integrated coastal zone management project west ... -

integrated coastal zone management project west ... - integrated coastal zone management project west ... -


172publication of award of contract in UNDB online and in dgMarket and use of the BanksStandard Bidding documents.D) ShoppingShopping procedure is adopted where the estimated cost of procurement is less than 30000$in case of Works and 20,000$ in case of goods.C.8 Procurement at Community Level367. Growing awareness of community participation in the works from planning toimplementation and post implementation can help in smooth operation and maintenance andsuccessful implementation of the project. Institutional capacity of community plays a majorrole for effective community participation in procurement and implementation of the programCapacity building activities need to be undertaken in order to build and sharpen their existingskills for management and for sustaining all activities related to project implementation.C. 9 Key Procurement Guidelines368. The key procurement guidelines cover key objectives of the procurement for the project; chosen procurement option; chosen procurement route (open or restricted as allowed by the procurement manual) key milestones (check that enough time will be allowed for various steps) key documents e.g. requirements, specifications, bidding documents etc.Key factors influencing the procurement guidelines relate to the degree of complexity,innovation and uncertainty about the requirement, together with the time needed to achieve asuccessful outcome.D. Environmental and Social SafeguardsD.1 Current Regulatory Framework369. The current regulatory framework has necessary and sufficient provisions to ensureenvironmental and social safeguards during implementation of the State Project of ICZMthrough the existing Coastal Regulation Zone Notification, 1991 as amended from time totime, Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974, Wildlife (Protection) Act 1972amended in 2006, the umbrella Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, the draft Coastal ZoneManagement (CZM) Notification, 2008, Forest Conservation Act, 1980, Biological DiversityAct 2002 and Environmental Impact Assessment Notification, 2007 and the state levelFisheries Act. Important features and provisions of these acts and notifications have alreadybeen provided in Section I - D.1. These provisions will provide the regulatory framework forenvironmental and social safeguards of coastal areas during the project implementation. Theenvironmental and social safeguard is also ensured through statutory authorisation proceduresin a transparent manner for specified interventions having a potential to cause deterioration of

173environmental and social conditions through formulation and implementation of approvedappropriate mitigation measures against potential adverse environmental and social impactsdue to intended “developmental” activities of specified nature and/or magnitude. Roles andresponsibilities of regulatory agencies have been clearly spelt out in these acts andnotifications so that the domains of regulatory framework are clearly understood whileimplementing the environmental and social safeguards.D. 2 Base line Environment situation370.A detailed enumeration of the base line environmental situation of the coastal region isperhaps outside the scope of this document. Discussion under Section – I, D. 6 on key issuesin coastal zone management of West Bengal outlines the relevant aspects of base lineenvironmental situation of the coastal zone of West Bengal. The raw data corresponding tothese discussions are available with the monitoring agencies like West Bengal PollutionControl Board, Central Pollution Control Boards, etc. Specifically amongst the environmentalparameters, quality of coastal water is showing deteriorating trends mainly from discharge ofeffluents from industries around Haldia region, discharge of untreated sewage from cities andtowns present in the catchments of estuaries of the Sundarban region and from sea sideresorts fringing the Digha-Sankarpur coast, pollution by pilgrims annually visiting Sagarisland during the month of January, pollution from discharge from ships calling at Kolkataand Haldia ports and pollution from large scale immersion of idols especially in the Hugliriver annually during the months of September-October. The impact of deteriorating waterquality in many cases is reflected in the aquatic ecology with pollution resistant species faroutnumbering the pollution sensitive species. Collection of fish frys in the coastal waters ofSundarban and associated destruction of reject biota are having an adverse effect on theaquatic bio-diversity. Dredging of ship channels certainly is disturbing the bottom dwellers inthe Hugli estuary whose impact is largely uncharted.371.The agencies preparing the DPRs will collect and collate the relevant base line data thatare being generated by different agencies under their regular and specific activities. This baseline data base will provide the necessary platform on which the initial environmentalexamination of each component of ICZM will be carried out, as part of the DPR, to assess thepotential environmental impact including social impact and to formulate the requiredenvironmental and social mitigation measures.D.3 Environment Management Framework372. Most coastal zone management (CZM) efforts have been developed in response tocrises. The CRZ notification of 1991 is the first codified effort in India in CZM but it also

172publication of award of contract in UNDB online and in dgMarket and use of the BanksStandard Bidding documents.D) ShoppingShopping procedure is adopted where the estimated cost of procurement is less than 30000$in case of Works and 20,000$ in case of goods.C.8 Procurement at Community Level367. Growing awareness of community participation in the works from planning toimplementation and post implementation can help in smooth operation and maintenance andsuccessful implementation of the <strong>project</strong>. Institutional capacity of community plays a majorrole for effective community participation in procurement and implementation of the programCapacity building activities need to be undertaken in order to build and sharpen their existingskills for <strong>management</strong> and for sustaining all activities related to <strong>project</strong> implementation.C. 9 Key Procurement Guidelines368. The key procurement guidelines cover key objectives of the procurement for the <strong>project</strong>; chosen procurement option; chosen procurement route (open or restricted as allowed by the procurement manual) key milestones (check that enough time will be allowed for various steps) key documents e.g. requirements, specifications, bidding documents etc.Key factors influencing the procurement guidelines relate to the degree of complexity,innovation and uncertainty about the requirement, together with the time needed to achieve asuccessful outcome.D. Environmental and Social SafeguardsD.1 Current Regulatory Framework369. The current regulatory framework has necessary and sufficient provisions to ensureenvironmental and social safeguards during implementation of the State Project of ICZMthrough the existing Coastal Regulation Zone Notification, 1991 as amended from time totime, Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974, Wildlife (Protection) Act 1972amended in 2006, the umbrella Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, the draft Coastal ZoneManagement (CZM) Notification, 2008, Forest Conservation Act, 1980, Biological DiversityAct 2002 and Environmental Impact Assessment Notification, 2007 and the state levelFisheries Act. Important features and provisions of these acts and notifications have alreadybeen provided in Section I - D.1. These provisions will provide the regulatory framework forenvironmental and social safeguards of <strong>coastal</strong> areas during the <strong>project</strong> implementation. Theenvironmental and social safeguard is also ensured through statutory authorisation proceduresin a transparent manner for specified interventions having a potential to cause deterioration of

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