Measuring safety climate: identifying the common features$

Measuring safety climate: identifying the common features$

Measuring safety climate: identifying the common features$


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R. Flin et al. / Safety Science 34 (2000) 177±192 179Recent academic interest in <strong>the</strong> measurement of <strong>safety</strong> <strong>climate</strong>, has resulted in aproliferation of assessment instruments, typically in <strong>the</strong> form of self-report questionnairesadministered as large-scale surveys in di€erent sectors, principally <strong>the</strong>energy industries, but also in manufacturing and construction. It could be arguedthat <strong>the</strong> lack of a unifying <strong>the</strong>oretical model in this area (Guldenmund, 2000;Williamson et al., 1997) is a re¯ection of <strong>the</strong> state of development of this ®eld, wherean inductive ra<strong>the</strong>r than a deductive approach is in operation. However, it does meanthat <strong>the</strong>se instruments tend to have distinct developmental histories, often customisedto <strong>the</strong> sponsoring organisation's requirements. In <strong>the</strong> main, <strong>the</strong>y are designedto measure a set of <strong>the</strong>mes derived from reviews of <strong>the</strong> <strong>safety</strong> research literature.Interviews and focus groups conducted at <strong>the</strong> worksite are used to reveal particularissues concerning <strong>the</strong> workforce and to tailor <strong>the</strong> instrument accordingly. Only a fewindependent replications of questionnaires and examination of <strong>the</strong> resulting factorstructures have been undertaken (e.g. Dedobbeleer and Beland, 1991). The recentemergence of a number of new scales seems to have triggered e€orts to address thisproblem by comparing <strong>safety</strong> <strong>climate</strong> scales from di€erent studies. The initialreviews demonstrated that measures vary signi®cantly in almost all respects Ð content,style, statistical analysis, sample size, sample composition (workers, supervisors,managers), industry and country of origin. Factor analysis is typically usedfor identi®cation of an underlying structure but numbers of items range from 11 to300 and thus solutions range from two to 19 factors. Drawing direct comparisonsbetween factor labels and (loading) items across <strong>the</strong>se measures remains problematicaldue not only to <strong>the</strong> methodological inconsistencies outlined above, butalso to cultural and language di€erences across both countries and industries. Williamsonet al. (1997) examined seven reports measuring <strong>safety</strong> <strong>climate</strong> and concludedthat eight factors could be discerned, four measuring attitudes and four perceptions,although <strong>the</strong>y presented no detailed analysis of which of <strong>the</strong>se eight factors werederived from particular questionnaires. Dedobbeleer and Beland (1998) reviewed 10<strong>safety</strong> <strong>climate</strong> instruments and argued that only two factors, management commitmentand worker involvement, had been properly replicated across studies. Coyle etal. (1995) found di€erent factor structures using <strong>the</strong> same <strong>safety</strong> <strong>climate</strong> scale in twoAustralian health care organisations and concluded that <strong>the</strong> likelihood of establishinga universal and stable set of <strong>safety</strong> <strong>climate</strong> factors was ``highly doubtful'' (p. 253).Thus we have very limited evidence for or against a <strong>common</strong> set of core features,notwithstanding a prevailing belief that, ``a speci®c example of good practice maynot always be directly transferable, unlike <strong>the</strong> underlying features and attributeswhich are universally applicable'' (IAEA, 1997, p. i). As <strong>the</strong> number of scales multiplies,a super®cial scrutiny of <strong>the</strong>ir component <strong>the</strong>mes does suggest that a basic setof features is beginning to emerge. Thus <strong>the</strong> ®eld may be moving towards <strong>the</strong> positionwhere a base taxonomy of fundamental <strong>safety</strong> <strong>climate</strong> attributes could be distilledfrom a proliferation of scales and items, akin to <strong>the</strong> `Big Five' factors inpersonality measurement 1 (Barrick and Mount, 1991). To test this proposition, a1We are indebted to Neville Stanton and Ivan Robertson for highlighting this analogy.

180 R. Flin et al. / Safety Science 34 (2000) 177±192larger sample of <strong>safety</strong> <strong>climate</strong> studies was examined with particular reference to <strong>the</strong>composition of each questionnaire and its validation.2. Thematic analysisFollowing a literature search, 18 published reports of <strong>safety</strong> <strong>climate</strong> surveys wereidenti®ed. The selection criteria were that <strong>the</strong> sample size should be greater than 100,<strong>the</strong> report should be presented in English, and that only industrial sectors wereincluded (i.e. excluding retail, clerical, health, etc.). In <strong>the</strong> ®nal sample 50% of studiesare from <strong>the</strong> energy/petrochemical sector, which is leading this ®eld with <strong>safety</strong><strong>climate</strong> scales becoming established as part of <strong>the</strong>ir <strong>safety</strong> management systems. As<strong>the</strong> purpose of <strong>the</strong> review was to compare instruments, only one report was selectedwhere <strong>the</strong> same instrument had been used by <strong>the</strong> same research team in two or morestudies. Where <strong>the</strong> original scale items were not listed, <strong>the</strong> report was scrutinised fordetails of scale construction and validation and <strong>the</strong>se are summarised in Table 1.For each scale, <strong>the</strong> main dimensions were extracted (100 in total) and relabelledusing a simpli®ed number (35) of <strong>the</strong>mes. This is a crude recategorisation as evenwhen a factorial structure has been reported, <strong>the</strong> labelling of factors is not entirelyconsistent (Kline, 1994) and in several papers, <strong>the</strong> original items had not beenreported, making it dicult to check <strong>the</strong> factor content. The terms feature, dimensionor <strong>the</strong>me are used ra<strong>the</strong>r than factor because not all studies employed statisticalstructural analysis in <strong>the</strong>ir scale development, and <strong>the</strong> possibility of factor intercorrelationhas not been taken into account.3. Emergent <strong>the</strong>mesAs can be seen in Table 1, a wide range of <strong>climate</strong> features is assessed. In general<strong>the</strong>se are workforce perceptions of (or attitudes toward) <strong>the</strong> current `state' of somefacet of <strong>the</strong> organisation (e.g. management, <strong>safety</strong> procedures, sta€ competence). Insome instruments, measures of individual dispositions (e.g. optimism, fatalism),personality (sensation seeking) or self-reported work behaviours (e.g. risk taking,rule violation or accident reporting) are included. No attempt is made to distinguish<strong>the</strong>se psychological constructs and <strong>the</strong> listing covers only <strong>the</strong> authors' labels for <strong>the</strong>ir<strong>the</strong>mes or topics. There is considerable overlap of item topics loading onto di€erentlylabelled dimensions and so <strong>the</strong> table must be regarded as a preliminary syn<strong>the</strong>sis.The most <strong>common</strong> <strong>the</strong>mes Ð mentioned in six or more studies (a third of <strong>the</strong>sample) Ð in <strong>the</strong> reclassi®cation labels are summarised in Table 2.From Table 2 it can be seen that three <strong>the</strong>mes appeared in two-thirds of <strong>the</strong>questionnaires, <strong>the</strong>se related to management, <strong>safety</strong> systems and risk (in fact <strong>the</strong>se<strong>the</strong>mes appeared more than once in some instruments). Two o<strong>the</strong>r <strong>the</strong>mes werefound to occur in a third of <strong>the</strong> questionnaires, namely competence and work pressure.In a similar review of <strong>safety</strong> <strong>climate</strong> <strong>the</strong>mes (Guldenmund, 2000), using 15studies (11 from research teams sampled here), <strong>the</strong> most frequently measured

Table 1Review <strong>safety</strong> <strong>climate</strong>Research team Industry (n) Questionnaire Categories Features (recoded) ValidationEnergy/Chemic.Lee (1998). Study Nuclear reprocessing Literature/focus groups Safety procedures Procedures Most factor scoresundertaken 1991 plant, UK (5296) 172 items (not listed) Risks Risk discriminated self-PTW Safety system reported accident fromJob satisfaction Job satisfaction non-accident groupsSafety rulesRulesTrainingCompetenceParticipationParticipationControl of <strong>safety</strong> Safety systemDesignDesignCox and Cox (1991) Gas company depots Literature/management Personal scepticism Scepticism Noneacross Europe (630) discussions Individual responsibility Responsibility18 items Work environment Work environmentSafety arrangements Safety systemPersonal immunity Personal immunityRundmo (1992, 1994) Oil companies (5). Eight Literature/sources of Risks Risk All factors related too€shore platforms risk from accident Job stress Time independence self-reported accidentsNorway (915) statistics Work conditions Work environment LISREL modelsSafety measuresSensation seekingParticipationSafety systemSensation seekingDonald and 10 chemical sites, UK Literature People Self/ Scales correlatedCanter (1994) (602) 167 items (not listed) Attitudes Workmatesd/reps (ex <strong>safety</strong> reps) with(multidimensional scaling) Activities Management self-reported accidentCompetence rates across sitesSafety behaviourOstrom et al. (1993) Nuclear engineering lab Literature Safety awareness Safety awareness/ Accident data by(USA) Interviews Teamwork attitudes department some(4000) 88 items Commitment Work values comments but noNo structural analysis Excellence, honesty Communication analysis reported(continued on next page)R. Flin et al. / Safety Science 34 (2000) 177±192 181

Table 1 (continued)Research team Industry (n) Questionnaire Categories Features (recoded) ValidationTrainingCompetenceProcedures, etc. (13) ProceduresAlexander et al. (1995) Oil company, UK Literature Management commitment Management No di€erent <strong>safety</strong> <strong>climate</strong>O€shore and onshore 36 items Need for <strong>safety</strong> Safety need scores accident versus(895) (details given of 28 Risk Risk non-accident groupsfactor-loading items) Blame BlameCon¯ict/controlControlSupportive environment SupportBudworth (1997) Chemical Literature review Management commitment Management None3 sites (UK) 22±32 items Supervisor support Supervisors(n unspeci®ed) Safety systems Safety systemNo structural analysis Safety attitudes AttitudesSafety repsSafety repsMearns et al. (1997) O€shore oil, UK Literature review, Speaking up Safety reporting Several attitude factors10 installations focus groups Violations Violations related to prior individual(722) 52 attitude items Supervisors Supervision accident involvement butThree work <strong>climate</strong> scales Rules/regulations Rules/procedures not work <strong>climate</strong> scalesfrom Moos and Insel (1974) Site management ManagementRisk perception/<strong>safety</strong> Work pressure Work pressuresatisfaction developed Work clarity Work clarityfrom Rundmo (1992) Communication CommunicationRiskRiskSafety measuresSafety systemCarroll (1998) Nuclear power plant Literature Management support Management NoneUSA 45 items Openness Speaking up(115) (not listed Ð but Knowledge Competenceprovided to authors) Work practices Work practicesNo structural analysis Attitudes AttitudesManufacturingZohar (1980)Factories (20) Israel,(400)Literature-derived Safety training Competence Safety inspectors' rankings182 R. Flin et al. / Safety Science 34 (2000) 177±192

Table 1 (continued)Research team Industry (n) Questionnaire Categories Features (recoded) Validation40 items Management attitudes Management of <strong>safety</strong>/accident prevention(not listed) Promotion Career practices pos. correlationLevel of risk Risk with <strong>climate</strong> (small n)Work paceWork presureSafety ocerSafety systemSocial statusPeer judgementSafety committee Safety systemBrown and Holmes Factories (10), USA Zohar questionnaire Management concern Management Di€erences in <strong>climate</strong>(1986) (425) Management activity Management perceptions.Risk perception Risk Between accident versusnon-accident groupsPhillips et al. (1993) Factory, UK Variation of Zohar's Management attitudes Management None(374) questionnaire Risk Risk50 items Work place Work pressureManagement actions ManagementSafety ocer/Safety systemPromotion/training/committeeJanssens et al. (1995) Manufacturing Literature Management concern Management None (but cultural(3 plants) National Safety Council Production as priority Work pressure di€erences in factorUS (300) France (241) studies Safety as priority Safety system structure)Argentina (152) 20 items Safety level RiskWilliamson et al. Manufacturing Literature/previous Personal motivation Management Self-reported accidents(1997) (7 sites) questionnaires Positive safe practice Safety system classi®cation predicted byAustralia (660) 27 items Risk justi®cation Risk optimism and safe practiceFatalism/optimism Fatalism/optimismTransportDiaz and Cabrera Airport ground sta€ Literature Safety policy Safety system Company expert ratings of(1997) 3 companies Brainstorming Productivity/<strong>safety</strong> Work pressure <strong>safety</strong> align with <strong>safety</strong>Spain (166) 40 <strong>climate</strong> items Group attitudes Peer support <strong>climate</strong> rankingsNot listed Prevention strategies Safety system(continued on next page)R. Flin et al. / Safety Science 34 (2000) 177±192 183

Table 1 (continued)Research team Industry (n) Questionnaire Categories Features (recoded) Validation(+29 attitude items) Safety level RiskConstructionDedobbeleer and Construction, USA Version Brown and Management Management NoneBeland (1991) (384) Holmes 9 items commitment Risk/involvementWorker involvementNiskanen (1994) Road construction, Literature Changes job demands Work pressure Some item di€erencesFinland, 85 work places 10 items plus Attitudes to <strong>safety</strong> Supervision between high/low(1890 workers +562 12 items for workers Work value Work value accident sitessupervisors) 11 items for supervisors Safety/production Responsibility Factor structures variedslightly sups versus workersGenericHSE (1997) Mining, chemical, drink, Literature Organisational Management Nonefood (UK) (3850) 74 items for managers commitment RiskThis is sold as a generic 83 supervisors Risk taking Obstacles To date no data sets frommeasure especially for 80 workforce Obstacles to <strong>safety</strong> Competence this scale have beenuse in small±medium Competence Management publishedsized organisations Management RolePersonal roleAccident reportingAccident reporting SupervisorSupervisorSafety systemPermit to work184 R. Flin et al. / Safety Science 34 (2000) 177±192

dimensions related to management, risk, <strong>safety</strong> arrangements, procedures, trainingand work pressure (in that order). (Although he appears to have counted dimensionsmore than once from <strong>the</strong> same study.) Given <strong>the</strong> limitations of such a <strong>the</strong>maticanalysis, it can be speculatively concluded that <strong>the</strong>re are approximately three core<strong>the</strong>mes (management, risk and <strong>safety</strong> arrangements) which have been repeatedlyincluded in <strong>safety</strong> <strong>climate</strong> measures, along with a number of o<strong>the</strong>r dimensionsemerging, although less frequently (work pressure, competence and procedures).Each of <strong>the</strong>se topics will be considered in turn to indicate what is encompassedwithin <strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong>matic label and to what extent a relevant literature exists to aid in <strong>the</strong>irre®nement.3.1. ManagementR. Flin et al. / Safety Science 34 (2000) 177±192 185The prime <strong>the</strong>me deemed to be worthy of measurement in relation to a worksite'sor organization's <strong>safety</strong> <strong>climate</strong> relates to perceptions of management attitudes andbehaviours in relation to <strong>safety</strong> as well as to production, or o<strong>the</strong>r issues (selection,discipline, planning, etc.). This appears explicitly with a dimension label in 13 studiesor implicitly (from inspecting <strong>the</strong> items), in every one of <strong>the</strong> 18 studies. In somecases, <strong>the</strong> label is used in an ambiguous fashion and <strong>the</strong>refore it can be dicult todiscern which level of management is actually being assessed (senior managers, plantmanagers, or supervisors). This is not a trivial point as <strong>the</strong>se levels of managementhave distinct roles and are perceived di€erently by <strong>the</strong> workforce (Clarke, 1999).Several questionnaires included a separate factor relating to supervision, emphasising<strong>the</strong> undoubted importance of ®rst-line supervisors in setting <strong>the</strong> work atmosphereand hence <strong>the</strong> <strong>safety</strong> <strong>climate</strong> for <strong>the</strong>ir operations. It generally is measured byrespondents' satisfaction with supervision or <strong>the</strong>ir perceptions of <strong>the</strong> supervisors'attitudes and behaviours with respect to <strong>safety</strong>. The signi®cance of <strong>the</strong> supervisor in<strong>safety</strong> management has long been realised: ``The supervisor or foreman is <strong>the</strong> keyman in industrial accident prevention. His application of <strong>the</strong> art of supervision to<strong>the</strong> control of worker performance is <strong>the</strong> factor of greatest in¯uence in successfulaccident prevention'' (Heinrich, 1959, p. 22). Studies of supervisor behaviour andleadership style in relation to workgroup <strong>safety</strong> are starting to identify criticalbehaviours (Simard and Marchand, 1994; Mearns et al., 1997) which could be usedto increase <strong>the</strong> precision of scales assessing this aspect of management.Table 2Most <strong>common</strong> <strong>the</strong>mes assessed in <strong>safety</strong> <strong>climate</strong> questionnaires a1. Management (13)/supervision (4)2. Safety system (12)3. Risk (12)4. Work pressure (6)5. Competence (6)a Figures in paren<strong>the</strong>ses represent <strong>the</strong> number of studies in which this <strong>the</strong>me appears once or more.

186 R. Flin et al. / Safety Science 34 (2000) 177±192It is hardly surprising that <strong>the</strong> role of management in determining <strong>the</strong> <strong>safety</strong> <strong>climate</strong>of <strong>the</strong> workplace appears so frequently, although an understanding of <strong>the</strong>processes relating management behaviours, <strong>the</strong>ir perception by <strong>the</strong> workforce andany resulting impact on workforce behaviours are ra<strong>the</strong>r less well established. Whilesenior managers undoubtedly set <strong>the</strong> tone and tempo for organisational atmosphere,establish priorities and allocate resources, <strong>the</strong>re is very little evidence that unravelshow this actually works in practice. There have been surprisingly few studies on <strong>the</strong>impact of site or plant managers' behaviours on worker <strong>safety</strong> given that <strong>the</strong>irin¯uence is likely to operate in a more direct fashion than that of <strong>the</strong> more remotesenior managers (Thompson et al., 1998). This topic seems to have been of moreinterest 20 years ago when leadership research was more popular and several studiesinvestigated <strong>the</strong> relationship between managers' beliefs and leadership style and <strong>the</strong>accident rates on <strong>the</strong>ir sites (Andriessen, 1978; Eyssen et al., 1980). More recently, asurvey on <strong>safety</strong> issues with 200 managers in charge of Britain's o€shore oil installationsrevealed that <strong>the</strong>y are so overburdened with administration and <strong>safety</strong> initiatives that<strong>the</strong>y have inadequate time to maintain visibility and involvement at <strong>the</strong> worksites,behaviours that <strong>the</strong>y believe to be critical for workplace <strong>safety</strong> (O'Dea and Flin, 1998).Dedobbeleer and Beland (1998) found evidence for only two core factors in a review of<strong>safety</strong> <strong>climate</strong> surveys, one of which <strong>the</strong>y called management commitment. Cheyne etal. (1998) have recently reported management commitment as a prime factor in <strong>the</strong>irpredictive model of <strong>safety</strong> behaviours, giving some support to <strong>the</strong> primacy of this factor.3.2. Safety systemThe second very broad <strong>the</strong>me identi®ed in almost every survey was labelled <strong>safety</strong>system and this encompassed many di€erent aspects of <strong>the</strong> organisation's <strong>safety</strong>management system, including <strong>safety</strong> ocials, <strong>safety</strong> committees, permit to worksystems, <strong>safety</strong> policies, <strong>safety</strong> equipment. Generally respondents were asked toindicate <strong>the</strong>ir satisfaction with such aspects of <strong>the</strong> <strong>safety</strong> system or to indicateagreement/disagreement with statements relating to system performance. In somecases this is a dimension which companies may already be assessing using moreconventional <strong>safety</strong> auditing procedures (e.g. ISRS, ROSPA; Glendon andMcKenna, 1995) or sensing systems such as TRIPOD which identify 11 generalfailure types from both worksite questionnaires and accident analysis (Reason,1997). Perception of <strong>the</strong> state of <strong>the</strong> <strong>safety</strong> systems is clearly an important componentof a <strong>safety</strong> <strong>climate</strong> audit but where data on workforce perceptions are available fromo<strong>the</strong>r measures used on site, this may not need to be included within a <strong>climate</strong> scale,allowing more attention to be devoted to o<strong>the</strong>r factors.3.3. RiskThe risk <strong>the</strong>me is frequently included but appears in a number of conceptual guises,namely, self-reported risk taking, perceptions of risk/hazards on <strong>the</strong> worksite andattitudes towards risk and <strong>safety</strong>. Dedobbeleer and Beland (1998) considered whe<strong>the</strong>rrisk perception was a fundamental component of a <strong>safety</strong> <strong>climate</strong> scale and speculated

that it was closely linked to <strong>the</strong> concept of workers' involvement or responsibility for<strong>safety</strong>, one of <strong>the</strong>ir two identi®ed <strong>safety</strong> <strong>climate</strong> dimensions. While this is perfectlyfeasible, <strong>the</strong>y do not present any evidence to show that workers' risk perceptions andrisk-taking behaviours are linked to <strong>the</strong>ir level of participation. Previous studies ofrisk perception in o€shore workers (Rundmo, 1992; Flin et al., 1996) have shown thatworkers have fairly accurate perceptions of <strong>the</strong> risks <strong>the</strong>y face but that this does notprovide a sucient explanation of why some workers continue to take risks (Cheyneet al., 1998). Factors relating to <strong>the</strong> work <strong>climate</strong> and motivation may play a morein¯uential role in risk-taking behaviour and in turn <strong>the</strong>se may be in¯uenced byworker involvement as Dedobbeleer and Beland (1998) suggest.In one or two studies, personality disposition variables in relation to risk, such asfatalism and optimism are included. These may have a direct e€ect on risk taking oran indirect e€ect on <strong>safety</strong> behaviours, in¯uencing a worker's predisposition to speakup about <strong>safety</strong> or to become involved in <strong>safety</strong> initiatives. The merits of includingpersonality variables in <strong>safety</strong> <strong>climate</strong> scales are somewhat debatable, given <strong>the</strong>ir historicalfailure to predict accident involvement (Lawton and Parker, 1998).3.4. Work pressureFactors relating to work pace and workload appear in a number of surveys andhave been labelled work pressure. A related <strong>the</strong>me, which overlaps this variable (and<strong>the</strong> management and supervision factors) is <strong>the</strong> balance maintained between pressurefor production and <strong>safety</strong>, now widely recognised as a key component of a<strong>safety</strong> culture (ACSNI, 1993). It only emerged twice as a separate <strong>the</strong>me but ascrutiny of items shows clearly that this is a central issue, even though <strong>the</strong> items mayhave loaded onto factors labelled risk, procedures or management. In a globaleconomy of increased competitiveness, cost reduction and organisational restructuring,work pressure is very likely to in¯uence <strong>safety</strong> <strong>climate</strong> at <strong>the</strong> worksite whentime and resources become stretched. This factor demonstrates <strong>the</strong> importance ofincluding work <strong>climate</strong> variables in <strong>the</strong> overall assessment of <strong>the</strong> state of <strong>safety</strong>(Falbruch and Wilpert, 1999).3.5. CompetenceR. Flin et al. / Safety Science 34 (2000) 177±192 187The workforce's perception of <strong>the</strong> general level of workers' quali®cations, skillsand knowledge is <strong>the</strong> essence of this competence factor, with associated aspectsrelating to selection, training, competence standards and <strong>the</strong>ir assessment. This alsois likely to be in¯uenced by broader economic conditions such as <strong>the</strong> labour marketfor a particular industrial sector and available training budgets. The introduction ofmulti-skilling can be regarded as risky or protective depending on whe<strong>the</strong>r it isproperly applied and resourced, and this aspect of competence may be relevant toassess when measuring <strong>safety</strong> <strong>climate</strong>.In high reliability settings such as aviation or o€shore oil production, <strong>the</strong>re is anincreasing emphasis on competence in non-technical skills (e.g. leadership, decisionmaking) which are regarded as contributing factors to safe operations (Helmreich and

188 R. Flin et al. / Safety Science 34 (2000) 177±192Merritt, 1998). These are usually taught on Crew Resource Management programmes(Flin and O'Connor, 2000) and as such training becomes more widespread, this aspectof <strong>the</strong> skill base may also need to be incorporated into a competence factor.3.6. Procedures/rulesThis <strong>the</strong>me only emerged in three studies sampled here, although <strong>the</strong>re were itemsrelating to procedures and rules in <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r studies. However, Guldenmund (2000)identi®ed this as one of <strong>the</strong> most frequently occurring <strong>the</strong>mes in his review and forthat reason it is discussed here. Perceptions of <strong>safety</strong> rules, attitudes to rules andcompliance or violation of procedures are covered by this <strong>the</strong>me, which is also relatedto risk-taking behaviours as <strong>the</strong>se can involve rule breaking. Some of <strong>the</strong>se factorshave been shown to relate to accident involvement in <strong>safety</strong> <strong>climate</strong> surveys (e.g.Lee, 1998) but causal relationships remain more obscure and are likely to be in¯uencedby supervisor behaviour and work pressure variables. This issue is receivingincreasing scrutiny in studies of worksite <strong>safety</strong> (Bax et al., 1998; Hudson et al.,1998; McDonald, 1998; Reason et al., 1998) which suggests that this is an issue thatmay merit inclusion in <strong>safety</strong> <strong>climate</strong> measures.3.7. SummaryThe foregoing review of <strong>safety</strong> <strong>climate</strong> measures has identi®ed a number of <strong>common</strong><strong>the</strong>mes from measures of <strong>safety</strong> <strong>climate</strong> used in <strong>the</strong> industrial sectors (energy/chemical, transport, construction and manufacturing). The most <strong>common</strong>ly measureddimensions relate to management, <strong>safety</strong> systems, risk, followed by workpressure and competence (and rules/procedures may be worthy of more attention).The actual item components of each <strong>the</strong>me are variable and are likely to be industryor even company speci®c, relating to particular work practices or policies (IAEA,1997). At this stage it would be premature to regard <strong>the</strong>se as a core set, akin to <strong>the</strong>`Big Five' of <strong>the</strong> personality <strong>the</strong>orists. Although such a `straw man' would be valuableif it generated as much controversy, <strong>the</strong>oretical scrutiny and critical examinationas <strong>the</strong> Big Five model produced for personality research (De Raad, 1998).It is not dicult to ®nd support in <strong>the</strong> <strong>safety</strong> literature for this particular taxonomy,given that most of <strong>the</strong> <strong>safety</strong> <strong>climate</strong> questionnaires were derived from thissource in <strong>the</strong> ®rst place. There is some evidence that <strong>the</strong>se particular <strong>the</strong>mes wouldbe supported by o<strong>the</strong>r empirical routes, such as comparative studies of site <strong>safety</strong>performance (Simard and Marchand, 1995; Shannon et al., 1997; Hale and Hovden,1998), major accident pathologies (Reason, 1997; Turner and Pidgeon, 1997), andpersonal accident histories (Williamson and Feyer, 1990). These investigations, particularly<strong>the</strong> case studies, may help to identify o<strong>the</strong>r features of <strong>the</strong> underlying culture(e.g. blame, organisational learning) that <strong>safety</strong> <strong>climate</strong> scales should attempt toassess, or that may have to be evaluated by more qualitative research techniques.Many questions remain to be investigated on an empirical basis. Is <strong>the</strong>re sucientevidence for a generic factor structure or are <strong>the</strong> components of <strong>safety</strong> <strong>climate</strong>associated with particular industrial sectors or cultural di€erences? How should data

R. Flin et al. / Safety Science 34 (2000) 177±192 189be aggregated and should <strong>the</strong> same issues be measured with workers, supervisorsand managers? If a basic factor set can be established, it must be shown to be reliable,valid, suciently comprehensive and <strong>the</strong>oretically justi®able. Previousattempts to replicate factor structures of <strong>safety</strong> <strong>climate</strong> scales have not been entirelyfruitful (Coyle et al., 1995; Dedobbeleer and Beland, 1998). Proposed factor structureswill continue to be evaluated as reliability data build from research teams whohave had <strong>the</strong> opportunity to administer similar versions of <strong>the</strong>ir scales acrossindustrial sectors (Cheyne et al., 1999) and cultures (Janssens et al., 1995; Donaldand Young, 1996; Freeman et al., 1998; Chunlin et al., 1999). While good industrialcooperation would be required, construct validity could be examined by comparingresults from di€erent <strong>climate</strong> scales administered to <strong>the</strong> same workforce.4. ValidationThe real test of <strong>the</strong> <strong>safety</strong> <strong>climate</strong> measures is validity, in terms of <strong>the</strong>ir power toreveal <strong>the</strong> level of site <strong>safety</strong>. The ®nal column of Table 1 shows that validation of<strong>safety</strong> <strong>climate</strong> questionnaires has been undertaken in 10 of <strong>the</strong>se studies, typically bycomparison with retrospective accident data ei<strong>the</strong>r in terms of self-reported accidentsor accident rates for work sites. While results appear to be encouraging, acomprehensive meta-analysis of such studies is now required (Turner and Pidgeon,1997 p. 186) and this would help to determine which factors fail to predict and could bedropped from <strong>climate</strong> measures. Structural equation modelling is beginning to indicatehow factors interrelate and directly or indirectly in¯uence <strong>safety</strong> behaviours (Cheyneet al., 1999). Validation correlates, o<strong>the</strong>r than accident data, might include quanti®edrisk assessment calculations from <strong>the</strong> <strong>safety</strong> case, as <strong>the</strong>re are some indications that<strong>the</strong>se align with workforce perceptions of risk on o€shore oil platforms (Fleming et al.,1998), existing <strong>safety</strong> audit records or self reports of unsafe behaviours (Hofmanand Stetzer, 1996). Finally, managers remain primarily interested in what <strong>the</strong>yshould do to `engineer a strong <strong>safety</strong> culture' (Reason, 1997) on <strong>the</strong> basis of <strong>the</strong>ir<strong>safety</strong> <strong>climate</strong> pro®les. Examples of good practice using <strong>climate</strong> survey feedback arebeginning to be reported (Donald and Young, 1996; IAEA, 1997; Carroll, 1998;Helmreich and Merritt, 1998) and where <strong>the</strong>se are properly evaluated, <strong>the</strong>y shouldresult in a better understanding of <strong>the</strong> fundamentals of <strong>the</strong> <strong>safety</strong> <strong>climate</strong>.AcknowledgementsThe authors would like to thank an anonymous reviewer and Professor NickPidgeon who both provided detailed and constructive comments of <strong>the</strong> ®rst draft ofthis work.ReferencesACSNI, 1993. Organising for Safety. Advisory Committee on <strong>the</strong> Safety of Nuclear Installations. HumanFactors Study Group, Third Report. HSE Books, Su€olk.

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