integrated coastal zone management project west ... -

integrated coastal zone management project west ... - integrated coastal zone management project west ... -


29to promote survey, explore and research leading to the advancement in our knowledge of thevarious aspects of the exceptionally rich animal life. The organisation is a vast repository ofNational Zoological Collection in the form of various types and reference collections neededfor the bio-systematic research and conservation strategies. Exploration activities of theDepartment in different ecosystems are as follows.(i) Estuarine and Marine SurveysMarine ecosystem survey includes study of faunal status and composition and theirinteraction with the marine ecosystems. Survey of faunal resources of estuarine areas,brackish-water lakes and back-waters of the eastern coast of India have been recently takenup by the newly established Estuarine Biological Research Station at Gopalpur on Sea,Ganjam, Orissa.(ii) Mangrove Faunal Surveys:For the collection and study of mangrove organisms, faunistic surveys are beingundertaken in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Sunderbans (West Bengal) and PitchavaramIslands (Tamil Nadu). The fauna is being thoroughly studied to assess the quantitative andqualitative distribution in these areas.Botanical Survey of India68. BSI is the nodal agency in the central government mandated to carry out botanicalsurvey of the whole country inclusive of the coastal area. Several publications have beenbrought out by the Survey on floral characteristics of coastal regions of India that givecomprehensive accounts of the flora endemic to various coastal regions.D.2.2 National InstitutionsNational Institute of Oceanography69. The National Institute of Oceanography (NIO) is one of the 38 constituentlaboratories of the Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), New Delhi and wasestablished on 1 January 1966. The objective of NIO is to develop knowledge on physical,chemical, biological, geological, geophysical, engineering and pollution aspects of the watersaround India and to provide support to various industries, government and non-governmentorganisations through consultancy and contract research. The focus of research has been onobserving and understanding the special oceanographic features that the North Indian basinoffers. The inferences from this research have been reported in about 5000 research articles29

30so far. The major research areas include the four traditional branches of oceanography -biological, chemical, geological/geophysical, and physical - and some other areas such asmarine instrumentation and archaeology. The institute also operates a coastal research vesselCRV Sagar Sukti, a 23 m vessel equipped for multidisciplinary oceanographic observations.NIO's scientists also have access to the ocean going research vessel ORV Sagar Kanya,operated by the Ministry of Earth Sciences. The institute also carries out applied researchsponsored by the industry. These studies include oceanographic data collection,environmental impact assessment, and modeling to predict environmental impact. Theinstitute also provides consultancy on a number of issues including marine environmentalprotection and coastal zone regulations.National Institute of Ocean Technology70. The National Institute of Ocean Technology (NIOT) was established in November1993 as an autonomous society under the Ministry of Earth Sciences, Government ofIndia. The major aim of starting NIOT is to develop reliable indigenous technology to solvethe various engineering problems associated with harvesting of non-living and livingresources in the Indian Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), which is about two-thirds of theland area of India. The organizational mission is to develop world class technologies andtheir applications for sustainable utilization of ocean resources, to provide competitive, valueadded technical services and solutions to organizations working in the oceans and to developa knowledgebase and institutional capabilities in India for management of ocean resourcesand environment.Central Water and Power Research Station, Pune71. The Central Water and Power Research Station (CWPRS), Pune was established in1916 with a limited mandate to modify irrigation practice to meet agricultural requirements.Over years CWPRS has become the principal central agency to cater to the R&D needs ofprojects in the fields of water and energy resources development and water-borne transport.Indeed it is now one of the foremost organisations in the world in the field of hydraulics andallied research. CWPRS provides specialised services through physical and mathematicalmodel studies in river training and flood control, hydraulic structures, harbours, coastalprotection, foundation engineering, construction materials, pumps and turbines, shiphydrodynamics, hydraulic design of bridges, environmental studies, earth sciences, and30

30so far. The major research areas include the four traditional branches of oceanography -biological, chemical, geological/geophysical, and physical - and some other areas such asmarine instrumentation and archaeology. The institute also operates a <strong>coastal</strong> research vesselCRV Sagar Sukti, a 23 m vessel equipped for multidisciplinary oceanographic observations.NIO's scientists also have access to the ocean going research vessel ORV Sagar Kanya,operated by the Ministry of Earth Sciences. The institute also carries out applied researchsponsored by the industry. These studies include oceanographic data collection,environmental impact assessment, and modeling to predict environmental impact. Theinstitute also provides consultancy on a number of issues including marine environmentalprotection and <strong>coastal</strong> <strong>zone</strong> regulations.National Institute of Ocean Technology70. The National Institute of Ocean Technology (NIOT) was established in November1993 as an autonomous society under the Ministry of Earth Sciences, Government ofIndia. The major aim of starting NIOT is to develop reliable indigenous technology to solvethe various engineering problems associated with harvesting of non-living and livingresources in the Indian Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), which is about two-thirds of theland area of India. The <strong>org</strong>anizational mission is to develop world class technologies andtheir applications for sustainable utilization of ocean resources, to provide competitive, valueadded technical services and solutions to <strong>org</strong>anizations working in the oceans and to developa knowledgebase and institutional capabilities in India for <strong>management</strong> of ocean resourcesand environment.Central Water and Power Research Station, Pune71. The Central Water and Power Research Station (CWPRS), Pune was established in1916 with a limited mandate to modify irrigation practice to meet agricultural requirements.Over years CWPRS has become the principal central agency to cater to the R&D needs of<strong>project</strong>s in the fields of water and energy resources development and water-borne transport.Indeed it is now one of the foremost <strong>org</strong>anisations in the world in the field of hydraulics andallied research. CWPRS provides specialised services through physical and mathematicalmodel studies in river training and flood control, hydraulic structures, harbours, <strong>coastal</strong>protection, foundation engineering, construction materials, pumps and turbines, shiphydrodynamics, hydraulic design of bridges, environmental studies, earth sciences, and30

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