alive and well - Geological Society of Australia

alive and well - Geological Society of Australia

alive and well - Geological Society of Australia


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Newsfrom the DivisionsJoint GSA VictorianDivision – Royal <strong>Society</strong><strong>of</strong> Victoria AnnualHowitt LectureEvery winter the <strong>Geological</strong> <strong>Society</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Australia</strong>(Victorian Division) <strong>and</strong> the Royal <strong>Society</strong> <strong>of</strong>Victoria hold a lecture at the Royal <strong>Society</strong> inhonour <strong>of</strong> Alfred Howitt. Alfred Howitt is bestknown to the geological fraternity for hispioneering geological investigations <strong>of</strong> theDevonian <strong>of</strong> Gippsl<strong>and</strong>. He also producedsignificant works on Eucalyptus <strong>of</strong> East Gippsl<strong>and</strong><strong>and</strong> famously led the recovery expeditionfor the Burke <strong>and</strong> Wills Expedition, travellingtwice to Coopers Creek. Howitt was also a keenobserver <strong>of</strong> Aboriginal peoples <strong>and</strong> producedsignificant works on the social fabric <strong>of</strong> Aboriginallife. It was therefore appropriate that thisyear’s Howitt Lecture was delivered by GuyHoldgate (Melbourne University) on the recenthistory <strong>of</strong> Port Phillip Bay. The lecture was heldon 12 July at the Royal <strong>Society</strong> headquarters.Guy drew together the threads from manydifferent surveys <strong>of</strong> Port Phillip Bay <strong>and</strong> thesedimentary successions encountered. Recentmultibeam seismic imaging <strong>of</strong> the bay floorreveals me<strong>and</strong>ering river channels <strong>and</strong> it isthought that the bay began drying out aboutTOP: Investigating Cambrian volcanic-hosted massive sulfides rich in gold at the South Hercules mine,recently mined by MMG. Photo courtesy Ralph Bottrill.BOTTOM: On top <strong>of</strong> Mt Read, on a rare day where it’s not enshrouded in clouds, looking at Cape Sorellsome 40 km away. There used to be an old mining town here, reputed to be one <strong>of</strong> the highest, coldest<strong>and</strong> windiest towns in <strong>Australia</strong>, but there is little left <strong>of</strong> it now. View is over the Tyndall Valley <strong>and</strong> theHenty gold mine. Image courtesy Ralph Bottrill.2800 years ago, reaching a minimum extentsome 1000 years ago. This has some support incarbon dates <strong>of</strong> disconformity surfaces withinthe sedimentary successions. This accords withAboriginal oral tradition that has the bay dry<strong>and</strong> used as a hunting ground until a suddenflood event. Guy postulates that this flood wasan event rather than just postglacial sea-levelrise with the breach in the s<strong>and</strong> barrier at itsentrance releasing a flood <strong>of</strong> water into the bay,altering the l<strong>and</strong>scapes <strong>of</strong> the area. The talkattracted a packed house <strong>and</strong> prompted lots <strong>of</strong>questions from the audience.DAVID CANTRILLExplore the Science –Science MeetsExploration at Strahan,7–8 December 2011The first Tasmanian Geoscience Forum, held inStrahan on 7–8 December 2011, was the largestgathering <strong>of</strong> Tasmanian geologists seen formany years. The two-day conference was a jointproduction between the Tasmanian branches <strong>of</strong>the GSA (main convenor Andrew McNeill) <strong>and</strong>The AusIMM (main convenor Angela Lorrigan).Day 1 consisted <strong>of</strong> 15 technical talks promotingthe use <strong>of</strong> innovative scientific techniques inexploration. Most participants then enjoyed agenerous meal at the Strahan Village restaurant.Day 2 saw field trips to Renison (BluestoneMining) <strong>and</strong> Mt Read/Hercules (MMG) in themorning, where participants were treated tosensational weather conditions in this normallywintery alpine setting. In the afternoon, theyvisited the Venture Minerals Mt Lindsay coreshed <strong>and</strong> Hellyer/Fossey (Bass Metals).The conference was <strong>well</strong>-attended, hosting76 people. Sponsors were ALS, Bass Metals,Unity Mining, MMG, CODES <strong>and</strong> RogersExploration Services. The conference wasconsidered so successful that GSA <strong>and</strong> TheAusIMM are considering another event for theend <strong>of</strong> 2012 — details to be announced.Presentations from the conference are available.Contact Andrew McNeill(Andrew.McNeill@utas.edu.au) for details.MIKE VICARY(Editor: We apologise this report was notprinted in the June issue because <strong>of</strong>computing issues.)20 |TAG September 2012

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