Being in Red means you're moving ahead! If you're a ... - Mary Kay

Being in Red means you're moving ahead! If you're a ... - Mary Kay

Being in Red means you're moving ahead! If you're a ... - Mary Kay


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<strong>Be<strong>in</strong>g</strong> <strong>in</strong> <strong>Red</strong> <strong>means</strong> you’remov<strong>in</strong>g <strong>ahead</strong>! <strong>If</strong> you’rea Beauty Consultantand want to br<strong>in</strong>g your<strong>Mary</strong> <strong>Kay</strong> Career to thenext level, here’s a greatopportunity for you!Be a <strong>Red</strong> Jacket andexperience more rewards!“<strong>If</strong> you are work<strong>in</strong>g your bus<strong>in</strong>ess fullcircle – book<strong>in</strong>g, coach<strong>in</strong>g, sell<strong>in</strong>g and yes,shar<strong>in</strong>g – you are do<strong>in</strong>g what <strong>Mary</strong> <strong>Kay</strong>asked of us – that is to enrich women’slives by shar<strong>in</strong>g the opportunity. By work<strong>in</strong>gyour bus<strong>in</strong>ess full circle not only are youbalanc<strong>in</strong>g your bus<strong>in</strong>ess but you are l<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>gyourself up for greater rewards”• Get a personal discount of(25 to 45%) <strong>in</strong> your personalsales• Get 4 – 12 % Team Build<strong>in</strong>gCommission• You’re now eligible to wearand be recognized as a <strong>Red</strong>Jacket• You will receive your P<strong>in</strong>s (forevery Career Level) from yourIndependent Sales Director• Get the privilege of attend<strong>in</strong>gthe <strong>Red</strong> Jacket Universityand graduate with honors <strong>in</strong>a General Assembly• And be featured <strong>in</strong> Ovationfor First Time Achievers!

earn<strong>in</strong>g potential of a red jacket<strong>If</strong> you are a <strong>Red</strong> Jacket mak<strong>in</strong>g at least P12,000 retail sales <strong>in</strong> a month withm<strong>in</strong>imum of 5 active team members, then you can earn much more!!!Here’s a sample earn<strong>in</strong>g potential of a <strong>Red</strong> Jacket. I’m sure you can do more!YOURED JACKETTEAM MEMBER 1TEAM MEMBER 2TEAM MEMBER 3TEAM MEMBER 4SALES DISCOUNT PERSONAL EARNINGSP18,000 (25-45%) P8,100RETAIL SALES Your Teambuild<strong>in</strong>g Commision Earn<strong>in</strong>gs*Commision (4-12%)P12,000 (12 %) P 707. 10P16,000 (12 %) 942.90P24,000 (12 %) 1,414.30P18,000 (12 %) 1,060.70TEAM MEMBER 5P18,000 (12 %) 1,060.70YOUR TOTAL EARNINGS P13,285.7( Add your Personal & Commission Earn<strong>in</strong>gs )This <strong>means</strong> that you can earn more if you team build! In this example, you earn P5,185.70 more than just sell<strong>in</strong>g alone.*Commision earn<strong>in</strong>gs (computed at 12%) applied to the net whole sale ( Retail sales less discount & VAT )Four – Po<strong>in</strong>t Recruit<strong>in</strong>g PlanReady to boost your <strong>Mary</strong> <strong>Kay</strong> career? Here’s how you can f<strong>in</strong>d a potential team member:Sk<strong>in</strong> care classes offer the best place to f<strong>in</strong>d prospective team members.<strong>Mary</strong> <strong>Kay</strong> herself developed the Four-Po<strong>in</strong>t Recruit<strong>in</strong>g Plan when she first began hold<strong>in</strong>g sk<strong>in</strong>care classes. S<strong>in</strong>ce then, it has been used successfully by thousands of Independent BeautyConsultants and Independent Sales Directors.1. Before every Sk<strong>in</strong> Care class, ask yourhostess, “who is com<strong>in</strong>g today who mightbe <strong>in</strong>terested <strong>in</strong> do<strong>in</strong>g what I do?”2. Give a heartfelt, enthusiastic I-Story ateach class. Share with them how you beganyour <strong>Mary</strong> <strong>Kay</strong> bus<strong>in</strong>ess and what it <strong>means</strong>to you.You may want to plant seeds by send<strong>in</strong>gguests home with the World of <strong>Mary</strong> <strong>Kay</strong>opportunity DVD then meet with them to tellthem more about the <strong>Mary</strong> <strong>Kay</strong> opportunity.4. Offer your hostess a special gift for everyperson she suggests who becomes a newteam member.3. Select at least one person at every classand offer them the <strong>Mary</strong> <strong>Kay</strong> opportunity.

educational classesto keep you mov<strong>in</strong>g <strong>ahead</strong>Do you know where you are tak<strong>in</strong>g yourbus<strong>in</strong>ess? Do you have the answers to getthere? “We put <strong>in</strong>to place the educationalprograms and help<strong>in</strong>g attitudes that wouldgive the <strong>in</strong>dependent sales force theconfidence and abilities they need to helpothers. Our learn<strong>in</strong>g never ends!”Team Build<strong>in</strong>g ClassLearn to team build that’s smarter, Not harder!Attend our Team Build<strong>in</strong>g Classes and Learn to team buildthrough a 4-hour class full of Teambuild<strong>in</strong>g discussions,workshops and have a lot of fun.This is open to Beauty Consultants who have attended NewConsultant Orientation with their Sales Director and mustat least be on her second month as a Beauty Consultant orpreferably have attended ESRS. Registration Fee is P150<strong>in</strong>clusive of Handbook and a snack.Enroll NOW at Teambuild<strong>in</strong>g Class! Get schedule ofclasses <strong>in</strong> Applause Calendar, P<strong>in</strong>kL<strong>in</strong>k or Website @www.marykay.com.ph (log-<strong>in</strong> to MKBuzz and click Calendar)Here’s More!IF YOU MEET THIS TEAM BUILDING CHALLENGE, YOU GET A SPECIAL PRIZE!• Recruit 2 new team members with P12,000 sales net each untilend of the follow<strong>in</strong>g month from attend<strong>in</strong>g the class and receivea special MK bag and recruit<strong>in</strong>g Packet.• Be Recognized <strong>in</strong> our General Assembly

ed jacket university<strong>Red</strong> Jacket University is a 6-session course gearedtowards skill and leadership build<strong>in</strong>g as a solidfoundation for your <strong>Mary</strong> <strong>Kay</strong> career.Who can attend the <strong>Red</strong> Jacket University?• To be able to attend RJU, a Beauty consultant must be at agroup leader level with at least 3 active team members• To graduate <strong>in</strong> a ceremony with gown and toga, simply f<strong>in</strong>ish all 6sessions of the course—no absences or late attendance.Attend <strong>Red</strong> Jacket University and experience a prestigious <strong>Red</strong> JacketGraduation <strong>in</strong> a General Assembly wear<strong>in</strong>g your <strong>Red</strong> toga toreceive your <strong>Red</strong> Jacket P<strong>in</strong> and Certificate.Enroll Now at <strong>Red</strong> Jacket Uiversity! You may get the schedule of classes<strong>in</strong> your Applause Calendar, P<strong>in</strong>kL<strong>in</strong>k (text MK EVENTS LUZMKT, MK EVENTSVIS or MK EVENTS MIN send to 2966) or visit www.marykay.com.phPlus!WORK YOUR WAY TO GRADUATE WITH MEDALAND WITH HONORS! HERE’S HOW:• Complete 5 team members with P12,000 each by end of the follow<strong>in</strong>gmonth after attend<strong>in</strong>g RJU and receive a RJU Silver Medal.• Complete Pre-DIQ requirements by end of the follow<strong>in</strong>g month afterattend<strong>in</strong>g RJU and receive a RJU gold medal. (To complete Pre-DIQ,have 10 team members with P12,000 each cumulative sales with<strong>in</strong> 3months)Example:• Attend RJU <strong>in</strong> January 2008• Graduate <strong>in</strong> March 2008• Achieve 5 team members with P12,000 each to graduate with Silver Medal and with honors <strong>in</strong>General Assembly OR• Achieve pre DIQ requirements of 10 team members with P12,000 each (cumulative Dec. 07 -Feb. 08 to graduate with Gold medal and with honors <strong>in</strong> March General Assembly.

mov<strong>in</strong>g up challengeFEBRUARY 1 TO JUNE 30, 2008Be on the right, red, hot track all the time! All it takes is focusand a plan. Here’s a challenge to start you to move <strong>ahead</strong> <strong>in</strong> red!Here’s an excit<strong>in</strong>g program for all Beauty Consultants! Move Up the CareerPath for the FIRST TIME from Beauty Consultant to Senior Consultant levelup to Future Sales Director level from February to June 30, 2008 and get aspecial <strong>Mary</strong> <strong>Kay</strong> theme gift.Move up 1 levelMove up 2 levelsMove up 3 levelsMove Up 4 levelsReceive a MK Card HolderReceive a MK Card Holder and MK WalletReceive a MK Card Holder, MK Wallet and MK BagReceive a MK Card Holder, MK Wallet, MK Bag and MK ToteGUIDELINES• Your level as of February1, 2008 ( end Jan. 31, 2008 ) will be your start<strong>in</strong>g level.Beauty Consultant - no active team membersSenior Beauty Consultant - has 1 to 2 active team membersGroup Leader- has 3 to 4 active team membersTeam Leader- has 5 or more active team membersFuture Sales Director - has 5 or more active team members plus personal retail order ofP12,000• Gifts are awarded to first time move-ups only.• Gifts will be awarded on a monthly basis <strong>in</strong> the General Assembly or shipped to or withyour next purchase order which ever is applicable.• Move- ups <strong>in</strong> one month can be more than one (1) level.• You can only w<strong>in</strong> 1 prize, 1 time.Move <strong>ahead</strong> and get this wonderful Mov<strong>in</strong>g Up MK Collection!

decide to move <strong>ahead</strong><strong>in</strong><strong>Red</strong>today!To help you, here are 6 most important th<strong>in</strong>gs to get you started:Do your Sk<strong>in</strong> Care classes consistently.Follow the 3+3+3 formula which is 3 Book<strong>in</strong>gs a day, 3 Sk<strong>in</strong>1Care Classes a week and P30,000 retail sales a month.2345Always put <strong>in</strong> action the 4 Po<strong>in</strong>t Recruit<strong>in</strong>g PlanAttend Unit Meet<strong>in</strong>gs and Tra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>gs because “Ourlearn<strong>in</strong>g never ends” . We have Teambuild<strong>in</strong>g classes and<strong>Red</strong> Jacket University just for you! So don’t miss it. Enroll now!Ensure you don’t miss-out on any ofour <strong>Mary</strong> <strong>Kay</strong> Teambuild<strong>in</strong>g Challenges.Get yourself motivated andgo for the “Mov<strong>in</strong>g Up Challenge”6Mark your calendar because you are jo<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>gthe <strong>Red</strong> Jacket Rally. This is your passport toDirectorship. See flyers for details.<strong>Mary</strong> <strong>Kay</strong> once said, “Our <strong>Mary</strong> <strong>Kay</strong> career has opened the doors to rich andfulfill<strong>in</strong>g lives for thousands of women. You can help pass our special way of lifeonto others, and <strong>in</strong> do<strong>in</strong>g so, your own dreams will come true…”Move Ahead <strong>in</strong> <strong>Red</strong> and see your dreams come true!

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