integrated coastal zone management project west ... -

integrated coastal zone management project west ... - integrated coastal zone management project west ... -


168well as the officials of PMU will conduct field inspections. Monthly review meetingsbetween PMU and implementing agencies will be conducted to evaluate the physical andfinancial progress of the work as per the approved DPR.B.7 Audit Arrangements357. The accounts of the project as a whole will be audited by the internal audit of the stategovernment and also by the designated Chartered Accountant/Auditors that may be engagedby the MoEF, Govt. of India and World Bank. The said audit will be conducted after thecompletion of each financial year, i.e after 31 st March every year.B.8 Retroactive Financing358. There is no provision for retroactive financing at present at the level of the stategovernment. But IESWM may seek permission from the competent authority to adoptretroactive financing with respect to procurement of goods, works and consulting servicesonly.B.9 User Cost Sharing Principles359. The principle will not be followed for the present.C. Prourement ArrangementC.1 Procurement Responsibility360. The NPMU/SPMU, implementing agencies and the community will be responsiblefor procurement such as goods, works and consulting services for the implementation of theproject. The responsibility of procurement of goods, services and equipments is vested onrespective executing agencies and PMU. PEAs will be responsible only for contractmanagement, regular supervision, and certification for payments. Exceptions to the aboverule are the cases of community procurement, force accounts, and procurement of smallincremental operating facilities through local shopping for which all responsibilities will liewith the PEAs.C.2 Procurement Methods361. The methods of procurement to be followed are:A) International Competitive Bidding (ICB)B) National Competitive Bidding (NCB)C) Limited International Bidding (LIB)D) ShoppingE) Single tender/ Direct ContractingC.3 Procurement Thresholds362. The following tables give the thresholds for Procurement Method for Civil Works andGoodsThresholds For Procurement Methods -Civil Works

169ExpenditureCategoryCivil Worksand Supply andInstallationValue* (threshold) per contracta) Civil works estimated to cost more thanUS$ 1.0 million equivalentb) Civil works estimated to cost more thanUS$ 30,000 and less than or equal to US$1.0 million equivalentc) Civil works estimated to cost theequivalent of US$ 30,000 or lessProcurement MethodInternational CompetitiveBidding (ICB)National CompetitiveBidding (NCB)ShoppingThresholds For Procurement Methods –GoodsProcurement ofGoodsGoods/Equipment/MachinesValue* (threshold) per contractContracts estimated to cost more thanUS$ 2,00,000/- equivalentContracts estimated to cost more thanUS$ 20,000 and

168well as the officials of PMU will conduct field inspections. Monthly review meetingsbetween PMU and implementing agencies will be conducted to evaluate the physical andfinancial progress of the work as per the approved DPR.B.7 Audit Arrangements357. The accounts of the <strong>project</strong> as a whole will be audited by the internal audit of the stategovernment and also by the designated Chartered Accountant/Auditors that may be engagedby the MoEF, Govt. of India and World Bank. The said audit will be conducted after thecompletion of each financial year, i.e after 31 st March every year.B.8 Retroactive Financing358. There is no provision for retroactive financing at present at the level of the stategovernment. But IESWM may seek permission from the competent authority to adoptretroactive financing with respect to procurement of goods, works and consulting servicesonly.B.9 User Cost Sharing Principles359. The principle will not be followed for the present.C. Prourement ArrangementC.1 Procurement Responsibility360. The NPMU/SPMU, implementing agencies and the community will be responsiblefor procurement such as goods, works and consulting services for the implementation of the<strong>project</strong>. The responsibility of procurement of goods, services and equipments is vested onrespective executing agencies and PMU. PEAs will be responsible only for contract<strong>management</strong>, regular supervision, and certification for payments. Exceptions to the aboverule are the cases of community procurement, force accounts, and procurement of smallincremental operating facilities through local shopping for which all responsibilities will liewith the PEAs.C.2 Procurement Methods361. The methods of procurement to be followed are:A) International Competitive Bidding (ICB)B) National Competitive Bidding (NCB)C) Limited International Bidding (LIB)D) ShoppingE) Single tender/ Direct ContractingC.3 Procurement Thresholds362. The following tables give the thresholds for Procurement Method for Civil Works andGoodsThresholds For Procurement Methods -Civil Works

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