integrated coastal zone management project west ... -

integrated coastal zone management project west ... - integrated coastal zone management project west ... -


143D.6 Key Issues in coastal zone management of West BengalD.6.1 Institutional Co-ordination102. Lack of a co-ordination mechanism among various agencies connected with studiesrelated to problems and issues of CZM is a key issue in coastal zone management. Theprogrammes by various institutes are not complimentary and there are cases of overlappingefforts. There is no single point where results of all investigations in CZM activities arearchived for access by the concerned persons. In its absence valuable data accessed andgenerated at great cost and pain-staking efforts will not be available in drawing up of theICZMP as per new draft Notification. Infrastructural facilities are being created in differentinstitutes at great costs that are not complimentary in nature. As a result same facilities arebeing created at different institutes leading to idle capacity.D.6.2 Pollution of coastal water103. The existing land use pattern of coastal belt of West Bengal reveals that importantsectors like agriculture constitute about 1348 square kms.; mud flats and beach cover about200 square kms., coastal aquaculture impoundment 267 square kms., saltpans and salt marsh28.6 and 22.13 square kms, respectively. The forest area covers 1952 square kms. of actualdense mangrove zone within the Coastal Regulation Zone I of 4164 square kms. Majorsources of pollution in the coast of West Bengal are wastewater generated from domestic,agricultural and industrial activities. Status of these discharges and their load into coastalwaters are detailed below.Domestic waste104. Major sources of domestic waste in the state are the busy coastal towns and touristresorts namely Digha, Haldia, Kakdwip, Bakkhali, Diamond Harbour,Canning and Basantifrom which substantial quantity of municipal waste, totally untreated, find their way intocoastal sea throughout the year either directly or indirectly through creeks/canals andestuaries. As per estimates of CPCB, around 785.4 MLD sewage is generated from cities andtown in West Bengal of which only around 141.7 MLD is treated and balance is dischargedinto coastal waters untreated. This translates into discharge of around 146 and 378 TPD ofBOD and COD respectively into the coastal waters. It is estimated that municipal waste tothe tune of about 400 tonnes of sewage every day from Kolkata metropolis is discharged intocoastal waters of Sundarban..Oil wastes in water bodies105. Operational activities at port (Haldia), shipping discharge, discharge from major fishcentres at Sankarpur and Namkhana and also from mechanized fishing and cargo boats form

144some sources of residual oil, grease and solid rejects in addition to material loss duringloading and unloading activities. Pollution in Sundarban is mainly caused by discharge ofburnt oil and grease from mechanized boatsIndustrial waste106. There is no direct influence of industries along the coast of West Bengal. But, atabout 20 nautical miles upstream, an industrial complex at Haldia on the west bank of Hugliriver, makes significant contribution to coastal pollution. In addition to that, the Hugli rivercarries discharge from a large number of industries located upstream (62 large and mediumin West Bengal). It is reported that around 22 MLD of industrial wastewater is dischargedinto coastal waters in West Bengal.Tourism related wastes107. The tourist resort with respect to major pollution source is the Digha region and to aminor degree the Bakkhali (Fraserganj) area. There are about 400 hotels, holiday homes,some eating joints and sweetmeat shops in Digha. And only a few (about 10) such facilitiesare present in Bakkhali area. Other tourist areas within the Sundarban area includeSajnekhali, Pakhiralay, etc. Though there is no inventory available, the wastes generatedfrom these resources are also directly discharged into the coastal waters. Water sampleanalysis from coastal sea of Digha Sankarpur area clearly shows considerable amount ofbiological pollution especially near New Digha and Digha beach. The coliform counts arealso significantly high especially in the New Digha and Digha.Agricultural waste108. A portion of agricultural waste in the form of fertilizers, pesticides and insecticidesalso constitute an unaccounted pollution load, which drain ultimately into the coastal watersthrough creeks and rivers. It is reported that in 2003-2004, the total fertilizer use in the statewas around 1261450 tonnes. Consumption of pesticides in the period 2002-2003 was around3000 tonnes per year. Assuming that 1% of this fertilizer and pesticide use ends up as runoffin the water bodies, the annual fertilizer load in the coastal water would be around 5213tonnes per year of nitrogen, 2574 tonnes per year of phosphorus and 4815 tonnes per year ofpotassium. While the pollution load for pesticides would be 4 kg/day of organic chlorine and32 kg/day of organic phophorus.D.6.3 Coastal erosionDigha-Sankarpur area109. The shoreline between the Subarnarekha and the Rasulpur deltas is characterised bysand dunes and a wide sandy beach. Several small tidal creeks cross the shore, the largest

143D.6 Key Issues in <strong>coastal</strong> <strong>zone</strong> <strong>management</strong> of West BengalD.6.1 Institutional Co-ordination102. Lack of a co-ordination mechanism among various agencies connected with studiesrelated to problems and issues of CZM is a key issue in <strong>coastal</strong> <strong>zone</strong> <strong>management</strong>. Theprogrammes by various institutes are not complimentary and there are cases of overlappingefforts. There is no single point where results of all investigations in CZM activities arearchived for access by the concerned persons. In its absence valuable data accessed andgenerated at great cost and pain-staking efforts will not be available in drawing up of theICZMP as per new draft Notification. Infrastructural facilities are being created in differentinstitutes at great costs that are not complimentary in nature. As a result same facilities arebeing created at different institutes leading to idle capacity.D.6.2 Pollution of <strong>coastal</strong> water103. The existing land use pattern of <strong>coastal</strong> belt of West Bengal reveals that importantsectors like agriculture constitute about 1348 square kms.; mud flats and beach cover about200 square kms., <strong>coastal</strong> aquaculture impoundment 267 square kms., saltpans and salt marsh28.6 and 22.13 square kms, respectively. The forest area covers 1952 square kms. of actualdense mangrove <strong>zone</strong> within the Coastal Regulation Zone I of 4164 square kms. Majorsources of pollution in the coast of West Bengal are wastewater generated from domestic,agricultural and industrial activities. Status of these discharges and their load into <strong>coastal</strong>waters are detailed below.Domestic waste104. Major sources of domestic waste in the state are the busy <strong>coastal</strong> towns and touristresorts namely Digha, Haldia, Kakdwip, Bakkhali, Diamond Harbour,Canning and Basantifrom which substantial quantity of municipal waste, totally untreated, find their way into<strong>coastal</strong> sea throughout the year either directly or indirectly through creeks/canals andestuaries. As per estimates of CPCB, around 785.4 MLD sewage is generated from cities andtown in West Bengal of which only around 141.7 MLD is treated and balance is dischargedinto <strong>coastal</strong> waters untreated. This translates into discharge of around 146 and 378 TPD ofBOD and COD respectively into the <strong>coastal</strong> waters. It is estimated that municipal waste tothe tune of about 400 tonnes of sewage every day from Kolkata metropolis is discharged into<strong>coastal</strong> waters of Sundarban..Oil wastes in water bodies105. Operational activities at port (Haldia), shipping discharge, discharge from major fishcentres at Sankarpur and Namkhana and also from mechanized fishing and cargo boats form

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