagainst impacts of cyclones, storm surges, tidal waves etc. They contribute to overall shoreprotection. Under this component, coastal bio-shields are to be created in the DighaSankarpur area, on government land.168. The project is to be implemented by the Directorate of Forests, Government of WestBengal over a period of seven years. The villagers and/or local self government will beinvolved in the management of the proposed plantations jointly with Forest department. Theapproach will meet the objective of promoting joint management of coastal resources. Theprogramme will contribute towards capacity building of coastal communities andgovernment for community based activities related to regeneration of mangrove and othercoastal plantations as bio-shields and as part of integrated coastal zone management.Involvement of the local population in creation, protection and management of the forest socreated is an integral part of the project.169. During feasibility study, a number of sites in the Digha-Sankarpur area wereexamined for development of bio-shields. Out of these, fourteen sites were finally chosen.Site for mangrove plantation170. The sites for the mangrove plantations were selected taking into consideration thetopography of the coastal areas which have mudflats and gentle slopes. The sites areregularly inundated regularly by high tides. The sites are Kanaichhatta, Kaluberia,Balughata, Chakrabortychak, Rayrayanchak, Mehidinaar, Dhobaghata, Katagechia, Nijkasbaunder Contai and Bajkul forest ranges.Site for coastal shelter belt (casurina) plantation171. The sites for coastal shelter belt plantation were selected taking into consideration thetopography of the coastal areas of Contai and Bajkul forest ranges that have also sandy soil.These areas are basically not inundated by high tides and are suitable for planting Casurinaand other miscellaneous species.Site for gap plantation172. The sites for gap plantation are selected in the old plantations of coastal shelter beltmainly consisting of monoculture plantation of casurina. These sites under Contai and

167164. The initial study has indicated that there will be two prong solutions, namely shorttermand long-term. The long-term solution will be to devise and design measures likeconstruction of hydraulic groins through opening up of the mouth of estuaries, removal ofnaturally created barrier to supply sediment at the starved regions, etc. and will be based onsediment flow analysis and outcome of more specific research on <strong>coastal</strong> processes aroundSagar Island as per Component N. Such designing will be completed concurrently with<strong>coastal</strong> process monitoring scheduled for 3 years.165. Short-term solution will be taken up at Dublat where heavy waves breakingcontinuously at the foot of the embankment erode the embankment during high tide period.The embankment as a result fails very often resulting in tidal inundation and consequenceloss of crops and public properties. The planned short-term solution will includestrengthening and armouring of the embankments. It is proposed to armour the embankmentfor 1500 m length by 2.0 m x 1.0 m x 0.60 m thick M-15 concrete block pitching works overfilter beds in addition to construction of cross walls. The design parameters are as follows:Existing ground level (average)(+) 2.00 m GTSHighest and average high tide level(+) 5.40 m GTS and (+) 4.50 m GTSAverage and lo<strong>west</strong> low tide level(-) 1.20 m GTS and (-) 2.00 m GTSSea side berm level and height of wave1.00 – 2.00 m and 1.50 – 2.00 mFormation level of proposed sea dyke(+) 8.20 m GTSTop level of proposed block pitching(+) 7.90 m GTSSea- and country side slope of proposed sea dyke 1:6 and 1:2Height of proposed sea dyke above beach level 6.70 mSea dyke encased in sea side below berm level 1.50 mConventional size of C.C. (1:2:4) block2.00 m x 1.00 m x 0.60 mSize of sausage at the toe of block pitching 1.00 m x 0.60 mTop of sea side portion at +8.20 m levelBrick wall with corbelling in R/S TopLength of the proposed sea dyke1500.00 mTotal sea side slope length of proposed sea dyke 48.05 mFree board of the proposed dyke3.70 mThickness of geofabric filter2.0 mmSpacing of intermediate cross wall15.00 m apartThickness of cross wall and depth400 cm thick, 1050 mm depth166. The implementing agency for the short-term construction work will be SundarbanInfrastructure Development Corporation Ltd (SIDCL). The cost has been estimated at Rs

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