Psychological Statistics - Courses in Psychology - UCLA

Psychological Statistics - Courses in Psychology - UCLA

Psychological Statistics - Courses in Psychology - UCLA


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Why are the exams not multiple choice?: Because multiple choice exams areunfair. They are unfair because they are greatly affected by guess<strong>in</strong>g. The examplebelow shows how random guess<strong>in</strong>g has a dramatic effect on test scores even whenknowledge is equivalent. The dark bars are all students who know 20 out of 30questions and guess on the rest of the questions. The lighter bars are students whoknow 15 out of 20 and guess on the rest. Notice how large the differences are on amultiple choice test between students who have equal knowledge. On a fill-<strong>in</strong> theanswer test, all students who know 15 questions will get a score of 15 and allstudents who knows 20 answers will get a score of 20. In addition, life is not amultiple choice.65432Knows 15Knows 201015(F)16(D)17(C-)18(C )19(C+)20(B-)21(B+)22(A-)23(A)24(A)Cheat<strong>in</strong>g: We hate cheaters and will do everyth<strong>in</strong>g possible to get you kicked out of school ifwe catch you. No kidd<strong>in</strong>g here – cheat<strong>in</strong>g is serious bus<strong>in</strong>ess and if we catch you, then you arehistory. Note – we have had a lot of experience at catch<strong>in</strong>g cheaters, so just don’t do it. Despitewhat you may have heard, <strong>UCLA</strong> will kick you out of school for a couple of semesters (ormore) if you caught cheat<strong>in</strong>g.

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