integrated coastal zone management project west ... -

integrated coastal zone management project west ... - integrated coastal zone management project west ... -


174evolved in response to the crises that developed following attempts to regulate coastal zoneusages that began with the directive on such usage by the then Prime Minister of India to theChief Ministers of coastal states of India. Although the CRZ notification was a historicalnecessity, an integrated and sustainable environment management framework for coastalenvironment of India has been a long felt need. Such a framework is ideally based on a statedoverall policy to safeguard the coastal environment and its biodiversity from any intendedaction or decision by laying down the basic principles for ICZM and setting overall goals andspecific objectives to guide activities and decisions affecting the coast and coastal resources.The framework is to include a well defined management strategy so that implementingagencies could achieve the stated goals and objectives. The strategy is to specifically addresssensitive issues related to biodiversity conservation, coastal land use planning, resourceconservation and management, coastal fisheries management, socio-economic especiallylivelihood development, environmental assessment, pollution control and project review.Environmental management strategy is also required to provide clear directions in the field ofcoastal environment education, public awareness & participation in coastal zonemanagement, research on coastal zone management and information disclosure. A well coordinatedinstitutional arrangement for the implementation of the policy statement andmanagement strategy to address cross-sectoral issues is an integral part of the managementframework. A monitoring and evaluation system to judge the efficacy of the ICZMprogrammes towards achieving its policies and objectives is a critical component of theenvironmental management framework.373. In essence initial environmental examination of each component of ICZM will beconducted as part of the DPR preparation. The exercise will include preparation of anenvironmental management plan (EMP) based on the outcome of impact assessmentinclusive of formulation of mitigation measures. The EMP will clearly identify the agencywho will implement the worked out mitigation measures during the construction andoperation phase of the projected interventions. The TEM of the PMU will be responsible forenforcing the implementation of the EMP. A first level Environmental & Social Impacts andMitigation Measures in Priority Investigations in West Bengal has already been preparedduring sanctioning of the present Project.D.4. Environmental Monitoring Plan374. Environmental monitoring plan requires both a clear definition of objectives ofmonitoring the relevant environmental parameters and of a valid scientific methodology ofmonitoring all parameters in an effective manner. The plan, of necessity, will comprise

175individual plans of the components but eliminating duplication of monitoring the sameparameters from the same area. The monitoring will also exclude actual monitoring ofparameters that are being carried out separately as part of routine state or union efforts understatutory obligations and/or as part of national level programme(s).375. At present, no comprehensive environmental monitoring plan related exclusively forcoastal zone management exists in the state. However, sectoral monitoring of water quality,shoreline processes, biodiversity, and fishery resources are being under taken in variousscales. A brief description of such monitoring programme is discussed below.West Bengal Pollution Control Board monitors at regular interval the water quality ofrivers and inland waters at selected points.Coastal Water Quality is being monitored by the Eastern Regional Office of CPCBunder the COMAPS programme of Ministry of Earth Sciences.State Forest Department through Sundarban Biosphere Reserve Division monitors theecological status including bio-diversity of mangrove forests in the Sundarban regionProject Tiger of the State Forest Department (wildlife wing) monitors the tigermovements and other related activities in the Sundarban region.IESWM and School of Oceanography, Jadavpur University through their researchprogrammes monitor the shoreline changes along selected stretches.376. Component specific environmental monitoring plans will be prepared as part of theDetailed Project Report of each component of the State ICZM plan. The monitoring planswill include the parameters to be monitored, frequency at which monitoring is planned to becarried out, the methodology of monitoring and the agencies responsible for carrying out themonitoring as per the monitoring plan. PMU shall be responsible for enforcing theMonitoring Plan, review the monitored data and evaluate the need for any change in themonitoring plan that may be required to achieve the desired objective of monitoring.D.5 Institutional arrangement for Environmental management377. The Project Management Unit (PMU) shall be responsible for enforcing theimplementation of the environmental management plan (EMP) by identified agencies underdifferent components of ICZM. The component specific EMP will be drawn up as part of theDetailed Project Report after making an initial environmental examination of the potentialimpacts of the project activities on the environment for each component of ICZM separately.The mitigation measures with identified agencies responsible for implementing the measures

175individual plans of the components but eliminating duplication of monitoring the sameparameters from the same area. The monitoring will also exclude actual monitoring ofparameters that are being carried out separately as part of routine state or union efforts understatutory obligations and/or as part of national level programme(s).375. At present, no comprehensive environmental monitoring plan related exclusively for<strong>coastal</strong> <strong>zone</strong> <strong>management</strong> exists in the state. However, sectoral monitoring of water quality,shoreline processes, biodiversity, and fishery resources are being under taken in variousscales. A brief description of such monitoring programme is discussed below.West Bengal Pollution Control Board monitors at regular interval the water quality ofrivers and inland waters at selected points.Coastal Water Quality is being monitored by the Eastern Regional Office of CPCBunder the COMAPS programme of Ministry of Earth Sciences.State Forest Department through Sundarban Biosphere Reserve Division monitors theecological status including bio-diversity of mangrove forests in the Sundarban regionProject Tiger of the State Forest Department (wildlife wing) monitors the tigermovements and other related activities in the Sundarban region.IESWM and School of Oceanography, Jadavpur University through their researchprogrammes monitor the shoreline changes along selected stretches.376. Component specific environmental monitoring plans will be prepared as part of theDetailed Project Report of each component of the State ICZM plan. The monitoring planswill include the parameters to be monitored, frequency at which monitoring is planned to becarried out, the methodology of monitoring and the agencies responsible for carrying out themonitoring as per the monitoring plan. PMU shall be responsible for enforcing theMonitoring Plan, review the monitored data and evaluate the need for any change in themonitoring plan that may be required to achieve the desired objective of monitoring.D.5 Institutional arrangement for Environmental <strong>management</strong>377. The Project Management Unit (PMU) shall be responsible for enforcing theimplementation of the environmental <strong>management</strong> plan (EMP) by identified agencies underdifferent components of ICZM. The component specific EMP will be drawn up as part of theDetailed Project Report after making an initial environmental examination of the potentialimpacts of the <strong>project</strong> activities on the environment for each component of ICZM separately.The mitigation measures with identified agencies responsible for implementing the measures

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