integrated coastal zone management project west ... -

integrated coastal zone management project west ... - integrated coastal zone management project west ... -


23A. Category I (CRZ – I)46. The CRZ - I will include(i) Areas that are ecologically sensitive and important such as national parks/marineparks, sanctuaries, reserve forests, wildlife habitats, mangroves, corals/coral reefsAreas close to breeding and spawning grounds of fish and other marine lifeAreas of outstanding natural beauty/historical heritage areasAreas rich in genetic diversityAreas likely to be inundated due to rise in sea level consequent upon globalwarming andSuch other areas as may be declared by the Central Government or the concernedauthorities at the State/Union Territory level from time to time(ii) Area between the LTL and the HTL47. The development or construction activities in CRZ - I areas shall be regulated by theconcerned authorities at the State/Union Territory level in accordance with the specifiednorms. Between LTL and the HTL, activities as specified are permitted.B. Category II (CRZ II)48. The areas that have already been developed up to close to the shore-line. For thispurpose, "developed area" is referred to as that area within the municipal limits or in otherlegally designated urban areas which is already substantially built up and which has beenprovided with drainage and approach roads and other infrastructural facilities, such as watersupply and sewerage mains.49. The development or construction activities in CRZ - II areas shall be regulated by theconcerned authorities at the State/Union Territory level in accordance with the specifiednorms.C. Category III (CRZ-III)50. Areas that are relatively undisturbed and those which do not belong to eitherCategory I or II. These will include coastal zone in the rural areas (developed andundeveloped) and also areas within Municipal limits or in other legally designated urbanareas which are not substantially built up.51. The development or construction activities in CRZ - III areas shall be regulated by theconcerned authorities at the State/Union Territory level in accordance with the specified23

24norms. The area up to 200 metres from the High Tide Line is to be earmarked as 'NoDevelopment Zone", provided that such area does not fall within any notified port limits orany notified Special Economic Zone.D. Category IV (CRZ IV)52. Coastal stretches in the Andaman and Nicobar, Lakshadweep and small islands,except those designated as CRZ I, CRZ II OR CRZ III. The development or constructionactivities in CRZ - IV areas shall be regulated by the concerned authorities at the State/UnionTerritory level in accordance with the specified norms.D 1.4 Coastal Zone Management (CZM) Notification, 200853. Implementation of CRZ notification of 1991 posed problems over the years in itseffective implementation for the sustainable development of coastal regions as well asconservation of coastal resources. A committee under the chairmanship of Prof. M SSwaminathan reviewed the existing Notification and made specific recommendations to buildon the strengths of existing regulations and institutional structures and fill gaps forconservation and improving the management of the coastal resources by enhancing the livingand non-living resources of the coastal zone; by ensuring protection to coastal populationsand structures from risk of inundation and also ensuring livelihood security of coastalpopulations. Accordingly based on these recommendations Central government has issuedthe draft of a new Coastal Zone Management (CZM) Notification superseding the CRZNotification.54. The draft Notification defines coastal zone as the area from the territorial waters limit(12 nautical miles measured from the appropriate baseline) including its sea bed, the adjacentland area along the coast, and inland water bodies influenced by tidal action including itsbed, up to the landward boundary of the local self government or local authority abutting thesea coast. In case of ecologically and culturally sensitive areas, the entire biological orphysical boundary of the area will be included. For the purposes of management andregulation, the coastal zone is to be divided into four categories, namely:1. Coastal Management Zone – I (CMZ – I) consisting of areas designated asEcologically Sensitive Areas (ESA) such as Mangrove, Coral reefs, Sandy beachesand Sand dunes, Turtle nesting grounds, Salt marshes, Nesting ground of birds, etc24

24norms. The area up to 200 metres from the High Tide Line is to be earmarked as 'NoDevelopment Zone", provided that such area does not fall within any notified port limits orany notified Special Economic Zone.D. Category IV (CRZ IV)52. Coastal stretches in the Andaman and Nicobar, Lakshadweep and small islands,except those designated as CRZ I, CRZ II OR CRZ III. The development or constructionactivities in CRZ - IV areas shall be regulated by the concerned authorities at the State/UnionTerritory level in accordance with the specified norms.D 1.4 Coastal Zone Management (CZM) Notification, 200853. Implementation of CRZ notification of 1991 posed problems over the years in itseffective implementation for the sustainable development of <strong>coastal</strong> regions as well asconservation of <strong>coastal</strong> resources. A committee under the chairmanship of Prof. M SSwaminathan reviewed the existing Notification and made specific recommendations to buildon the strengths of existing regulations and institutional structures and fill gaps forconservation and improving the <strong>management</strong> of the <strong>coastal</strong> resources by enhancing the livingand non-living resources of the <strong>coastal</strong> <strong>zone</strong>; by ensuring protection to <strong>coastal</strong> populationsand structures from risk of inundation and also ensuring livelihood security of <strong>coastal</strong>populations. Accordingly based on these recommendations Central government has issuedthe draft of a new Coastal Zone Management (CZM) Notification superseding the CRZNotification.54. The draft Notification defines <strong>coastal</strong> <strong>zone</strong> as the area from the territorial waters limit(12 nautical miles measured from the appropriate baseline) including its sea bed, the adjacentland area along the coast, and inland water bodies influenced by tidal action including itsbed, up to the landward boundary of the local self government or local authority abutting thesea coast. In case of ecologically and culturally sensitive areas, the entire biological orphysical boundary of the area will be included. For the purposes of <strong>management</strong> andregulation, the <strong>coastal</strong> <strong>zone</strong> is to be divided into four categories, namely:1. Coastal Management Zone – I (CMZ – I) consisting of areas designated asEcologically Sensitive Areas (ESA) such as Mangrove, Coral reefs, Sandy beachesand Sand dunes, Turtle nesting grounds, Salt marshes, Nesting ground of birds, etc24

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