integrated coastal zone management project west ... -

integrated coastal zone management project west ... - integrated coastal zone management project west ... -


211expenditure sanction and payment, prepare the duly audited account statements and submitthose to IESWM who in turn will prepare a consolidated utilization account. This accountwill reach the MOEF, GOI through the DOE, GOWB for further release of fund.302. Further the following procedure will be in place1. The SPMU created under IESWM for the project, will prepare the Annual Action Planand Annual Plan Budget with the help of implementation agencies which is approved byProject Steering Committee.2. Once the Annual Plan Budget is approved, requisition for release of annual fundrequirement will be placed by the DOE, GoWB to the MOEF, GOI. The released funds willbe allocated to SPMU on its exclusive Bank account under the ICZM project.3. Based on the AAP, line departments/implementing agencies will submit their individualdemands from time-to-time to the SPMU. After scrutiny of the proposal of release of fund,SPMU will accord sanctions for the expenditure and release the funds directly to theimplementing agencies. Funds would be allocated to each implementing agency by theSPMU on quarterly basis based on annual budgetary allocation.4. Expenditure reports will be submitted periodically by the implementing agencies toSPMU5. Account at SPMU will be maintained in the double entry system in Tally (In 9.2 version).Consolidated account on expenditure statement of each IA will be prepared. Accounts soconsolidated will be closed annually in March. SPMU will submit the audited consolidatedaccount to NPMU as per the guideline of Financial Management Manual (FMM).SECTION – III PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION ARRANGEMENTA. Institutional ArrangementA.1 Overall Institutional ModelA.1.1 Rationale326. The outstanding key issues in coastal zone management of West Bengal coast havebeen brought out in subsection D.6 of Section – I. These issues relate mainly to lack ofinstitutional co-ordination, pollution of coastal land and water due to various anthropogenicactivities, coastal erosion, damages inflicted by other natural disasters like cyclones,earthquakes, tsunamis, etc, hazards (other than pollution of coastal land and water) arisingout of man‟s activities, lack of adequate sustainable non-conflicting but appropriatelivelihood (fishing, agriculture, horticulture, eco-tourism, etc) for the coastal populace andinadequate appreciation of effects of probable climate change and consequent sea level riseon the West Bengal coast. In order to address these issues, several important as well as

212relevant pilot programmes have been drawn up that will provide important inputs in theformulation of an integrated coastal zone management plan of West Bengal. In conformitywith this rationale there is a growing recognition that an overall institutional model isrequired to deliver the expected benefits from implementation of these pilot programmes.Keeping the above arguments in perspective the overall institutional model and the staffingplan have been designed.A.1.2 State Steering Committee327. The State Steering Committee (SSC) for ICZM-West Bengal is the apex body. TheChairman of the SSC is the Chief Secretary, Government of West Bengal while the PrincipalSecretary, Department of Environment is the Vice-Chairman. The Principal Secretary/Secretary/Head of the implementing Government Departments and Agencies of ICZMProject will be the members of State Steering Committee (SSC). Besides, Principal Secretaryof Finance Department will also be a member of SSC. Project Director of ICZM ProjectManagement Unit will act as Convener of the State Steering Committee.A.1.3 Project Management Unit328. The implementation of the ICZM pilots by different agencies will be monitored bythe Project Management Unit (PMU) to be constituted as a wing of the IESWM (a registeredsociety under the administrative control of the Department of Environment, Government ofWest Bengal). The PMU will be the principal arm of the ICZM-West Bengal that will ensurethe successful implementation of the pilot programs by providing the requiredadministrative, scientific and financial support to the implementing agencies, will constantly

211expenditure sanction and payment, prepare the duly audited account statements and submitthose to IESWM who in turn will prepare a consolidated utilization account. This accountwill reach the MOEF, GOI through the DOE, GOWB for further release of fund.302. Further the following procedure will be in place1. The SPMU created under IESWM for the <strong>project</strong>, will prepare the Annual Action Planand Annual Plan Budget with the help of implementation agencies which is approved byProject Steering Committee.2. Once the Annual Plan Budget is approved, requisition for release of annual fundrequirement will be placed by the DOE, GoWB to the MOEF, GOI. The released funds willbe allocated to SPMU on its exclusive Bank account under the ICZM <strong>project</strong>.3. Based on the AAP, line departments/implementing agencies will submit their individualdemands from time-to-time to the SPMU. After scrutiny of the proposal of release of fund,SPMU will accord sanctions for the expenditure and release the funds directly to theimplementing agencies. Funds would be allocated to each implementing agency by theSPMU on quarterly basis based on annual budgetary allocation.4. Expenditure reports will be submitted periodically by the implementing agencies toSPMU5. Account at SPMU will be maintained in the double entry system in Tally (In 9.2 version).Consolidated account on expenditure statement of each IA will be prepared. Accounts soconsolidated will be closed annually in March. SPMU will submit the audited consolidatedaccount to NPMU as per the guideline of Financial Management Manual (FMM).SECTION – III PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION ARRANGEMENTA. Institutional ArrangementA.1 Overall Institutional ModelA.1.1 Rationale326. The outstanding key issues in <strong>coastal</strong> <strong>zone</strong> <strong>management</strong> of West Bengal coast havebeen brought out in subsection D.6 of Section – I. These issues relate mainly to lack ofinstitutional co-ordination, pollution of <strong>coastal</strong> land and water due to various anthropogenicactivities, <strong>coastal</strong> erosion, damages inflicted by other natural disasters like cyclones,earthquakes, tsunamis, etc, hazards (other than pollution of <strong>coastal</strong> land and water) arisingout of man‟s activities, lack of adequate sustainable non-conflicting but appropriatelivelihood (fishing, agriculture, horticulture, eco-tourism, etc) for the <strong>coastal</strong> populace andinadequate appreciation of effects of probable climate change and consequent sea level riseon the West Bengal coast. In order to address these issues, several important as well as

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