Obtaining Victory Over Sin - NetBibleStudy.com

Obtaining Victory Over Sin - NetBibleStudy.com Obtaining Victory Over Sin - NetBibleStudy.com

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Victory Over Sin 88for you that one of the parts of your body perish, than for your whole body to be thrown intohell. And if your right hand makes you stumble, cut it off and throw it from you; for it is betterfor you that one of the parts of your body perish, than for your whole body to go into hell”(Matthew 5:29-30).Once an eye is cut out or a hand cut off, there is no chance of it being put back.The separation is final; there is no hidden agenda for a comeback. Paul wrote, “But puton the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh in regard to its lusts” (Romans13:14).Also, there is the signpost of spiritual coasting! That’s what happens when webegin to crowd God and His Word to the circumference of our lives. This happens sosubtly, unintentionally, as we feel more pressured by the responsibilities of life; job,spouse, children, hobbies, church, friends --- and even television!Backsliding can take place so slowly that one hardly notices what is happening –without fanfare --- so quietly that one scarcely notices it. Only tragic failure makes onerealize how far he has drifted from the shore. God, in His Word, tells us that He prefersthat we are either cold or hot, rather than lukewarm. The reason is simple --- someonewho is cold seeks the fire, a person who is lukewarm is generally comfortable and seesno need of change. He is so self-satisfied that he doesn’t know how bad off he is! Thepeople at Laodicea were lukewarm, but thought they were hot! They had drifted fromtheir first love and didn’t even know it! Beware of spiritual coasting!Finally, there is the signpost of compromise. That’s when we tolerate personalsin for just a little while. Ever watch someone shatter a cement wall with a hugehammer? The first time they hit the wall, it was as solid as ever. Even after 20 blows, orso, it seems immovable. But, as they keep at it, after a while, the wall weakens, but stillstands firm and upright. But it weakens. A small piece falls -- then another -- andgradually you see the wall collapse.That’s the way sin is. It is true that you can tolerate sin without having it ruinyou --- but you can’t do it forever! Compromise is possible for a while withoutdisastrous results, but eventually it weakens our resistance.How Long Before We Stand Again?Let’s say that we’ve been caught in the old trap and we’re back in the same rut,the question now is, “How long are we going to stay there?” Satan would like to say,“Forever! After all, what’s the use --- since you are not really sure you’ll be victorious nexttime, why bother getting back into fellowship with God!”We could be tempted to agree. Human nature resents the idea that we mustcome back to God without an “award for special merit” sign pinned on our vest. We areuncomfortable accepting mercy that we don’t deserve. We hesitate to come backimmediately without a period of probation. We may even want to punish ourselves for

Victory Over Sin 89our guilt by maintaining isolation from God and His people. So we postpone ourappointment with the Almighty until we have proved we mean business and that wewill never fall again. Furthermore, we argue, guilt is good for us; it will teach us neverto do that again!God thinks otherwise. For one thing, even if we do reform, that is not His basisfor our acceptance anyway. To think we must straighten up before we come back toHim betrays our misunderstanding of the Cross. We are to come solely on the merit ofChrist’s blood, not on the merit of an acceptable track record.And is guilt good for us? True, it teaches us how uncomfortable the after effectsof sin can be, but it’s doubtful whether guilt is an acceptable motivation to change ourbehavior. Nowhere in the Bible do we read that God uses guilt to discipline Hischildren. Natural consequences of sin, “Yes,” because they teach us how reprehensiblesin can be. But guilt is not God’s means of discipline, because it is contrary to the Cross.God’s method of motivating us to live righteously is His love and grace. Hear whatPaul says, “I urge you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies aliving and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship“(Romans 12:1). Grace, freely given, does not provide us license to sin; rather it shouldmotivate us to give ourselves without reservation to the One who loves us so freely --and so deeply. Whenever we sin, God wants us to come back into fellowshipimmediately. Learn our lessons, but within His forgiveness, not outside of it.Have you ever heard someone say, “Keep short accounts with God?” It’s a way ofsaying, “Don’t let sin pile up in our lives!” Don’t think that we have to wait until thechurch doors open, or even until the end of the day, before sin is taken care of. Confessit the moment it is brought to our attention. We should deal with our sins immediately-- keeping current accounts with God. While we are driving our car, working in theoffice, or doing chores at home, we can be engaging in dialogue with God. As we speakto Him, He replies through His Word.Listen to the hope of the Scriptures for all who sin:Jeremiah 8:4, “Thus says th4e Lord, `Do men fall and not get upagain? Does one turn away and not repent?’”Psalms 145:14, “The Lord sustains all who fall, and raises up allwho are owed down.”Micah 7:8, “Though I fall, I will rise; though I dwell in darkness,the Lord is a light for me.”Proverbs 24:16, “For a righteous man falls seven times, and risesagain.”Psalm 37:23-24, “The steps of a man are established by the Lord;And He delights in his way. When he falls, he shall not be hurledheadlong; Because the Lord is the One who holds his hand.”

<strong>Victory</strong> <strong>Over</strong> <strong>Sin</strong> 88for you that one of the parts of your body perish, than for your whole body to be thrown intohell. And if your right hand makes you stumble, cut it off and throw it from you; for it is betterfor you that one of the parts of your body perish, than for your whole body to go into hell”(Matthew 5:29-30).Once an eye is cut out or a hand cut off, there is no chance of it being put back.The separation is final; there is no hidden agenda for a <strong>com</strong>eback. Paul wrote, “But puton the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh in regard to its lusts” (Romans13:14).Also, there is the signpost of spiritual coasting! That’s what happens when webegin to crowd God and His Word to the circumference of our lives. This happens sosubtly, unintentionally, as we feel more pressured by the responsibilities of life; job,spouse, children, hobbies, church, friends --- and even television!Backsliding can take place so slowly that one hardly notices what is happening –without fanfare --- so quietly that one scarcely notices it. Only tragic failure makes onerealize how far he has drifted from the shore. God, in His Word, tells us that He prefersthat we are either cold or hot, rather than lukewarm. The reason is simple --- someonewho is cold seeks the fire, a person who is lukewarm is generally <strong>com</strong>fortable and seesno need of change. He is so self-satisfied that he doesn’t know how bad off he is! Thepeople at Laodicea were lukewarm, but thought they were hot! They had drifted fromtheir first love and didn’t even know it! Beware of spiritual coasting!Finally, there is the signpost of <strong>com</strong>promise. That’s when we tolerate personalsin for just a little while. Ever watch someone shatter a cement wall with a hugehammer? The first time they hit the wall, it was as solid as ever. Even after 20 blows, orso, it seems immovable. But, as they keep at it, after a while, the wall weakens, but stillstands firm and upright. But it weakens. A small piece falls -- then another -- andgradually you see the wall collapse.That’s the way sin is. It is true that you can tolerate sin without having it ruinyou --- but you can’t do it forever! Compromise is possible for a while withoutdisastrous results, but eventually it weakens our resistance.How Long Before We Stand Again?Let’s say that we’ve been caught in the old trap and we’re back in the same rut,the question now is, “How long are we going to stay there?” Satan would like to say,“Forever! After all, what’s the use --- since you are not really sure you’ll be victorious nexttime, why bother getting back into fellowship with God!”We could be tempted to agree. Human nature resents the idea that we must<strong>com</strong>e back to God without an “award for special merit” sign pinned on our vest. We areun<strong>com</strong>fortable accepting mercy that we don’t deserve. We hesitate to <strong>com</strong>e backimmediately without a period of probation. We may even want to punish ourselves for

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