Obtaining Victory Over Sin - NetBibleStudy.com

Obtaining Victory Over Sin - NetBibleStudy.com Obtaining Victory Over Sin - NetBibleStudy.com

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Victory Over Sin 42sin is not something that God promises you, it is not an act you beg Him to do. Hesimply declares it as a fact --- already accomplished! Our failures and sins cannotchange what God has said. Just because we get talked into obeying our old landlorddoesn’t change the fact of new management. It does mean that we forgot we couldconfidently say “No” to his extortion schemes.Let’s say, for example, that we are a believer who lives with fear – perhaps it’s afear of people, of cancer, or, of loneliness. We need to recognize those fears as a billfrom our old landlord. Remember that we do not have to listen to him – much less dowhat he suggests. We must take the matter up with our new Manage. We are no longduty-bound to those former relationships.Second, we must admit the need for faith in our daily life. Our identificationwith Christ is not something that can be proved empirically, it’s not like being able tosee with our own eyes that the sun is shining. And even if it could be proven by ourexperience, many of us would be in trouble. An honest look at our lives hardlysupports the idea that we are dead to sin and alive to God. But once we understand,with the Holy Spirit’s help, that our ties with sin have already been broken, we begin tosee that God has not deceived us. When we shift our attention to the completed workof the Cross and insist on our privileges, our old self surrenders to God’s authority.Through faith and faith alone we personalize our victory.Our freedom from sin is never automatic. Every inch is contested. No one everfalls into maturity, even though we are already positionally complete in Christ. There isthe danger to tend to look for formulas for a new spiritual technique. But there is nosubstitute for waiting before God, reading His Word, and then obeying the truth Hehas revealed.The Christian life is a growing relationship. Applying the Cross to our life is notsomething we do once for all. Nor is it sufficient to do it every week or even once aday. It is a moment-by-moment, daily process. As we develop sensitivity to the HolySpirit’s work in our life, we will find that saying “No” to the flesh and “Yes” to Christwill become a way of life. -- Let’s turn our attention to “How to personalize Christ’svictory” in the next lesson.Getting Practical1. This would be a good time to take stock of your life again, asked, “Whatbehavior patterns or thoughts must be changed by God?”2. Read Romans, chapters 6 through 8, carefully underling each time Paul usesthe expression, “free from sin,” or its equivalent. Study what Paul gives as a basis for ourfreedom.3. Study the wide-ranging benefits of the Cross. It will help you develop a life ofhabitual praise to God. Begin the habit of thanking God for the victory Christaccomplished on our behalf as often as you think of it.4. Begin each day at the Cross. Take time to:

Victory Over Sin 43(a) Give thanks that Christ has already conquered the problems you willface that day(b) Accept by faith the victory Christ won at the Cross – before you aretempted to sin.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Lesson 6Depending on the Holy SpiritSlavery was officially abolished years ago on the island of Jamaica, however,many of the slaves, living in remote areas, did not know of their freedom. And, as aresult of no knowing their release had been declared, years passed and they continuedto serve their masters. They were oblivious to the fact that they were legally free. Theirowners kept the news from them as long as they possible could, hoping to extract everyounce of work from their captives. These slaves wouldn’t have had to put up with theirdrudgery --- if they had only known the truth!Jesus Christ issued a proclamation of liberty for every believer. Our union withHim qualifies us to share His victory! The question is, “Precisely, how is Christ’s victorytranslated into reality in our life?” The answer is --- the personal ministry of the HolySpirit. The Holy Spirit communicates Christ’s strength to us! He satisfies our spiritualthirst.What did Christ say about the Holy Spirit’s ministry to believers?In the Gospel of John, chapter 7, Jesus is attending the Feast of Tabernacles atJerusalem. This took place on the 8 th day of the feast. It was a day of great assemblyand offering sacrifices for Israel. The first seven days sacrifices were offered for othernation --- God had given instructions for this feast in Leviticus 23:34-36. On the 8 th daya priest would go and draw water from the pool of Siloam in a golden vessel and bringit to the Temple. When the morning sacrifice was on the altar he poured this watermingled with wine upon it, while the people were singing with great joy. It was at thisprecise time that Jesus made His great prophecy of the fullness of the Holy Spirit in thelife of each believer.Jesus was deeply moved by the emptiness of the ritual the Jews dutifullyperformed. On that day –- the 8 th day of the feast -- a group of white-robed priests hadgone down to the pool of Siloam and filled their jars with water from the pool andwalked back to the Temple. They poured out the water in the presence of the people,reminding them of how God supplied Israel with water during their wandering in thewilderness.This ceremony was a beautiful reminder of what God had done, but the peoplemissed its whole purpose and spiritual meaning –- which was, that God wanted tosatisfy their spiritual thirst as well!

<strong>Victory</strong> <strong>Over</strong> <strong>Sin</strong> 43(a) Give thanks that Christ has already conquered the problems you willface that day(b) Accept by faith the victory Christ won at the Cross – before you aretempted to sin.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Lesson 6Depending on the Holy SpiritSlavery was officially abolished years ago on the island of Jamaica, however,many of the slaves, living in remote areas, did not know of their freedom. And, as aresult of no knowing their release had been declared, years passed and they continuedto serve their masters. They were oblivious to the fact that they were legally free. Theirowners kept the news from them as long as they possible could, hoping to extract everyounce of work from their captives. These slaves wouldn’t have had to put up with theirdrudgery --- if they had only known the truth!Jesus Christ issued a proclamation of liberty for every believer. Our union withHim qualifies us to share His victory! The question is, “Precisely, how is Christ’s victorytranslated into reality in our life?” The answer is --- the personal ministry of the HolySpirit. The Holy Spirit <strong>com</strong>municates Christ’s strength to us! He satisfies our spiritualthirst.What did Christ say about the Holy Spirit’s ministry to believers?In the Gospel of John, chapter 7, Jesus is attending the Feast of Tabernacles atJerusalem. This took place on the 8 th day of the feast. It was a day of great assemblyand offering sacrifices for Israel. The first seven days sacrifices were offered for othernation --- God had given instructions for this feast in Leviticus 23:34-36. On the 8 th daya priest would go and draw water from the pool of Siloam in a golden vessel and bringit to the Temple. When the morning sacrifice was on the altar he poured this watermingled with wine upon it, while the people were singing with great joy. It was at thisprecise time that Jesus made His great prophecy of the fullness of the Holy Spirit in thelife of each believer.Jesus was deeply moved by the emptiness of the ritual the Jews dutifullyperformed. On that day –- the 8 th day of the feast -- a group of white-robed priests hadgone down to the pool of Siloam and filled their jars with water from the pool andwalked back to the Temple. They poured out the water in the presence of the people,reminding them of how God supplied Israel with water during their wandering in thewilderness.This ceremony was a beautiful reminder of what God had done, but the peoplemissed its whole purpose and spiritual meaning –- which was, that God wanted tosatisfy their spiritual thirst as well!

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