integrated coastal zone management project west ... -

integrated coastal zone management project west ... - integrated coastal zone management project west ... -


19some stretches especially in high tides during late monsoon when surging water suddenly cutoff all escape routes for people who had inadvertently strayed into beach. In spite of all thesedraw backs, Old Digha, New Digha and Sankarpur have tremendous potential to attract alarge number of tourists if an integrated (development) management plan is drawn up andimplemented.30. Sagar Island is a tourist destination especially around the Sagar mela time whenaround five lakh pilgrims visit the island. If the main bottleneck of problems ofcommunication involving crossing of river by ferry and lack of grid electricity are solved, itcan grow into a viable coastal tourist resort.31. In Sundarban area, a small coastal resort Bakkhali (Fraseganj) attracts some touristinflow. Better communication facilities and grid electricity are required to make this beachresort an attractive tourist destination for pristine, unspoilt and quiet beach resort to unwind.32. Tourists are allowed in the buffer area of Sundarban. A tourist lodge at Sajnakhali hasaccommodation facilities for the tourists. Zilla Parishad, 24 North Parganas has also createdaccommodation facility at Hemnagar, close to the northern boundary of the Sundarban TigerReserve. There is tremendous potential for development of eco tourism resources of theSundarban. Ecotourism is now on a very low key with inadequate facilities. A well thoughtout eco tourism plan for Sundarban is the need of the hour. Development of infrastructuralfacilities in tune with the extant landscape and ambience for the promotion of ecotourism inSundarban will be a challenge.33. The main attractions of the Sundarban are for wildlife enthusiasts, the opportunity tosail in the solitude of wilderness through its hundreds of channels, to learn more about thetiger behaviour and the possibility to view this majestic creature on a sand bank or crossing ariver or devouring its prey, to see an old Hindu temple in the middle of nowhere, to viewestuarine and marsh crocodiles under the stars, and to learn more about the mangrove forestand its importance.Ports and harbours34. Haldia Port is located about 104 km south of Kolkata. The fourth largest port in India,Haldia dock system forms part of the Kolkata port complex. It is situated at the confluence ofthe Haldi and the Hugli rivers away from the open coast. The dock complex is located on thewest bank of the river Hugli, 100 km from the pilotage station at Sandheads in the Bay of19

20Bengal. The port handles over 28 million tons of cargo every year. It has a modern docksystem for handling large vessels. Other facilities include a full-fledged container handlingfacility and a jetty for handling bulk chemicals. Haldia maintains a nominal ship-waitingperiod and a low turn round time for vessels. The dock complex is connected throughNational Highway 41. The port has been on a forefront of privatisation. Two of its berthshave been leased to leading enterprises and a large number of leading organisations arekeenly interested in leasing facilities as well as leasing land for setting up port facilities. TheDock System has two riverine oil jetties and eight berths inside an impounded dock.Ground Water35. In the coastal area of West Bengal a clay blanket of 20 – 30m thickness is generallypresent below which brackish water aquifers occur within 120 m depth in the western part ofHugli river and within 150 – 180 m in the eastern part of it. A group of fresh water aquifersoccur in coastal tract of East Medinipur within the depth span of 120-360 m sandwichedbetween saline/brackish water aquifers. In the extreme south-eastern part of the coastal beltbrackish water aquifers occur within 360m depth. The fresh and brackish water aquifers areseparated by a 15 – 20m thick impervious clay layer.36. In the Digha-Ramnagar area of East Medinipur district, a shallow fresh water aquiferexists down to a depth of 12 m bgl in the sediments of present day dunes from which watermay not percolate downward due to the presence of underlying thick plastic clay. An area of150 sq km around Contai, Purba Medinipur district, aquifers contain brackish to saline waterat various depths except those near surface and sand dune aquifers. Also in some localizedpockets in South 24 Parganas district, sand horizons within a zone of 20 – 50m at the tophaving fresh water occur. The distribution of salt water – fresh water aquifers in the coastaltract is generally uniform with fresh ground water overlying saline ground water underneath.37. The Haldia region is important from the point of view of ground water utilization in arapidly growing coast based industrial hub of West Bengal. Drilling for ground water withinthe Haldia Industrial complex area reveals that sediments down to a depth of 115 b.g.l. aregenerally argillaceous in nature with few sand horizons with brackish to saline water. Belowthe depth of about 115 metres, the sediments are by and large arenaceous down to depths oflittle over 300 m. These sandy aquifers contain fresh ground water. Below the depth of 30520

19some stretches especially in high tides during late monsoon when surging water suddenly cutoff all escape routes for people who had inadvertently strayed into beach. In spite of all thesedraw backs, Old Digha, New Digha and Sankarpur have tremendous potential to attract alarge number of tourists if an <strong>integrated</strong> (development) <strong>management</strong> plan is drawn up andimplemented.30. Sagar Island is a tourist destination especially around the Sagar mela time whenaround five lakh pilgrims visit the island. If the main bottleneck of problems ofcommunication involving crossing of river by ferry and lack of grid electricity are solved, itcan grow into a viable <strong>coastal</strong> tourist resort.31. In Sundarban area, a small <strong>coastal</strong> resort Bakkhali (Fraseganj) attracts some touristinflow. Better communication facilities and grid electricity are required to make this beachresort an attractive tourist destination for pristine, unspoilt and quiet beach resort to unwind.32. Tourists are allowed in the buffer area of Sundarban. A tourist lodge at Sajnakhali hasaccommodation facilities for the tourists. Zilla Parishad, 24 North Parganas has also createdaccommodation facility at Hemnagar, close to the northern boundary of the Sundarban TigerReserve. There is tremendous potential for development of eco tourism resources of theSundarban. Ecotourism is now on a very low key with inadequate facilities. A well thoughtout eco tourism plan for Sundarban is the need of the hour. Development of infrastructuralfacilities in tune with the extant landscape and ambience for the promotion of ecotourism inSundarban will be a challenge.33. The main attractions of the Sundarban are for wildlife enthusiasts, the opportunity tosail in the solitude of wilderness through its hundreds of channels, to learn more about thetiger behaviour and the possibility to view this majestic creature on a sand bank or crossing ariver or devouring its prey, to see an old Hindu temple in the middle of nowhere, to vie<strong>west</strong>uarine and marsh crocodiles under the stars, and to learn more about the mangrove forestand its importance.Ports and harbours34. Haldia Port is located about 104 km south of Kolkata. The fourth largest port in India,Haldia dock system forms part of the Kolkata port complex. It is situated at the confluence ofthe Haldi and the Hugli rivers away from the open coast. The dock complex is located on the<strong>west</strong> bank of the river Hugli, 100 km from the pilotage station at Sandheads in the Bay of19

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