CF2 API Reference (PDF) - Persistor Instruments Inc

CF2 API Reference (PDF) - Persistor Instruments Inc CF2 API Reference (PDF) - Persistor Instruments Inc
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CF2 API ReferenceQRstring -- Query/Reply for string using: %sDescription:Prototype:Inputs:Returns:Query/Reply for string using: %s,bool QRstring(char *prompt, char *fmt, bool crok, char *strbuf, short len);prompt is a zero terminated C string to display as a prompt for the user.fmt is a standard C libary printf/scanf format stringcrok is set TRUE to accept the default reply with just a carriage-return (enter key)strbuf is a pointer to a character buffer to hold the replylen is the maximum number of character to place in the reply bufferReturns TRUE for all but query cancelled (CTRL-C typed).QRtime -- Query/Reply for timeDescription:Prototype:Inputs:Returns:Notes:Query/Reply for timebool QRtime(char *prompt, bool crok, struct tm *tm);prompt is a zero terminated C string to display as a prompt for the user.crok is set TRUE to accept the default reply with just a carriage-return (enter key)tm is a standard C library tm structure pointer from with fields tm_hour, tm_min, andtm_secs filled in from the scan.Returns TRUE for all but query cancelled (CTRL-C typed).Replies are accepted in the form: HOURSMINUTESSECONDS may be any single comma, space, dash, period, or slash.QRulong -- Query/Reply for ulong using: %li %ld %lu %loDescription:Prototype:Inputs:Returns:Query/Reply for ulong using: %li %ld %lu %lobool QRulong(char *prompt, char *fmt, bool crok, ulong *value, ulong min, ulongmax);prompt is a zero terminated C string to display as a prompt for the user.fmt is a standard C libary printf/scanf format stringcrok is set TRUE to accept the default reply with just a carriage-return (enter key)value is a pointer to a ulong variable that will hold the replymin if not equal to max, min is the minimum valid value to accept for a replymax if not equal to min, max is the maximum valid value to accept for a replyReturns TRUE for all but query cancelled (CTRL-C typed).QRushort -- Query/Reply for ushort using: %i %hi %d %hd %u %hu %o %hoDescription:Prototype:Inputs:Returns:Query/Reply for ushort using: %i %hi %d %hd %u %hu %o %hobool QRushort(char *prompt, char *fmt, bool crok, ushort *value, ushort min, ushortmax);prompt and fmt and crok same as described abovevalue is a pointer to a ushort variable that will hold the replymin and max same as described aboveReturns TRUE for all but query cancelled (CTRL-C typed).PERSISTORInstruments Inc.44 of 84CF2 API Reference7/19/2005

CF2 API ReferenceQueued PicoBUS (QSPI) Drivers and FunctionsSummary of QSPI Drivers and FunctionsQPBClearBusyClear busy flagQPBClearInterrupt Clear the QPB interrupt flagQPBFreeSlotQPBInitSlotQPBLockSlotQPBRepeatAsyncQPBSetupQPBTestBusyQPBTestLockedQPBTransactQPBUnlockSlotRemove a PicoBUS device slotInitialize a PicoBUS device slotLock and return true if slot available for exclusive useExecute a pre-set-up asynchronous transferSet up the QPB for future asynchronous transfersSet up the QPB for future asynchronous transfersSee if the QPB is lockedConduct a PicoBUS sessionUnlock PicoBus for unrestricted useQPBClearBusy -- Clear busy flagDescription:Prototype:Inputs:Returns:Clear busy flagvoid QPBClearBusy (void);NoneNothingQPBClearInterrupt -- Clear the QPB interrupt flagDescription:Prototype:Inputs:Returns:Notes:Clear the QPB interrupt flagvoid QPBClearInterrupt (void);NoneNothingWhen operating asynchronously, the function specified by the asynchf argument to eitherQPBSetup or QPBTransact, will be called upon completion of the transaction. This function mustbe called by the handler function so that the interrupt flag that forced the execution of thecompletion routine is cleared. If the flag is not cleared, then the completion routine will beexecuted for ever.PERSISTORInstruments Inc.45 of 84CF2 API Reference7/19/2005

<strong>CF2</strong> <strong>API</strong> <strong>Reference</strong>Queued PicoBUS (QSPI) Drivers and FunctionsSummary of QSPI Drivers and FunctionsQPBClearBusyClear busy flagQPBClearInterrupt Clear the QPB interrupt flagQPBFreeSlotQPBInitSlotQPBLockSlotQPBRepeatAsyncQPBSetupQPBTestBusyQPBTestLockedQPBTransactQPBUnlockSlotRemove a PicoBUS device slotInitialize a PicoBUS device slotLock and return true if slot available for exclusive useExecute a pre-set-up asynchronous transferSet up the QPB for future asynchronous transfersSet up the QPB for future asynchronous transfersSee if the QPB is lockedConduct a PicoBUS sessionUnlock PicoBus for unrestricted useQPBClearBusy -- Clear busy flagDescription:Prototype:Inputs:Returns:Clear busy flagvoid QPBClearBusy (void);NoneNothingQPBClearInterrupt -- Clear the QPB interrupt flagDescription:Prototype:Inputs:Returns:Notes:Clear the QPB interrupt flagvoid QPBClearInterrupt (void);NoneNothingWhen operating asynchronously, the function specified by the asynchf argument to eitherQPBSetup or QPBTransact, will be called upon completion of the transaction. This function mustbe called by the handler function so that the interrupt flag that forced the execution of thecompletion routine is cleared. If the flag is not cleared, then the completion routine will beexecuted for ever.PERSISTOR<strong>Instruments</strong> <strong>Inc</strong>.45 of 84<strong>CF2</strong> <strong>API</strong> <strong>Reference</strong>7/19/2005

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