Obtaining Victory Over Sin - NetBibleStudy.com

Obtaining Victory Over Sin - NetBibleStudy.com Obtaining Victory Over Sin - NetBibleStudy.com

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Victory Over Sin 24ACCEPTING GOD’S GRACEGod’s grace is greater than our sin, whether the offense be big or small. A wellknownChristian, driving too fast in the rain, caused an accident in which hiscompanion was killed. Regret and wounds of guilt erupted in his heart. After receivinggood Christian counsel, he realize how wrong it would be to spend the rest of his life inthe prison of self-incrimination – and chose to forgive himself, realizing that God hadalready forgiven him. “That night,” he said, “I saw more clearly than ever before that thepurpose of the Cross is to repair the irreparable.”John Newton had godly parents but was orphaned at the age of six. A relativewho rejected the boy’s Christian heritage adopted him. At an early age, Newton becamean apprentice seaman. While enlisted in the Royal Navy, he deserted and went to Africafor one purpose – to sin to his fill.He became a servant to a wicked slave trader. Eventually, Newton escaped tothe coast. There he attracted a ship by building a fire. Because he was a skillednavigator, he was soon made a mate on the vessel that was making its way up the coastof Africa to England.On one occasion, he opened the casks of rum and distributed the liquor to thecrew so that all the members became drunk. As the ship made its way to Great Britain,it was blown off course. When the ship began to flounder, Newton was sent into thehold to man the pumps along with the slaves who were being transported. The truth hehad been taught as a child came home to him and he cried to God out of the hold of thatship. Later he wrote:“Amazing grace, how sweet the sound,That saved a wretch like me!I once was lost, but now am found,Was blind, but now I see!”If God is able to forget our past, why can’t we? Scripture declares that He throwsour sins into the depths of the sea (Micah 7:19) and, as one preacher put it, “He then putsup a sign on the shore that read, `No fishing!’”There is no reason for us to be trapped in the murky paths of our past life if Godoffers us a new beginning. Christ said to the woman taken in adultery, “Go, and sin nomore.” Once our past is forgiven, we are free from its grip.Perhaps you are now be at a fork in the road. With your sins forgiven, you caneither return to the slippery slopes of failure – or – plant your feet on God’s soil, andstand firmly on His side of the boundary line!Getting Practical1. List the effect of David’s unconfessed sin that he attempted to hide mentionedin Psalm 32:3-5.

Victory Over Sin 252. Think of actions for which we often feel guilty because we cannot forgiveourselves. How can we know whether our guilt is brought about by ourselves or byGod?3. Read again the account of the Fall in Genesis 3. What evidence is there thatAdam and Eve felt guilty when God came to them? What characteristics of guilt arefound in the Biblical record? What was God’s response to their need?4. Once we have confessed our sins, we must continually thank God for Hispardon.5. Look up these verses and recite them as an expression of praise to God for Hisforgiveness: Psalm 32:1-2; Romans 8:33-34; 1 John 1:9. [It would be good to memorize them].~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Lesson 4HOW TO HANDLE TEMPTATIONGetting God’s PerspectiveThe question we need to ask our self is, “Am I serious about breaking that sinfulhabit which God has been dealing with me about?” If you are, then let’s get started. It isessential that you see your problem in perspective. To begin with, I want to share fourtrue stories that I believe will help us put various problems into perspective..1.George was involved in an illicit affair which he knew that, according to God’s Wordwas wrong and desperately prayed to God for strength to break it off. He soughtGod earnestly that the desire he had for this relationship would dissolve He wassubmerged in guilt, fear, and shame because he couldn’t break the relationship.Eventually, the affair was discovered, he divorced his wife, and brought shame andhurt to both families.2.Ken was a truck driver who promised his wife he would quit smoking. He decidedto decrease the number of cigarettes he smoked each day until he was free from thehabit. He failed so many times that he gave up – convinced he could never quit andhas no intention of trying.3.Mary was overweight. The doctor assured her that the cause was not a physicalproblem, but was due to her overeating. She tried several diets over a period ofmonths. This wasn’t easy for her; she unrealistically expected dramatic andimmediate results, Repeatedly, she broke her promises to herself. Eventually,discouragement turned to hopelessness, and she gave up trying to lose weight.

<strong>Victory</strong> <strong>Over</strong> <strong>Sin</strong> 252. Think of actions for which we often feel guilty because we cannot forgiveourselves. How can we know whether our guilt is brought about by ourselves or byGod?3. Read again the account of the Fall in Genesis 3. What evidence is there thatAdam and Eve felt guilty when God came to them? What characteristics of guilt arefound in the Biblical record? What was God’s response to their need?4. Once we have confessed our sins, we must continually thank God for Hispardon.5. Look up these verses and recite them as an expression of praise to God for Hisforgiveness: Psalm 32:1-2; Romans 8:33-34; 1 John 1:9. [It would be good to memorize them].~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Lesson 4HOW TO HANDLE TEMPTATIONGetting God’s PerspectiveThe question we need to ask our self is, “Am I serious about breaking that sinfulhabit which God has been dealing with me about?” If you are, then let’s get started. It isessential that you see your problem in perspective. To begin with, I want to share fourtrue stories that I believe will help us put various problems into perspective..1.George was involved in an illicit affair which he knew that, according to God’s Wordwas wrong and desperately prayed to God for strength to break it off. He soughtGod earnestly that the desire he had for this relationship would dissolve He wassubmerged in guilt, fear, and shame because he couldn’t break the relationship.Eventually, the affair was discovered, he divorced his wife, and brought shame andhurt to both families.2.Ken was a truck driver who promised his wife he would quit smoking. He decidedto decrease the number of cigarettes he smoked each day until he was free from thehabit. He failed so many times that he gave up – convinced he could never quit andhas no intention of trying.3.Mary was overweight. The doctor assured her that the cause was not a physicalproblem, but was due to her overeating. She tried several diets over a period ofmonths. This wasn’t easy for her; she unrealistically expected dramatic andimmediate results, Repeatedly, she broke her promises to herself. Eventually,discouragement turned to hopelessness, and she gave up trying to lose weight.

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