integrated coastal zone management project west ... - Iczmpwb.org

integrated coastal zone management project west ... - Iczmpwb.org

integrated coastal zone management project west ... - Iczmpwb.org


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153134. On the <strong>west</strong>ern <strong>coastal</strong> areas, tourism and fishery including aquaculture potential areimmense. But the infrastructure to support a burgeoning tourism demand has not kept paceand thereby setting in degradation and pollution of the environment. There are early signs ofover exploitation of marine and <strong>coastal</strong> resources. Coastal erosion in spite of severalprotection measures has not been arrested completely and further erosion and inundation of<strong>coastal</strong> areas are looming large. In the eastern part of the <strong>west</strong>ern coast of West Bengal,development of industries requiring sea fronts, like new ports/harbour at Sagar Island, coastbased petro-chemical hubs with down stream industries, ship breaking/building yards arecontemplated to bring in new investment for renewed industrialization efforts of the State.135. The above analysis clearly brings out the competing and some times conflictingdemands on the using the <strong>coastal</strong> resources of West Bengal. These demands are related tolivelihood issues of the local population as well to the economic resurgence of the state as awhole and can not be denied. At the same time to sustain such use, the location, scale and theprocess selected/adopted for the use of the <strong>coastal</strong> resources should have a harmoniousrelation and co-existance with the preservation and acceptable functioning of the <strong>coastal</strong>system. A well thought and balanced <strong>integrated</strong> <strong>coastal</strong> <strong>zone</strong> <strong>management</strong> plan of the <strong>coastal</strong>regions of West Bengal is therefore a necessity and the state <strong>project</strong> proposal on this count iseminently justified.136. In summary, the state <strong>project</strong> proposals have be drawn up in order to ensurepreservation of the valuable and developing <strong>coastal</strong> environment, rational but sustainedutilization of its resources and at the same time facilitating use of the <strong>coastal</strong> <strong>zone</strong> forcompatible activities. A tentative SWOT analysis for the priority state <strong>project</strong> proposalshas been made as follows:STRENGTH WEAKNESS OPPORTUNITIES THREATProviding solutionto <strong>coastal</strong> erosionproblemIll understood<strong>coastal</strong> processescausing erosionProviding solutionto the salinityingress in <strong>coastal</strong>aquifersPromoting tourismincluding ecotourisminSundarbanData base on thecurrent situation isinadequateThe right balancebetweenpreservation ofeco-system ad eco-Some <strong>coastal</strong>prevention work are inplace and seems to beworkingGeohydrologicalsolutions to theproblem is well knownprovided relevantscientific data areavailableCurrently eco-tourismis on a low keyespecially inSundarban andDue to choice ofwrong protectionmeasures, <strong>coastal</strong>erosion is notarrestedInadequateenforcement ofregulatorymeasures forsinking of tubewellsInadequateenforcement ofprohibitoryactivities by the

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