integrated coastal zone management project west ... -

integrated coastal zone management project west ... - integrated coastal zone management project west ... -


31cooling water intakes. As the Regional Laboratory of ESCAP since 1971, CWPRS hasoffered its services to a number of projects in the neighbourhood as well as in countries inMiddle East and Africa.Kolkata Port Trust72. KPT has two dock systems – the Calcutta dock system and Haldia dock system. Boththese port system require hydrographic data regularly for safe navigation. The Marinedepartment of the Trust as well as its Hydraulic Study Unit provides the necessary vital input.River training work for adequate draft in the approaches of the dock systems in the Hugliestuary are carried out by the Trust. Haldia dock system occupies and uses vital stretches ofthe coastal area.Eastern Regional office of Central Pollution Control Board73. Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) was constituted in September, 1974 underthe Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974. Further, CPCB was entrustedwith the powers and functions under the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981.It serves as a field formation and also provides technical services to the Ministry ofEnvironment and Forests of the provisions of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986.Principal functions of the CPCB are (i) to promote cleanliness of streams and wells indifferent areas of the States by prevention, control and abatement of water pollution, and (ii)to improve the quality of air and to prevent, control or abate air pollution in the country.Important projects of Kolkata Zonal Office during 2006-2007 include Environment status ofbeaches in the Eastern Zone, Studies on Environmental Status of Coastal aquacultureincluding Effluent Treatment System in West Bengal & Orissa, Studies on Marine Debris,Status of fish processing industries in Orissa & West Bengal.D.2.3 Government of West Bengal74. Several departments of the Government of West Bengal play important roles in themanagement of coastal areas of West Bengal. They are as follows:Department of Environment75. The Environment Department was created on 02/06/1982 with the followingbusiness: Environment & Ecology, Prevention and Control of Pollution of Air, Water andLand, Co-ordination between Departments & Agencies of the State and the UnionGovernment concerned with policies and schemes relating to environment and all matters31

32connected with the Bengal Smoke Nuisance Commission and the West Bengal PollutionControl Board. The department is the state level agency that regulate and controls the use ofthe coastal areas of West Bengal.Department of Fisheries76. The Fisheries Department is a major developmental department of the Government ofWest Bengal that works for the development of fisheries in the state by bringing all types ofwater bodies into fishery in an eco-friendly manner, involving people within the sectorthereby uplifting their socio-economic condition and production of maximum fish food fromunit area.Department of Sundarban Affairs77. The department plays an important role in managing the ecologically sensitiveSundarban areas including regulating developmental needs of the region and promoting ecocompatible livelihood of the people living in the Sundarban. The department co-ordinates thedevelopmental activities in the Sundarban region of different line departments of the state.Irrigation and Waterways Department78. The department maintains the waterways of the state and arranges of surface waterirrigation facilities to agricultural fields. Construction of engineering structures to protectvulnerable stretches of any natural or man made waterways including sea front and coastalareas are one of the important responsibilities of the Department.Department of Forests79. The Forest Department of the State protects, manages and regulates use of the forestsof the state in general. It has got a special responsibility in managing the Sundarban regionboth in respect of its forest resources but also the unique wild life of the region. In coastalareas the department often takes up forestry mainly to provide bioshield to the region fromdevastating cyclones, tidal surge and coastal erosion.Public Health Engineering Department80. Construction and operation of drinking water supply system in the rural areas of theState including the coastal areas is the primary responsibility of the Department. Erection ofsewerage and drainage system including treatment of waste water in non-municipal areasincluding coastal areas is one of the responsibilities of the department.D.2.4 State Institutions32

32connected with the Bengal Smoke Nuisance Commission and the West Bengal PollutionControl Board. The department is the state level agency that regulate and controls the use ofthe <strong>coastal</strong> areas of West Bengal.Department of Fisheries76. The Fisheries Department is a major developmental department of the Government ofWest Bengal that works for the development of fisheries in the state by bringing all types ofwater bodies into fishery in an eco-friendly manner, involving people within the sectorthereby uplifting their socio-economic condition and production of maximum fish food fromunit area.Department of Sundarban Affairs77. The department plays an important role in managing the ecologically sensitiveSundarban areas including regulating developmental needs of the region and promoting ecocompatible livelihood of the people living in the Sundarban. The department co-ordinates thedevelopmental activities in the Sundarban region of different line departments of the state.Irrigation and Waterways Department78. The department maintains the waterways of the state and arranges of surface waterirrigation facilities to agricultural fields. Construction of engineering structures to protectvulnerable stretches of any natural or man made waterways including sea front and <strong>coastal</strong>areas are one of the important responsibilities of the Department.Department of Forests79. The Forest Department of the State protects, manages and regulates use of the forestsof the state in general. It has got a special responsibility in managing the Sundarban regionboth in respect of its forest resources but also the unique wild life of the region. In <strong>coastal</strong>areas the department often takes up forestry mainly to provide bioshield to the region fromdevastating cyclones, tidal surge and <strong>coastal</strong> erosion.Public Health Engineering Department80. Construction and operation of drinking water supply system in the rural areas of theState including the <strong>coastal</strong> areas is the primary responsibility of the Department. Erection ofsewerage and drainage system including treatment of waste water in non-municipal areasincluding <strong>coastal</strong> areas is one of the responsibilities of the department.D.2.4 State Institutions32

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