integrated coastal zone management project west ... -

integrated coastal zone management project west ... - integrated coastal zone management project west ... -


Who will do what?217332. The specific responsibilities of various functionaries of PMU are given in thefollowing Table.Project Director1. PD shall be responsible for overallimplementation, monitoring andevaluation of ICZM project in thestate.2. PD shall report to the Vice-ChairmanSSC and appraise the functioning ofthe ICZM project3. PD shall direct the programmanagers of the three different units.4. He shall be responsible foradministration and financialmanagement of the project.Program Managers (PM)1. Program managers of the three unitsshall be appointed either throughdeputation basis or through openadvertisement and shall report to thePD.2. Program Manager of individual unitshall be responsible for smooth andproper management of the unit andthereby act as catalistic agent forsuccessful implementation of the ICZMProject.3. Proper co-ordination betweenOperation unit, and Finance andadministration unit is essential to makethe process smoother and to procureneed based items.4. There shall be close link betweenOperation unit and Communication andDocumentation unit to make theprocess feasible, realistic and to achievethe objectives of the ICZM projectPM Operation Unit1. PM Operation Unit shall render alltechnical support to theimplementing agencies (e.g.Different Govt. Dept. who havesubmitted DPR) and ensuresuccessful implementation of ICZMproject.2. The unit will evaluate the physicaland financial progress of eachcomponent of the project.3. The Unit shall be responsible formonitoring and evaluation of theICZM project on a quarterly basiseither through progress report orthrough review meetings followed byprogram/report submission.PM-Finance andAdministration UnitPM-Finance and Administrationshall extend all administration andfinancial help for procurement andexecution through Operation Unit andfor proper monitoring and evaluation ofthe projectPM-Communication &Documentation Unit1. PM Communication &Documentation Unit shall beresponsible for all project documentsand report2. The Unit shall be responsible forcreation of Management InformationSystem3. The Unit shall be responsible forcompilation and analysis of reports andreturns4. The Unit shall be responsible forpublicity and awareness for ICZMproject5. The Unit will also act as PublicInformation Office for ProjectManagement Unit

Who will do what?Ecologist/Environmentalist1. Ecologist/ Environmentalist shall be appointed either through deputation orthrough open advertisement2. Ecologist/ Environmentalist shall extend all technical help to implantingagencies like Environment and forest Dept, Fishery Department and Wild LifeDepartment while ensuring conservation and sustainable development ofcoastal ecosystem3. The responsibilities of the scientist are to monitor, evaluate and assess theimpacts of ICZM projects on the immediate coastal environment. The scientistshall keep close liasoning with the Forest and Environment Department, WildLife Department and extend all technical help and support for implementationof ICZM Project.4. He/ she shall monitor and evaluate the progress of ICZM project on aquarterly basis particularly relating to water qualities and pollution along WestBengalPlanner/ Engineer1. Planner/Engineer shall provide all technical help/expertise for designing/Planning of coastal ecology and habitats as well as construction coastalstructures to prevent coastal erosion, inundation and saline intrusion.2. Planner/ Engineer shall keep close liaison with all implementing Govt.Departments and shall provide technical expertise in resource planning as wellas infrastructure development.3. Planner/ Engineer shall guide/help implementing organisations like WaterResources Department, Tourism Department, Department of Culture, etc. forproper implementation and monitoring of their ICZM project.Oceanographer/ Marine Scientist1. Oceanographer is the key to assess the oceanographic processes which areoperating along West Bengal coast and their impact on coastal erosionshoreline changes, coastal habitat etc.2. Vulnerability assessment due to natural disasters such as floods and tropicalcyclones and suggest the Revenue department and water resources departmentto take appropriate measures.3. West Bengal coast is bestowed with abundant coastal and marine resources,both living and non-living. Thus, the scientist shall be responsible to properlymonitor the living and non-living marine resources of the West Bengal coastand suggest measures for their conservation and preservation.218Fishery SpecialistFishery Scientist shall monitor and evaluate fishery resources, particularly marineand coastal aquaculture. He/she shall render help and guidance to the FisheryDepartment, Govt. of West Bengal for proper implementation of their ICZMProject.Rural Development ExpertExpert on rural development shall design appropriate plan for socio-economicdevelopment of coastal inhabitants and thereby reduce the socio-economicvulnerability of coastal population. Also to render technical help/guidance tofisheries, tourism and culture department to bring value addition to fisheries andtourism which have not been explored yet.Administrative OfficerAdministrative Officer shall be responsible for the general and human resourcesadministration of the projectAccounts OfficerAccounts officer shall be responsible for maintaining the detailed accounts as perthe rules/procedures followed by the Finance Department, Govt. of West Bengal forall purchases and expenditure incurred for execution of ICZM projectProcurement Officer1. Procurement Officer shall conduct a need based survey to prepare an inventoryof items required to be procured and later to be used by the Technical andMonitoring and Evaluation units.2. He/she shall follow the laws/manual of the Govt. of West Bengal forprocurement of required items, from appropriate agencies/firms, maintain the stockregister and issue the items for the required work.Documentation Officer1. He/ She shall be responsible for all project documentation2. He/ She shall be responsible for creation of baseline data base3. He/ She shall coordinate all inter sectoral departments and agencies for projectactivity progress reports and any other relevant information4. He/ She shall assist the Steering Committee for report & documentationMIS Expert1. He/ She shall be responsible for data processing, collection of data from allimplementing departments and agencies2. He/ She shall be responsible for programming data management3. He/ She shall provide necessary support (data sharing) in preparation of activityprogress reportsCommunication OfficerThe officer shall be responsible for publicity on project activities and creation ofawareness on positive impact of the project

Who will do what?217332. The specific responsibilities of various functionaries of PMU are given in thefollowing Table.Project Director1. PD shall be responsible for overallimplementation, monitoring andevaluation of ICZM <strong>project</strong> in thestate.2. PD shall report to the Vice-ChairmanSSC and appraise the functioning ofthe ICZM <strong>project</strong>3. PD shall direct the programmanagers of the three different units.4. He shall be responsible foradministration and financial<strong>management</strong> of the <strong>project</strong>.Program Managers (PM)1. Program managers of the three unitsshall be appointed either throughdeputation basis or through openadvertisement and shall report to thePD.2. Program Manager of individual unitshall be responsible for smooth andproper <strong>management</strong> of the unit andthereby act as catalistic agent forsuccessful implementation of the ICZMProject.3. Proper co-ordination betweenOperation unit, and Finance andadministration unit is essential to makethe process smoother and to procureneed based items.4. There shall be close link betweenOperation unit and Communication andDocumentation unit to make theprocess feasible, realistic and to achievethe objectives of the ICZM <strong>project</strong>PM Operation Unit1. PM Operation Unit shall render alltechnical support to theimplementing agencies (e.g.Different Govt. Dept. who havesubmitted DPR) and ensuresuccessful implementation of ICZM<strong>project</strong>.2. The unit will evaluate the physicaland financial progress of eachcomponent of the <strong>project</strong>.3. The Unit shall be responsible formonitoring and evaluation of theICZM <strong>project</strong> on a quarterly basiseither through progress report orthrough review meetings followed byprogram/report submission.PM-Finance andAdministration UnitPM-Finance and Administrationshall extend all administration andfinancial help for procurement andexecution through Operation Unit andfor proper monitoring and evaluation ofthe <strong>project</strong>PM-Communication &Documentation Unit1. PM Communication &Documentation Unit shall beresponsible for all <strong>project</strong> documentsand report2. The Unit shall be responsible forcreation of Management InformationSystem3. The Unit shall be responsible forcompilation and analysis of reports andreturns4. The Unit shall be responsible forpublicity and awareness for ICZM<strong>project</strong>5. The Unit will also act as PublicInformation Office for ProjectManagement Unit

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