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ANNEX BHAZARD VULNERABILITY ANALYSISThis annex should be used to document your department’s or jurisdiction’s hazard vulnerabilityanalysis or disaster impact analysis.COOP Planning WorksheetsThe following worksheet and instructions will guide the user through a series of worksheet to aidin the development of a hazard vulnerability analysis. This analysis should be routinelyconducted on the primary and alternate facilities. Mitigation measures should be reflected in themulti-year strategy and program management plan.NoneNoneState Designation Title PurposeVulnerability Analysis Instructions to complete theWorksheet Instructions Vulnerability AnalysisVulnerability AnalysisWorksheetWorksheet.Assigns probabilities,estimates impact and assessingresources using a numericalsystem.None Security Analysis Checklist Identifies strengths andweakness of your facility andsecurity systemNoneMitigation/PreventionWorksheetIdentifies and organizesmitigation activities, timeframe and costs related tocorrecting deficiencies.Vulnerability AnalysisThe key to preparedness lies in pre-emergency cooperation, evaluation, planning andcoordination. Knowledge about the Agency’s vulnerable areas is a fundamental requirement foremergency planning. In essence, the vulnerability analysis is an attempt, prior to an actual crisisto identify the types of risk and exposure an Agency faces, so that steps can be taken to reducethe risk and to improve the Agency’s response should an event occur.Planning/PreparationOften the vulnerability analysis will focus on a department’s or jurisdiction’s services, structureand staffing while overlooking other vendors and organizations that are integral to the agency’smission. While not directly affecting the agency, a variety of circumstances (work stoppages,interruptions of transportation, natural disasters, severe snow and ice storms, etc.) could present a34

equirement for an emergency management response if the agency relies solely on a singlevendor for a specific service. The most valuable tool in determining what hazards present a riskto your facility is a completed and comprehensive Vulnerability Analysis.Assess the vulnerability of your facility and agency within – the probability and potential impactof each possible emergency. Use the Vulnerability Analysis Worksheet Instructions to completethe Vulnerability Analysis Worksheet, which requires assigning probabilities, estimating impactand assessing resources, using a numerical system. The lower the score the better.FacilitiesYou want to take a critical look at the structural and non-structural aspects of your facility todetermine if corrective action can be taken that would reduce the likelihood of an incident orreduce the adverse impact should one occur. The Security Analysis Checklist will give you abetter idea of the strengths and weaknesses of your facility and your security system. Thisanalysis should also be reflected on the Vulnerability Analysis Worksheet and deficienciesaddressed on the Mitigation/Prevention Worksheet, if feasible.MitigationBased upon the Vulnerability Analysis Worksheet, the Mitigation/Prevention Worksheet shouldbe used to identify and organize area of mitigation, time frame and costs related to correctingdeficiencies.35

ANNEX BHAZARD VULNERABILITY ANALYSISThis annex should be used to document your department’s or jurisdiction’s hazard vulnerabilityanalysis or disaster impact analysis.COOP Planning WorksheetsThe following worksheet and instructions will guide the user through a series of worksheet to aidin the development of a hazard vulnerability analysis. This analysis should be routinelyconducted on the primary and alternate facilities. Mitigation measures should be reflected in themulti-year strategy and program management plan.NoneNoneState Designation Title PurposeVulnerability Analysis Instructions to complete theWorksheet Instructions Vulnerability AnalysisVulnerability AnalysisWorksheetWorksheet.Assigns probabilities,estimates impact and assessingresources using a numericalsystem.None Security Analysis Checklist Identifies strengths andweakness of your facility andsecurity systemNoneMitigation/PreventionWorksheetIdentifies and organizesmitigation activities, timeframe and costs related tocorrecting deficiencies.Vulnerability AnalysisThe key to preparedness lies in pre-emergency cooperation, evaluation, planning andcoordination. Knowledge about the Agency’s vulnerable areas is a fundamental requirement foremergency planning. In essence, the vulnerability analysis is an attempt, prior to an actual crisisto identify the types of risk and exposure an Agency faces, so that steps can be taken to reducethe risk and to improve the Agency’s response should an event occur.Planning/PreparationOften the vulnerability analysis will focus on a department’s or jurisdiction’s services, structureand staffing while overlooking other vendors and organizations that are integral to the agency’smission. While not directly affecting the agency, a variety of circumstances (work stoppages,interruptions of transportation, natural disasters, severe snow and ice storms, etc.) could present a34

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