integrated coastal zone management project west ... -

integrated coastal zone management project west ... - integrated coastal zone management project west ... -


192 yearly monitoring through field survey of status of bio-diversity in Digha-Sankarpur and Sagar island areas to evaluate the health of bio-diversity of theareas periodic and regular water quality monitoring (especially BOD and bacterialcount) of coastal waters in and around Haldia and Digha-Sankarpur toevaluate that the water quality is meeting the required standard periodic data collection on fish catch (catch per effort) along coasts toevaluate that the health of coastal fish population is maintaining the requiredstandard continuous field monitoring of coastal process through deployment of suitablefield monitoring equipments yearly monitoring of crop and other agricultural and horticultural yield toevaluate their productivity due to the proposed interventions yearly monitoring and evaluation of GDP of the coastal districts of WestBengal monthly monitoring of movement and visit of tourist to Digha-Sankarpur andSagar island areas396. Positive response in any or all of the above indictors will point towards success andsustainability of the ICMZP. Most of these monitoring and evaluation will be carried out asplanned under paras 387 to 392. A few of the monitoring related to water quality, GDP, fishcatch, agricultural and horticultural production, fish catch etc are routinely collected by theconcerned departments of the government. These data will be accessed avoiding duplicationof monitoring works.(a) Performance M & E systems397. Performance of the M & E system will depend upon the correct choice of monitoringand evaluation items for a corresponding set of items of actions of an intervention program. Itwill also depend on the choice of correct methodology and equipment for the monitoring andevaluation exercise. Once these are achieved the adopted M & E system will performsatisfactorily and provide information about the efficacy of the adopted intervention programto address the chosen problem related to the ICZM.(b) Effectiveness M & E systems

193398. A chosen M & E system will be effective if and only if the system is operatedefficiently by qualified personnel and the generated data are processed effectively to extractthe required information on the efficacy of the intervention program being monitored andevaluated.C. Results Framework399. Results framework will have the following structure:Achievement of physical targets (e.g. progress in construction, progress inprocurement of manpower and equipments, etc.)Financial management (fund flow and expenditure status, budget status, statusof financial records and audit, etc.)Environmental scenario (e.g. status of water quality, bio-diversity, etc.)Socio-economic scenario (e.g. level of living standards, level of socioeconomicvulnerability, livelihood status, etc.)D. Implementation ArrangementD1. Arrangements for Result Monitoring400. The following arrangements will be made for result monitoring:Field visit, inspection and field measurementsLaboratory analysisReporting systemMonthly/quarterly review meetingResearch publications/reportsReview meetings at the state level (half yearly)External monitoring and evaluation (annual)401. While formulating the above arrangement for results monitoring, the followingspecific arrangements will be an integral part of the monitoring:A description of steps taken to achieve the Project objectives during the pastone year.A summary of achievements relative to each objective specified in thisprogress report.A description of project outcome data collected and its interpretation.An assessment of progress relative to targets.A list of concerns about progress toward activity objectives and suggestedremedial steps.

192 yearly monitoring through field survey of status of bio-diversity in Digha-Sankarpur and Sagar island areas to evaluate the health of bio-diversity of theareas periodic and regular water quality monitoring (especially BOD and bacterialcount) of <strong>coastal</strong> waters in and around Haldia and Digha-Sankarpur toevaluate that the water quality is meeting the required standard periodic data collection on fish catch (catch per effort) along coasts toevaluate that the health of <strong>coastal</strong> fish population is maintaining the requiredstandard continuous field monitoring of <strong>coastal</strong> process through deployment of suitablefield monitoring equipments yearly monitoring of crop and other agricultural and horticultural yield toevaluate their productivity due to the proposed interventions yearly monitoring and evaluation of GDP of the <strong>coastal</strong> districts of WestBengal monthly monitoring of movement and visit of tourist to Digha-Sankarpur andSagar island areas396. Positive response in any or all of the above indictors will point towards success andsustainability of the ICMZP. Most of these monitoring and evaluation will be carried out asplanned under paras 387 to 392. A few of the monitoring related to water quality, GDP, fishcatch, agricultural and horticultural production, fish catch etc are routinely collected by theconcerned departments of the government. These data will be accessed avoiding duplicationof monitoring works.(a) Performance M & E systems397. Performance of the M & E system will depend upon the correct choice of monitoringand evaluation items for a corresponding set of items of actions of an intervention program. Itwill also depend on the choice of correct methodology and equipment for the monitoring andevaluation exercise. Once these are achieved the adopted M & E system will performsatisfactorily and provide information about the efficacy of the adopted intervention programto address the chosen problem related to the ICZM.(b) Effectiveness M & E systems

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