Making a Mark An Ethnography on a local Tattoo Shop and its Artists ...

Making a Mark An Ethnography on a local Tattoo Shop and its Artists ...

Making a Mark An Ethnography on a local Tattoo Shop and its Artists ...


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Laven 8of people. More <strong>and</strong> more people are coming to accept the idea of tattoos because they’rerealizing that it’s a more accepted c<strong>on</strong>cept.As I checked out the other rooms, I noticed each room had a Craftsman tool box; somered, some black, <strong>and</strong> some with flames. I thought it went well with the flow <strong>and</strong> pers<strong>on</strong>ality ofthe shop. The shop had a more relaxati<strong>on</strong>-meets-punk feel. The tool boxes added flare, but yetwere totally functi<strong>on</strong>al <strong>and</strong> provided that uniqueness factor to the shop. Each tattoo room hadmultiple mirrors of different lengths, paper towels, a stainless steel sink, <strong>and</strong> trays to hold thetattoo supplies. The piercing room was set up like the others with an extra big mirror <strong>and</strong> an oldorange dentist chair smack dab in the middle.We left to the sounds of a Lucy Poured CD <strong>and</strong> Nick saying, “Dude, my gr<strong>and</strong>pa wants‘flippin the bird’ tattooed <strong>on</strong> his head,” <strong>and</strong> Ben resp<strong>on</strong>ding,”Your gr<strong>and</strong>pa’s fucked up man!” Iwas c<strong>on</strong>fused, relieved, <strong>and</strong> intrigued as I left this fascinating place.To experience more of this subculture, I made my sec<strong>on</strong>d trip to Good Clean Fun. It was2:45 p.m. when I pulled up a week <strong>and</strong> a half later. Two girls were looking at the piercings in theglass case when I walked in. I was surprised that I knew these two girls from school. Sam, <strong>on</strong>e ofthe girls, informed me that she would be getting a tattoo that day <strong>and</strong> was very excited. Sam, atypical 18-year-old brunette, dressed in pink sweatpants <strong>and</strong> a tan sweater doesn’t seem like theusual pers<strong>on</strong> who would come in <strong>and</strong> get a tattoo. She was going to get a lotus, (flowersymbolizing purity of the heart <strong>and</strong> mind) <strong>on</strong> her lower back <strong>and</strong> wanted it to look likehenna,(flowering plant producing red-orange dye used <strong>on</strong> skin to create temporary designs). “Ialways got henna when I was younger, <strong>and</strong> I wanted to get it permanent <strong>and</strong> have been thinkingabout it for almost a year.” She had to fill out a bunch of paper work <strong>and</strong> show her license.

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