alive and well - Geological Society of Australia

alive and well - Geological Society of Australia

alive and well - Geological Society of Australia


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Tech TalkiGeology – British <strong>Geological</strong> SurveyAvailable free from the iTunes App Store, theiGeology application is described as ‘Interactivegeological mapping <strong>of</strong> the UK’. It is designed forboth the iPhone <strong>and</strong> iPad.Essentially, the app will produce a geological mapfor anywhere in the UK. You can type in alocation <strong>and</strong> the map will be drawn on thescreen. You can then zoom in or out in the usualway. Zooming in gives you very detailed largescalemaps with contour lines. Clicking on aparticular unit on the map produces a windowtelling you what formation it is. If you wantfurther details you are sent to the British<strong>Geological</strong> Survey (BGS) Lexicon <strong>of</strong> named rockunits. The details shown in the lexicon varydepending on the scale <strong>of</strong> the map — zoomingout merely gives the age. When zooming in youare given a lot <strong>of</strong> information including typesection <strong>of</strong> the rock unit <strong>and</strong> a number <strong>of</strong>references. One interesting feature is that youcan select William Smith’s map <strong>of</strong> 1815 as anoverlay. When you look at small-scale maps aslider appears on the screen so you can see theWilliam Smith map as an overlay on the moremodern map. It is fascinating to see howaccurately Smith portrayed the geology <strong>of</strong>the UK.As <strong>well</strong> as the maps, there is a news button thatleads you to a list <strong>of</strong> the latest news from theBGS website. Among the items mentioned when Iwrote this review were ‘Quantitative groundwatermaps for Africa’, ‘Fracking <strong>and</strong> earthquakehazard’ <strong>and</strong> ‘Heat energy beneath Glasgow’. Thenews items also include a diary section <strong>of</strong>forthcoming events in the UK with which BGS isassociated.While this app will be mainly <strong>of</strong> interest topeople living in the UK, I was keen to review itfor TAG in the hope that our own geologicalsurveys might take up the challenge <strong>of</strong> producingsimilar apps for each State <strong>and</strong> Territory, <strong>and</strong>nationally.TONY COCKBAINgeoedit@arach.net.auAJES QUIZAJES Publisher, Taylor <strong>and</strong> Francis,supported the AJES quiz at the IGC withan iPad prize for the quiz.Want to earnadditional income?1 What will be the themecolour for AJES in 2013?(use the real colour names)a Magenta, b Turquoisec Orange, d Royal blue2 2013 is a significant milestonefor the AJES <strong>and</strong> itsprevious titles – whatanniversary is it?3 Who was awarded theWR Browne Medal for theGSA in 2010?Anita Andrew <strong>and</strong>AJES IPad prizewinner Mel Jones.You can testyour AJESknowledge(Answers onPage 46.)4 How many individuals havebeen editor since the start <strong>of</strong>Journal <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Geological</strong><strong>Society</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Australia</strong>?a 12, b 13, c 14, d 155 What is currently the mostcited paper in AJES?6 What is currently the mostread paper in AJES?7 When did the <strong>Australia</strong>nJournal <strong>of</strong> Earth Sciencesbegin publishing 8 issuesper year?8 What is the five yearimpact factor for AJES?The GSA is looking for members ineach state to sell advertising space inTAG <strong>and</strong> Geoz.Members will receive a percentage <strong>of</strong>each advertisement sold in TAG.Contact Sue at sue@gsa.org.au formore information.Peter Day, Fellow <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Geological</strong> <strong>Society</strong> <strong>of</strong>South Africa, is seeking contact with ChrisSmith, whom he knew in South Africa in1971, on the Free State Gold Mines, in thetown <strong>of</strong> Welkom. Chris moved to <strong>Australia</strong><strong>and</strong> worked on diamond exploration, basedin Perth until he relocated to the Melbourne<strong>of</strong>fice <strong>of</strong> CRA in about the 1990s. If youknow Chris Smith’s contact details, couldyou please ask him to contact Peter Day?Peter Day’s email address is:ptrday7@gmail.com44 |TAG September 2012

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