Obtaining Victory Over Sin - NetBibleStudy.com

Obtaining Victory Over Sin - NetBibleStudy.com Obtaining Victory Over Sin - NetBibleStudy.com

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Victory Over Sin 80are troubled by satanic attack, we should ask, “Where have I given ground for Satan’sattack? What sin has not been taken care of? Where do I resist God?” Personal righteousness,then is essential in sealing our self off from Satan’s activity. But so are the other piecesof armor listed in Ephesians. They are enumerated at the end of this chapter.Second, we need to realize that Satan has no rights, but he’ll never admit it.Christ’s death and ascension effectively cut the ground from under him. Before Hisdeath Jesus Christ predicted, “Now judgment is upon this world – [Satan’s dominion] - nowthe ruler of this world shall be cast out – [“expelled,” or “thrown out”] (John 12:31). Christ’sdeath and ascension to heaven won a legal victory over all satanic forces --- Christentered Satan’s territory and won a decisive victory on the devil’s home turf. Paulwrote regarding Christ, “When He – [God] -- had disarmed the rulers and authorities, Hemade a public display of them, having triumphed over them through Him – [through ChristJesus]” (Colossians 2:15). That’s why James could say, “Submit therefore to God. Resist thedevil and he will flee from you” (James 4:7). Satan is allowed to maneuver through theatmosphere, causing havoc, however, he can be successfully resisted. Paul wrote, “Beangry, and yet do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger, and do not give the devilan opportunity” (Ephesians 4:26-27). We can say “No” to Satan!Satan is like a dethroned king who keeps on giving orders to his subjects; he islike a thief who has stolen virtually everything he owns and who tries to persuade usthat it was always his. He is like a warrior without authority who keeps recruiting aprivate army to fight a battle he has already lost!Finally, remember that all believers have legal authority over demonic forces.There is a connection between the 1 st chapter of Ephesians and the 2 nd chapter that isoften overlooked. Near the end of the first chapter, we read of God’s great power thatwas displayed in Christ – It reads:“He – [God, the Father] - raised Him – [God, the Son] – from thedead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places, farabove all rule and dominion, and every name that is named, notonly in this age, but also I the one to come. And He put all thingsin subjection under His feet, and gave Him as Head over all thingsto the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who filled allin all” (Ephesians 1:20-23).As we read these verses carefully we see (1) that Christ’s ascension to heavenplaced Him above all rule, authority, power, and every name that is named; and (2)that all things are under His feet --- no power exists in the universe without Christ’spermission!Here is the good news that puts it all together: in chapter 2, Paul writes: “We areseated with Christ in heavenly places.” This means that Satan, along with all of his wickedspirits, at this very moment is under our feet!

Victory Over Sin 81Sometimes Christians pray, “O Lord, we ask you to bind Satan; we pray that youwould cause him to depart…” however, resisting and binding Satan is our responsibility!Often we feel weak and helpless, but this does not diminish our position ofauthority. A policeman may not feel strong at all; indeed, he may be ill or very tired.Physically, he would not be able to stop the smallest compact car. Yet when he raiseshis hand, all the traffic stops. Why? Because the state has given him authority overtraffic.I’ve heard people say, “I hear voices that tell me to commit suicide. I’m afraid that oneof these days I’ll do it.” We don’t have to listen to any voices of demonic forces. Satancannot program us to obey his commands. The message of the New Testament is clear:Christ won a complete victory over Satan and we can now participate in that triumph!Demonic Activity and Our Sinful HabitHow do we confront wicked powers? We follow the example of Christ, whocommanded, “Be gone, Satan, in Jesus name, for it is written . . . “ It is good to use thisstatement --- (out loud, if we are alone) --- commanding Satan to depart in the name ofJesus Christ, based on the promises of Scripture we have claimed. However, simplyquoting a verse of Scripture does not make demonic forces cringe, but the power of theWord of God is unleashed when we bring our self under its authority! The disciples could notcast out a demon because of unbelief and pride. They were ineffective because theirlives were no long under God’s authority (Matthew 17:15-20).Let’s use a specific illustration. Let’s suppose our habit is simply “overeating.”We have had sufficient to eat – digested all the food our body really needs – howeverthere is more – of something extremely delicious that we just love to feast on -- in therefrigerator. We know that our body belongs to God, but the idea of eating keepspopping into our mind. We’ve memorized verses, given our struggle completely overto God, and determined what diet program is really best for us – simply mapped outwhat is best for us to eat and what is best not to eat – and what quantities is best for ourhealth. But, let’s say, that we just love to eat whether our body needs it or not. We closethe refrigerator door, partially satisfied with our victory. However, shortly we are backagain at the refrigerator.Is it possible that our struggle has anything to do with demonic forces?Absolutely! Look at it this way --- The first sin occurred simply because Eve ate whatshe wasn’t supposed to eat. Satan struck at her legitimate desire for food, and made theforbidden fruit enticing. Putting it in today’s language, one might say, “Eve could notclose the door of her refrigerator.” The food looked and smelled so good!Here we are, sitting on the sofa watching television. A commercial comes on thatpictures beautifully prepared foods -- and make us think we’re hungry. The idea to eatis powerful. Right now our mind is a battlefield. Satan has built a stronghold (2 Corinthians10:4-5). We will have to gain control over our thoughts. We must recognize

<strong>Victory</strong> <strong>Over</strong> <strong>Sin</strong> 81Sometimes Christians pray, “O Lord, we ask you to bind Satan; we pray that youwould cause him to depart…” however, resisting and binding Satan is our responsibility!Often we feel weak and helpless, but this does not diminish our position ofauthority. A policeman may not feel strong at all; indeed, he may be ill or very tired.Physically, he would not be able to stop the smallest <strong>com</strong>pact car. Yet when he raiseshis hand, all the traffic stops. Why? Because the state has given him authority overtraffic.I’ve heard people say, “I hear voices that tell me to <strong>com</strong>mit suicide. I’m afraid that oneof these days I’ll do it.” We don’t have to listen to any voices of demonic forces. Satancannot program us to obey his <strong>com</strong>mands. The message of the New Testament is clear:Christ won a <strong>com</strong>plete victory over Satan and we can now participate in that triumph!Demonic Activity and Our <strong>Sin</strong>ful HabitHow do we confront wicked powers? We follow the example of Christ, who<strong>com</strong>manded, “Be gone, Satan, in Jesus name, for it is written . . . “ It is good to use thisstatement --- (out loud, if we are alone) --- <strong>com</strong>manding Satan to depart in the name ofJesus Christ, based on the promises of Scripture we have claimed. However, simplyquoting a verse of Scripture does not make demonic forces cringe, but the power of theWord of God is unleashed when we bring our self under its authority! The disciples could notcast out a demon because of unbelief and pride. They were ineffective because theirlives were no long under God’s authority (Matthew 17:15-20).Let’s use a specific illustration. Let’s suppose our habit is simply “overeating.”We have had sufficient to eat – digested all the food our body really needs – howeverthere is more – of something extremely delicious that we just love to feast on -- in therefrigerator. We know that our body belongs to God, but the idea of eating keepspopping into our mind. We’ve memorized verses, given our struggle <strong>com</strong>pletely overto God, and determined what diet program is really best for us – simply mapped outwhat is best for us to eat and what is best not to eat – and what quantities is best for ourhealth. But, let’s say, that we just love to eat whether our body needs it or not. We closethe refrigerator door, partially satisfied with our victory. However, shortly we are backagain at the refrigerator.Is it possible that our struggle has anything to do with demonic forces?Absolutely! Look at it this way --- The first sin occurred simply because Eve ate whatshe wasn’t supposed to eat. Satan struck at her legitimate desire for food, and made theforbidden fruit enticing. Putting it in today’s language, one might say, “Eve could notclose the door of her refrigerator.” The food looked and smelled so good!Here we are, sitting on the sofa watching television. A <strong>com</strong>mercial <strong>com</strong>es on thatpictures beautifully prepared foods -- and make us think we’re hungry. The idea to eatis powerful. Right now our mind is a battlefield. Satan has built a stronghold (2 Corinthians10:4-5). We will have to gain control over our thoughts. We must recognize

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