integrated coastal zone management project west ... -

integrated coastal zone management project west ... - integrated coastal zone management project west ... -


35whether activities of the proposed facilities falling in the different segments of the chosencoastal zone are permissible under the provisions of CRZ notification.91. West Bengal Coastal Zone Management Authority (WBCZMA) is responsible foradministering the provisions of the CRZ notification. The State prepared the first IntegratedCoastal Zone Management Plan as per provisions of the Notification in 1997 which was dulyapproved by Ministry of Environment and Forests, GOI in October, 1997.However, it was felt that the plan needs to be upgraded and accordingly a new plan wasprepared for Digha-Sankarpur coast which is pending approval in MOEF. ICZM plan for therest of the coast in West Bengal is under preparation.92. The basic requirement of preparation of a Coastal Zone Management Plan of theentire coastal region delineating Coastal Zone as defined and CRZ I, CRZ II, CRZ III withthe set back line of 200 m has been done on a lower scale map (1:50,000) using mostlyremote sensing data.D.4 Current Capacity Building Programs – achievements and limitations93. The present capacity building programmes are being carried out by severalgovernmental and non-governmental institutes through their respective research programmes.The Institute of Environmental Studies and Wetland Management (IESWM) carries outbasic and applied research programme on various aspects of coastal zone managementthrough deployment of young scientists who get the opportunity to learn and developresearch tools for coastal zone management. Remarkable capacity building has been achievedin the Institute in the field of processing of remotely sense data and application of GIStechniques in coastal zone management problems. But if this Institute has to play a majorrole, its capacity needs to be augmented through induction of a large number of permanentqualified man power.94. West Bengal Pollution Control Board has high quality expertise and laboratoryfacilities in monitoring of pollution of coastal water. Through several in house research andmonitoring programmes and training of junior scientists, the Board is continually building upits capacity related to CZM activities.95. Department of Forest has a core capacity to manage the forests in the coastal regionof West Bengal. The department has time tested mechanism of on the job training of its35

36technical field staff in biodiversity conservation in coastal areas including specializedconservation issues of tigers of Sundarban.96. WBBB has a scientific manpower of 7 research officers in the core team. Anothergroup of 17 scientists from various Universities and Institutes are involved in collaborativeresearch programmes with the Board. At present about 12 research projects are continuing inthe Biodiversity Board. The scientists of the Board regularly participate in various nationalseminar and bring out publications which are highly acclaimed in the scientific community.97. Sundarban Development Board(SDB) has over the years has achieved success inpromoting and funding several schemes in the Sundarban region on livelihood developmentof the local population. The Board played a pivotal role for a balanced development of theSundarban region by co-ordinating the programmes of various line departments of the State.Ecotourism and preparedness for disaster management are the other fields in which SDBplayed a stellar and catalytical role. The Board obviously needs dedicated well trained manpower if it has to play its role to the fullest extent.98. DSDA has been able to imbibe a scientific flavour in local planning andadministration of the critically sensitive tourist resort of Digha-Sankarpur having multifacetedchallenges relating to coastal zone management. However, the Authority lacksorganized trained and qualified man power to carry forward the modest beginning made byit.99. School of Oceanographic Study, Jadavpur University has developed specializedresearch expertise in various fields of coastal research. Their research endeavourencompasses physical, chemical and biological aspects of coastal eco-system. A majorachievement of the School is in their working out the tell-tale effects of sea level riseparticularly in Sundarban areas where a net loss of land areas has been established during thelast century. The School has built up substantial capacity in trained man power andinstrumentation in the field of remote sensing and GIS techniques but their entire expertiserelies heavily on part time efforts of key personnel. Lack of a suitable second line expertiselevel may affect its working in the coming years.100. The major bottleneck in the state for capacity building in CZM activities is lack ofadequate number of scientific personnel in most fields. IESWM and to some extent WBPCBhire temporary research scholars who form the back bone of CZM activities in these36

35whether activities of the proposed facilities falling in the different segments of the chosen<strong>coastal</strong> <strong>zone</strong> are permissible under the provisions of CRZ notification.91. West Bengal Coastal Zone Management Authority (WBCZMA) is responsible foradministering the provisions of the CRZ notification. The State prepared the first IntegratedCoastal Zone Management Plan as per provisions of the Notification in 1997 which was dulyapproved by Ministry of Environment and Forests, GOI in October, 1997.However, it was felt that the plan needs to be upgraded and accordingly a new plan wasprepared for Digha-Sankarpur coast which is pending approval in MOEF. ICZM plan for therest of the coast in West Bengal is under preparation.92. The basic requirement of preparation of a Coastal Zone Management Plan of theentire <strong>coastal</strong> region delineating Coastal Zone as defined and CRZ I, CRZ II, CRZ III withthe set back line of 200 m has been done on a lower scale map (1:50,000) using mostlyremote sensing data.D.4 Current Capacity Building Programs – achievements and limitations93. The present capacity building programmes are being carried out by severalgovernmental and non-governmental institutes through their respective research programmes.The Institute of Environmental Studies and Wetland Management (IESWM) carries outbasic and applied research programme on various aspects of <strong>coastal</strong> <strong>zone</strong> <strong>management</strong>through deployment of young scientists who get the opportunity to learn and developresearch tools for <strong>coastal</strong> <strong>zone</strong> <strong>management</strong>. Remarkable capacity building has been achievedin the Institute in the field of processing of remotely sense data and application of GIStechniques in <strong>coastal</strong> <strong>zone</strong> <strong>management</strong> problems. But if this Institute has to play a majorrole, its capacity needs to be augmented through induction of a large number of permanentqualified man power.94. West Bengal Pollution Control Board has high quality expertise and laboratoryfacilities in monitoring of pollution of <strong>coastal</strong> water. Through several in house research andmonitoring programmes and training of junior scientists, the Board is continually building upits capacity related to CZM activities.95. Department of Forest has a core capacity to manage the forests in the <strong>coastal</strong> regionof West Bengal. The department has time tested mechanism of on the job training of its35

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