integrated coastal zone management project west ... -

integrated coastal zone management project west ... - integrated coastal zone management project west ... -


155137. The state of West Bengal is endowed with unique coastal eco-system areas includinga stretch to the east occupied by Sundarban Biosphere Reserve. The mangrove vegetation inSBR supporting a unique habitat of estuarine flora and fauna including the Royal BengalTiger and some other endangered species provides challenges for sustainable conservation.To the west, the beach-dune-mudflat system presents different kind of managementchallenges including prevention of coastal erosion and development of sustainable tourismwith effective control of pollution of the coastal region. In both the stretches livelihoodissues of a large number of coastal population who depend on the coastal resources (fishery,aquaculture, agriculture, etc) are to be satisfactorily solved/answered. Infra-structuralfacilities (construction/expansion of ports, extraction of ground water, construction ofessential roads and other communication facilities) need to be developed without puttingstress on the coastal environment or worst degrading the eco-system. The vision of ICZM inWest Bengal is therefore to ensure minimum but acceptable planned intervention fordevelopment needs in the coastal zone so as to preserve the pristine nature of the prevailingenvironment making allowances for sustainable exploitation of living and non-livingresources for the livelihood of the coastal population.138. On a broad perspective/scale, the strategy for ICZM will be to understand, analyseand address implications of development plans and their threshold limits to causeenvironmental degradation, conflicting uses and interrelationships between coastal physicaland biological processes and anthropogenic activities. The emphasis will be to promotelinkages and harmonization among sectoral coastal and ocean activities requiringcooperative management and inter-sectoral coordination through full involvement of all thestakeholders in a comprehensive and integrated program. In essence the strategy will be to Minimize costly delays in project implementation Minimize damage to the coastal environment and its resources Minimize losses to the various users (from resource depletion, loss of land, accesslimitation, etc) Promote most efficient use of infrastructure, resources, favourable environmentalsituations, favourable coastal processes Avoid conflicting use of coastal and marine resources and environment139. The strategic need for ICZM will be to collect and generate relevant data andextraction of information from the synthesis of the data on resources of the coastal zone, itsvulnerability to natural disasters, extent of fragility of the eco-system, role of coastalprocesses to sustain the coastal environment, extent of pollution of the coastal environment,current land use of the coastal zone and livelihood of the coastal population. To achieve thesame, a detailed monitoring and evaluation program has been included under Section V.

156B. Project Objectives and Key Indicators140. Keeping the key general issues of the West Bengal coast in perspective the projectobjectives is related to finding solutions to the following specific problems/situations of thecoast:Coastal erosion especially west of Hugli estuary and shoreline protection especiallyduring storm surgesLoss of biodiversity (including conservation of wildlife) especially of Sundarban areaand their restorationEnvironmental degradation of coastal areas especially of Digha-Sankarpur area andnon-functioning of solid waste management and sewage treatment systemsProblems of indiscriminate but inadequate development of tourism facilitiesespecially in Sundarban areas and their regulationSocial vulnerability and problems of livelihood support etc.Infrastructure development to support trade, industry and commerce, livelihood,tourism, etc.Vulnerability of coastal resource base, coastal infrastructure and coastal population toclimate change – identification of future scenarios and finding adaptation options.141. The suggested pilot programs given under sub-section F of this Section II representsolutions to most of the specific problems/situations stated above but restricting theoperational area to the Sagar Island and the Digha-Sankarpur stretches of the coast in WestBengal as representing two end member types of coastal situations in the state.142. The key indicators to measure the success of ICZMP will be as follows:No retreat/advance of the coast line along the Digha-Sankarpur sector over asufficient number of years indicating an equilibrium beachNo net land loss in the Sundarban areas inclusive of Sagar IslandNo shrinkage of mangrove covered areas in SundarbanNo reduction in the population of keystone species in the Sundarban in thenext censusNear clean environment in and around Haldia and Digha-Sankarpur withwater quality meeting the required discharge standardIncrease or at least no decrease in fish catch (catch per effort) along coastsNo report of dead olive ridley turtle from SundarbanChange over to multi crop agriculture with availability of grid power in SagarIslandIncrease in GDP of the coastal districts of West Bengal

155137. The state of West Bengal is endowed with unique <strong>coastal</strong> eco-system areas includinga stretch to the east occupied by Sundarban Biosphere Reserve. The mangrove vegetation inSBR supporting a unique habitat of estuarine flora and fauna including the Royal BengalTiger and some other endangered species provides challenges for sustainable conservation.To the <strong>west</strong>, the beach-dune-mudflat system presents different kind of <strong>management</strong>challenges including prevention of <strong>coastal</strong> erosion and development of sustainable tourismwith effective control of pollution of the <strong>coastal</strong> region. In both the stretches livelihoodissues of a large number of <strong>coastal</strong> population who depend on the <strong>coastal</strong> resources (fishery,aquaculture, agriculture, etc) are to be satisfactorily solved/answered. Infra-structuralfacilities (construction/expansion of ports, extraction of ground water, construction ofessential roads and other communication facilities) need to be developed without puttingstress on the <strong>coastal</strong> environment or worst degrading the eco-system. The vision of ICZM inWest Bengal is therefore to ensure minimum but acceptable planned intervention fordevelopment needs in the <strong>coastal</strong> <strong>zone</strong> so as to preserve the pristine nature of the prevailingenvironment making allowances for sustainable exploitation of living and non-livingresources for the livelihood of the <strong>coastal</strong> population.138. On a broad perspective/scale, the strategy for ICZM will be to understand, analyseand address implications of development plans and their threshold limits to causeenvironmental degradation, conflicting uses and interrelationships between <strong>coastal</strong> physicaland biological processes and anthropogenic activities. The emphasis will be to promotelinkages and harmonization among sectoral <strong>coastal</strong> and ocean activities requiringcooperative <strong>management</strong> and inter-sectoral coordination through full involvement of all thestakeholders in a comprehensive and <strong>integrated</strong> program. In essence the strategy will be to Minimize costly delays in <strong>project</strong> implementation Minimize damage to the <strong>coastal</strong> environment and its resources Minimize losses to the various users (from resource depletion, loss of land, accesslimitation, etc) Promote most efficient use of infrastructure, resources, favourable environmentalsituations, favourable <strong>coastal</strong> processes Avoid conflicting use of <strong>coastal</strong> and marine resources and environment139. The strategic need for ICZM will be to collect and generate relevant data andextraction of information from the synthesis of the data on resources of the <strong>coastal</strong> <strong>zone</strong>, itsvulnerability to natural disasters, extent of fragility of the eco-system, role of <strong>coastal</strong>processes to sustain the <strong>coastal</strong> environment, extent of pollution of the <strong>coastal</strong> environment,current land use of the <strong>coastal</strong> <strong>zone</strong> and livelihood of the <strong>coastal</strong> population. To achieve thesame, a detailed monitoring and evaluation program has been included under Section V.

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