Obtaining Victory Over Sin - NetBibleStudy.com

Obtaining Victory Over Sin - NetBibleStudy.com Obtaining Victory Over Sin - NetBibleStudy.com

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Victory Over Sin 52with a heart full of revenge. Real meditation requires quality time. We mustassimilate a passage and give it our unhurried attention.3. BE PREPARED TO MEMORIZE THE WORD OF GOD“Thy Word I have treasured in my heart, that I may not sin against Thee” (Psalms119:11). Rather than memorize verses at random, take the list of troublesomethought patterns and find verses of Scripture that speak directly to them.Memorize these verses so that we have them at our fingertips during the day --- we’ll need them. The only alternative to memorizing verses is to type themout on small note-cards so that we can have them for immediate reference.These are the passage that God will use to demolish the present strongholds ofour mind and construct a new edifice.Use Our ArtillerySo far in our strategy to overcome sin, we have identified the sins we need totriumph over, and have made up our mind to set time aside each morning for God, andwe have armed our self with passages of Scripture to work with. Now what? Whatshould we do tomorrow morning?1. Begin the Day RightFirst of all, we must realize that our strategy begins the moment we awake in themorning. Those moments between waking up and getting our feet on the floor arecrucial. The seeds of discouragement, anger, and lust begin here. While still in bed,thank God for the rest He has given to you. Then give the new day to the Lord.Consciously commit your mind, opportunities, and time to Him. Remind yourself ofGod’s promises. Here are a few: “For nothing will be impossible with God” (Luke 1:37).“And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, tothose who are called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28). “I can do all things throughHim who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13). Reminding ourselves of God’s promisesgives us the proper perspective on life.After you are out of bed and reasonably awake –-- (some folk need coffee, maybeeven breakfast, before they can get their mind in gear) --- read a chapter from the Bible,observing what God is saying to you. Then spend some time to prepare your mind forthe particular temptation you will face that day. Let’s suppose your boss habituallyirritates you. You wish you could tell him what’s really going through your mind. Ifyou wait until your boss shouts at you before you decide how you will respond, youwill probably react in anger. Use the Word of God in anticipation. During your timewith God in the morning, recite the verses you have memorized and claim Christ’svictory before your boss blows his fuse.The same principle applies whether your problem is gluttony, lust, addiction,worry, or greed. Claim God’s promises for that particular day. Tell Him that with Hishelp you resolve to choose for Him, rather than the world.

Victory Over Sin 53Remember, if you wait unto temptation comes to decide how you will react,you’ve waited too long. Choose beforehand to claim God’s promises for whatevercircumstances you expect to encounter.2. Obey the Holy SpiritDuring the day, learn to obey the first promptings of the Holy Spirit. If you aretempted to enjoy a sensual fantasy, deal with those thoughts immediately. [Each of usknow when we let our minds skip across that invisible line into forbidden territory]. Themoment we do so, we sense we are violating the purity that the Holy Spirit desires forus. That is the moment to say, “I reject these thoughts in the name of Jesus.” And thenquote the passage of Scripture you have learned for that temptation. With time, yoursensitivity to the Holy Spirit will develop.3. Turn Your Mind To GodMost important, learn to switch topics on the flesh and the devil. Remember theexperiment of not thinking of the number eight? We couldn’t stop thinking of thenumber eight, no matter how hard we tried. Only switching to another thought couldaccomplish this result.We can do this with any temptation we face. Simply use our temptation as analarm system --- signal to give praise to God. If, for example, you fear some particulardisease, use that fear – or worry – as an opportunity to give glory to God. Quote, forinstance, Romans 8:35-39, or read Psalms 103, 144, or 145. Then thank God for all theblessings you have in Christ. Thank Him for forgiveness, for His sovereignty, power,and love. In this way, your stumbling block will be changed into a stepping-stone.You’ll be praising rather than pouting.One way to victory over temptation is to respond by using the desire as areminder to read a passage of Scripture of praise to God. Rather than your mindconcentrating on the desire to sin, you focus on God and His power. Eventually, youwill learn that you do not have to yield to this temptation; the very struggle willbecome God’s way of building discipline into your life.If your problem is gluttony, decide that your hunger pangs will be a reminder todivert your attention to God’s Word. Memorize a verse of Scripture; pray for amissionary; sing a song. By outlining and following a specific strategy to resisttemptation, you can eventual be free from its grip.4. Determine Not to Get DiscouragedFinally, do not be discouraged by the frequency of the same temptation. If youhave lived a long time with sinful thought patterns, the strongholds of yourimagination will not be easily toppled. Furthermore, you must recognize the possibilitythat you are not merely confronting yourself, but satanic forces as well. Satan’s most

<strong>Victory</strong> <strong>Over</strong> <strong>Sin</strong> 52with a heart full of revenge. Real meditation requires quality time. We mustassimilate a passage and give it our unhurried attention.3. BE PREPARED TO MEMORIZE THE WORD OF GOD“Thy Word I have treasured in my heart, that I may not sin against Thee” (Psalms119:11). Rather than memorize verses at random, take the list of troublesomethought patterns and find verses of Scripture that speak directly to them.Memorize these verses so that we have them at our fingertips during the day --- we’ll need them. The only alternative to memorizing verses is to type themout on small note-cards so that we can have them for immediate reference.These are the passage that God will use to demolish the present strongholds ofour mind and construct a new edifice.Use Our ArtillerySo far in our strategy to over<strong>com</strong>e sin, we have identified the sins we need totriumph over, and have made up our mind to set time aside each morning for God, andwe have armed our self with passages of Scripture to work with. Now what? Whatshould we do tomorrow morning?1. Begin the Day RightFirst of all, we must realize that our strategy begins the moment we awake in themorning. Those moments between waking up and getting our feet on the floor arecrucial. The seeds of discouragement, anger, and lust begin here. While still in bed,thank God for the rest He has given to you. Then give the new day to the Lord.Consciously <strong>com</strong>mit your mind, opportunities, and time to Him. Remind yourself ofGod’s promises. Here are a few: “For nothing will be impossible with God” (Luke 1:37).“And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, tothose who are called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28). “I can do all things throughHim who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13). Reminding ourselves of God’s promisesgives us the proper perspective on life.After you are out of bed and reasonably awake –-- (some folk need coffee, maybeeven breakfast, before they can get their mind in gear) --- read a chapter from the Bible,observing what God is saying to you. Then spend some time to prepare your mind forthe particular temptation you will face that day. Let’s suppose your boss habituallyirritates you. You wish you could tell him what’s really going through your mind. Ifyou wait until your boss shouts at you before you decide how you will respond, youwill probably react in anger. Use the Word of God in anticipation. During your timewith God in the morning, recite the verses you have memorized and claim Christ’svictory before your boss blows his fuse.The same principle applies whether your problem is gluttony, lust, addiction,worry, or greed. Claim God’s promises for that particular day. Tell Him that with Hishelp you resolve to choose for Him, rather than the world.

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