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T. INCIDENT COMMAND SYSTEM (ICS): A standardized on-scene emergencymanagement construct specifically designed to provide for the adoption ofintegrated organizational structure that reflects the complexity and demands ofsingle or multiple incidents, without being hindered by jurisdictional boundaries.ICS is a combination of facilities, equipment, personnel, procedures, andcommunications operating with a common organizational structure, designed toaid in the management of resources during incidents.U. INCIDENT COMMANDER (IC): The individual responsible for all incidentactivities, including the development of strategies and tactics and the ordering andreleasing of resources. The IC have overall authority and responsibility forconducting incident operations and is responsible for the management of allincident management operations.V. INTEROPERABLE COMMUNICATIONS: Alternate communications thatprovides the capability to perform minimum essential functions, in conjunctionwith other agencies, until normal operations can be resumed.W. LEGAL AND FINANCIAL RECORDS: Records that are needed to protect thelegal and financial rights of government and of the people affected by its actions.X. LOGISTICS SECTION: The section responsible for providing facilities, servicesand material support of an incident.Y. MANAGEMENT PLAN: An operational guide that ensures the implementation,maintenance and continued viability of the COOP plan.Z. MISSION CRITICAL FUNCTIONS: See Essential Functions.AA.BB.CC.MITIGATION: Any sustained action taken to reduce or eliminate the long-termrisk to life and property from a hazard event.NATIONAL INCIDENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM: A system mandated byHomeland Security Presidential Directive #5 (HSPD-5) that provides for aconsistent national approach for Federal, state, local and tribal governments; theprivate-sector, and non-governmental organizations to work effectively andefficiently together to prepare for, respond to, and recover from domesticsincidents, regardless of cause size, or complexity.NON-ESSENTIAL PERSONNEL: Staff of an department or jurisdiction who isnot required for the performance of an organization’s mission critical functions.DD. OPERATIONS SECTION: The section responsible for all tactical incidentoperations. In ICS, it normally includes subordinate branches, divisions andgroups.32

EE.FF.GG.HH.II.JJ.KK.LL.ORDERS OF SUCCESSIONS: Provisions for the assumption of seniordepartment and jurisdictional offices and other positions held by essential COOPpersonnel when the original holder of those responsibilities and/or authorities isunable or unavailable to execute their duties.PLAN MAINTENANCE: Steps taken to ensure the plan is reviewed annuallyand updated whenever major changes occur.PLANNING SECTION: Responsible for the collection, evaluation anddissemination of operational information related to the incident, and for thepreparation and documentation of the IAP. This section also maintainsinformation on current and forecasted situation and on the status of resourcesassigned to an incident.PRIMARY FACILITY: The site of normal, day-to-day operations; the locationwhere the employee usually goes to work.RECONSITUTION: The resumption of non-emergency operations at a primaryfacility following emergency operations at an alternate facility.SITUATION REPORT (SITREP): A written, formatted report that provides apicture of the response activities during a designated reporting period.VITAL RECORDS: Electronic and hardcopy documents, references and recordsneeded to support essential functions during a COOP event, to recover fulloperations following an emergency, and to protect the legal rights and interests ofcitizens and government. The two basis categories of vital records are emergencyoperating records (e.g.- plans and directives, orders of succession, delegations ofauthorities and staffing assignments) and rights and interests records.VITAL EQUIPMENT AND SYSTEMS: Equipment and systems that are neededto support essential functions during a COOP event.33

EE.FF.GG.HH.II.JJ.KK.LL.ORDERS <strong>OF</strong> SUCCESSIONS: Provisions for the assumption of seniordepartment and jurisdictional offices and other positions held by essential COOPpersonnel when the original holder of those responsibilities and/or authorities isunable or unavailable to execute their duties.<strong>PLAN</strong> MAINTENANCE: Steps taken to ensure the plan is reviewed annuallyand updated whenever major changes occur.<strong>PLAN</strong>NING SECTION: Responsible for the collection, evaluation anddissemination of operational information related to the incident, and for thepreparation and documentation of the IAP. This section also maintainsinformation on current and forecasted situation and on the status of resourcesassigned to an incident.PRIMARY FACILITY: The site of normal, day-to-day operations; the locationwhere the employee usually goes to work.RECONSITUTION: The resumption of non-emergency operations at a primaryfacility following emergency operations at an alternate facility.SITUATION REPORT (SITREP): A written, formatted report that provides apicture of the response activities during a designated reporting period.VITAL RECORDS: Electronic and hardcopy documents, references and recordsneeded to support essential functions during a COOP event, to recover fulloperations following an emergency, and to protect the legal rights and interests ofcitizens and government. The two basis categories of vital records are emergencyoperating records (e.g.- plans and directives, orders of succession, delegations ofauthorities and staffing assignments) and rights and interests records.VITAL EQUIPMENT AND SYSTEMS: Equipment and systems that are neededto support essential functions during a COOP event.33

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