2011 - Chaine des Rotisseurs

2011 - Chaine des Rotisseurs

2011 - Chaine des Rotisseurs


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HAWAII PACIFIC ISLANDS REGION NEWSLETTER FALL <strong>2011</strong>Chaîne <strong>des</strong> RôtisseursOfficers of the Hawaii/Pacific Islands Region in 2010 with George Brown, Bailli Délégué <strong>des</strong> Etats UnisJames Beard House DinnerStarwood Hawaii Chefs“Taking Waikiki Back and Into the Future”Friday September 9 th , <strong>2011</strong>ChefsJon MatsubaraColin HazamaDarren DemayaJoin us at the Chaîne Regional Assemblage, alongwith Chancelier <strong>des</strong> Etats Unis, Sandi Miller. Youshould have received your invitation by now, butcontact Honolulu Bailli Sid Lee(sidlee1@hotmail.com, 237-9361) for anyadditional information or to reserve a place.

HAWAII PACIFIC ISLANDS REGION NEWSLETTER FALL <strong>2011</strong>FRED HELLEKES, Bailli Provincial Hawaii/Pacific IslandsOn June 30, <strong>2011</strong>,four past Baillisreceived the most<strong>des</strong>ired title in ourorganization–the titleof Honoraire.I wish to express mydeepest gratitude tothem and theirOfficers for all thehard work andexcitement theycreated over the pastfew years, a bigMAHALO to: Bailli Garrett Saikley - Honolulu,Mark Monoscalco - Kauai/Oahu, Werner Boettner -Maui , and Michael Blacksteen - Big Island.As of July 1, <strong>2011</strong> we have four new Baillis:Sidney Lee - HonoluluMaurice Nicholson - Kauai/OahuAdele Rugg - MauiRobert Crudele - Island of HawaiiAs I have noted before, events should be scheduled ayear in advance. Plan at least one Mondiale, two tothree casual fun dinners, and your Grand Gala withinduction around Christmas time and hosted by themost spectacular setting in town.We are living in tight economic times, so please keepin mind the price we are charging for our events toreflect value, quality and excitement.Utilize Bruce Liebert’s Regional website to spreadthe news, and he will help you in keeping your localwebsite up to date.Encourage your members to bring guests to thedinners and use every event as a tool to recruit newmembers, as it is only normal to lose 5–6 percentthroughout the year thru attrition.My congratulations go out to them and let the Spirit ofLa Chaîne guide them as they are entering their threeyear term.By the time you read this newsletter we are onlyweeks away from our annual Regional Assemblage atthe Sheraton Hotel on September 9. Bailli Sid Lee isalso planning another event for the 8th; more detailswill be forthcoming.I am excited seeing the energy that is already displayedby our new leaders. With a cadre of new officers, theplanning of exciting future events is on the way.The challenges are great as we face competition fromnumerous food & wine organizations, but let’s notforget that we are the Chaîne <strong>des</strong> Rôtisseurs withrepresentations in over 70 Country’s and a worldwidemembership of over 23,000.Thank you all for your hard work as Baillis, Regionaland local officers. I look forward to seeing each ofyou soon at a Chaîne event to celebrate theorganization we all love and for which we all work sohard.Vive la <strong>Chaine</strong>,Fred Hellekes2

HAWAII PACIFIC ISLANDS REGION NEWSLETTER FALL <strong>2011</strong>JUDITH KELLOGG, Chargée de Presse Provinciale Hawaii/Pacific IslandsWe have enjoyed yetanother year of theremarkable andmemorable diningexperiences that only theChaîne can provide. Alsounique to our organizationis the opportunity torevisit these events andlearn about what otherbailliages are doing in theGastronome magazine.We owe a debt of gratitudeto our talented ViceChargés de Presse whowrite for the nationalmagazine. With this year’stransition to a new set of Baillis, we have two newcontributors. But before introducing them, we heartily thankthe outgoing VCPs for all their work. Donna Bebber for theHonolulu Chapter and Christel Yount for Kauai/Oahu havedone outstanding work. Maui is fortunate that Bob Cartwright(ably assisted by Tess Cartwright) is staying on. And our newfaces are Susan Lee for Honolulu and Kathryn Nicholson forKauai/Oahu. It has been a productive year, and we evenscored a first for the region—a Gastronome cover shot, takenat the Maui Assemblage.The biggest news regarding the Gastronome is that it willnow be published only twice a year rather than three times.This is a necessary cost cutting measure. Also with thethought to reduce expenditures, the national board debatedwhether to make the Gastronome strictly an onlinepublication, and I am pleased that the print version won out.So, the print version of the Gastronome will still be mailed,but one can now also find the articles on the Chaîne nationalwebsite.Also, keep in mind that many photos from various events areposted on the Hawaii/Pacific Islands Chaîne website. Just goto the calendar of events and click on the link to the photos.Our Chargés de Presse have had a busy year. To revisit theregion’s recent culinary adventures, here is list of articlespublished in the Gastronome during the past year, andwhere to find them, as well as a preview of a few comingdown the pipeline:2010 Volume 3COVER SHOT with Hawaii/Pacific officers, shot atAssemblage on Maui(Regional Assemblage), Makena Beach and Golf Resort,Maui, September 10-12, 2010: “Making Memories on Maui,”by Chargée de Presse Provinciale Judith Kellogg, pp. 13-14.(Honolulu Mondiale) Roy’s Restaurant, March 8, 2010:“Shaken, Not Stirred,” by Chargée de Presse ProvincialeJudith Kellogg, p. 33.(Kauai/Oahu), Sapori, February 8, 2010: “Annual MeetingItalian Style,” by Vice Chargée de Presse Christel Yount, p.70.continues...5

HAWAII PACIFIC ISLANDS REGION NEWSLETTER FALL <strong>2011</strong>GASTRONOME, continues...<strong>2011</strong> Volume 1(feature) “The Aristocratic Medieval Table,” by Chargée dePresse Provinciale Judith Kellogg, pp. 20-22.(feature) “The Queen of Chaîne Aloha: Julie Honda,” byChargée de Presse Provinciale Judith Kellogg, pp. 23-24.(Kauai/Oahu) Hiroshi, April 24, 2010: “The Eurasian FabFour,” by Chargée de Presse Provinciale Judith Kellogg, p.45.(Honolulu) Tango, May 11, 2010: “Tango at Tango, by DameMuriel Stitt, p. 73.(Maui) Three’s Bar and Grill, July 2, 2010, “Hawaii Calls,”by Vice Chargé de Presse Robert Cartwright, p. 57.(Turning Spit) “All Roads Lead to Rome,” by Vice ConseillerGastronomique Mirella Monoscalco, p 114.(Honolulu Outreach) Garrett Saikley’s home, August 15,<strong>2011</strong>: “Picnic on the “Hawaiian Riviera,” by Dame CherylGlaz, p. 8.(Regional) KCC and Café Miro, March 19, <strong>2011</strong>: Hawaii/Pacific Jeunes Chefs Rôtisseurs Competition, “Cooking withAloha,” by Chargée de Presse Provinciale Judith Kellogg(Regional) Young Sommelier, Formaggio Grill and Wine Bar,March 19, <strong>2011</strong>: “The Legacy Continues,” by Chargée dePresse Provinciale Judith Kellogg(Honolulu) The Kahala Hotel, December 17, 2010:“Magnificent Christmas Send Off,” by Chargée de PresseProvinciale Judith Kellogg(Maui) Lanikeha Clubhouse, January 3, <strong>2011</strong>: Winter HolidayCelebration, by Vice Chargé de Presse Robert Cartwright(Hawaii island) Mauna Kea Beach Hotel, January 8, <strong>2011</strong>:“Marvels of Sunset and Elegance,” by Sary Blanchette(Kauai/Oahu) Roy’s, Hawaii Kai, March 7, <strong>2011</strong>: “BusinessHawaiian Style,” by Vice Chargée de Presse KathrynNicholson(Kauai/Oahu) Halekulani Hotel, May 23, <strong>2011</strong>: “AnExtraordinary Wine Dinner,” by Vice ConseillerGastronomique Mirella Monoscalco.<strong>2011</strong> Volume 2(Honolulu) Happy Day restaurant, October 5, <strong>2011</strong>: “Yin/Yang with the Chaîne Gang,” by Chargée de PresseProvinciale Judith Kellogg.(Kauai/Oahu Mondiale) KCC, November 15, 2010: “TheWorld of Sparkling Wines,” by Dame Kathryn Nicholson.(Kauai/Oahu) Halekulani Hotel, December 5, 2010: “AClassic Holiday Gala,” by Vice Chargée de Presse ChristelYount.July 1 deadline (we expect the issue with these articles to beout after Christmas)6

HAWAII PACIFIC ISLANDS REGION NEWSLETTER FALL <strong>2011</strong>PATRICK OKUBO, Echanson Provincial Hawaii/Pacific Islands, M.S.On March 9 th, the Chaîneheld the Young Sommeliercompetition for the Hawaii/Pacific Region atFormaggio Grill in Kailuawhere a challenging testtook place. There wereoriginally five competitorswho took an online exam,narrowing the field downto two: Sean Isono andDavid Castleberry. A teamof four sommeliersadministered the test,which was equivalent to anAdvanced Sommelierexam. The challenges included a difficult written theoryexam, a verbal blind tasting of six wines, and a practicalexam including champagne service and decanting. Thejudges were Rebecca Finemann, Elton Nichols, CharlesFredy, and Patrick Okubo.The Hawaii/Pacific Region Young Sommelier competitionended with a five-course Mondiale dinner at Formaggio Grill.Next year the test will also be in March—keep an eye out forthe exam date and location. We are interested in identifyingyoung (35 and under) sommeliers who will make a strongshowing at the National competition next May at theSilverado Country Club in Napa.The winner was David Castleberry of Mauna Kea BeachHotel in Kona. He went on to compete at the national levelin Willamette Valley Oregon.Richard Dean (second M.S. in North America, 1975), RobertoViernes (M.S. in 2005), and Patrick Okubo (M.S. in <strong>2011</strong>)Editor’s note: On July 28, Patrick’s 29 th birthday, he learnedthat he had passed the rigorous Master Sommelier exam inLas Vegas. This makes him one of the youngest M.S. ever!Patrick had competed in the Young Sommelier competitionand represented the Hawaii/Pacific Islands on the mainlandon three separate occasions, which undoubtedly helped himin his training for the M.S. exam.Along with Chuck Furuya (Vino/Hiroshi’s Restaurants) andRoberto Viernes (Silver medal winner at the YoungSommelier finals in Las Vegas in 2002, now at SouthernWine and Spirits), Patrick is Hawaii’s third MasterSommelier. Congratulations Patrick!7

HAWAII PACIFIC ISLANDS REGION NEWSLETTER FALL <strong>2011</strong>KUSUMA COORAY, Conseiller Culinaire Provinciale Hawaii/Pacific IslandsThe Jeunes ChefsRôtisseurs competition(until last year titled theJeunes Commiscompetition) is organizedby the Chaîne <strong>des</strong>Rôtisseurs to supportfuture young chefs. Thepurpose of thecompetition is toencourage and promotethe culinary expertise ofthe young chefs in thetradition of the Chaîne <strong>des</strong> Rôtisseurs by exposing them to acompetitive environment with their peers. The competitionallows the young chefs to showcase their talents andcreativity in a regional, national, and international arena,depending on how far they progress.that started at 7:00 am and ended at 2:30 pm. Thanks also tothe team of judges who graciously accepted our invitationand took time off their busy schedules to judge thisprestigious competition.The competition was held at the University of Hawaii’sCulinary Institute of the Pacific at the Kapiolani CommunityCollege on March 19, <strong>2011</strong>. We had seven talentedcompetitors sponsored by restaurateurs, educators, andhoteliers of the Hawaii/Pacific region.We had a distinguished panel of seven judges for the event.Congratulations to the winner of the <strong>2011</strong> competition,Robin Abad, a graduate of the UH Culinary Institute of thePacific at KCC, who is now working full time at theHalekulani!The Hawaii/Pacific Islands Regional Jeunes Chefs Rôtisseurscompetition will be at the UH Culinary Institute of the Pacificat KCC on March 31, 2012.Professional judges:Vikram Garg, Executive Chef of the Halekulani HotelCyrus Goo, Executive Chef and owner of Café LauferJacob Silver, Hawaii Convention Center Executive ChefGastronomes judges:Patricia Lee, Dame de la ChaîneKelly Sanders, General Manager Waikiki Sheraton, MaîtreHôtelierKathryn Nicholson, Vice Chargée de PresseOur thanks go to Kitchen Judge, Chef Brooke Tadena, aformer Hawaii/Pacific Islands Jeunes Commis Competitionwinner. He judged the competitors in the lab, a strenuous job8

HAWAII PACIFIC ISLANDS REGION NEWSLETTER FALL <strong>2011</strong>SIDNEY LEE, Bailli HonoluluIt's been a busy year asnew Bailli, and I have tothank my chapter officersfor all their hard workand insight. With theirassistance and passion forthe Chaîne, I'm confidentthat we will continue tohave events that areunique and interesting,and above all fun.Our first event of the yearwas the Jeune Commis dinner that was held in March at CafeMiro, the first time a Chaîne event had been held there. It isalways interesting to have a Chaîne event at an establishmentfor the first time, because you wonder if the establishmentwill understand the quality and service that the Chaînerequires for a relatively large party. Chef Kobayashi andManager Jimmy Downey put on a marvelous event,transforming a very good neighborhood restaurant into aformal dining room with service to match. The evening wasenjoyed by all, especially our honored guests, the young chefcompetitors.Our next event was Romanza Toscana Tre Bicchieri, held atTaormina in June, another restaurant which had never hosteda Chaîne event. This was a more intimate affair, due to thesize of the restaurant. Tre Bicchieri means 'three glasses' inItalian, and is the highest rating by the Gambero Rosso, whichis the Italian equivalent of the Wine Spectator. The theme ofthe night was to have authentic Italian food from a cheftrained in Tuscany, and pairing that with some of the bestItalian wines available, such as a 2001 Solaia. The eveningbegan with Vice Echanson and Master Sommelier RobertoViernes giving a seminar on wine glasses, doing acomparative tasting with an inferior wine glass and comparingit to Riedel, which was an eye opening experience. It was atruly special evening, and I hope we are able to haveoccasional events like this in the future, where we haveoutstanding wines to complement the great food. Although theprice was on the higher end for a non-formal event, those whoattended enjoyed a truly special evening.floor of the Sheraton, the former location of the HanohanoRoom. It currently is a private lounge not available for dinnerservice. On this night we have the pleasure of dining herewith the best views of Waikiki, with a very special meal.Three of the young star chefs at the Sheraton and RoyalHawaiian (Colin Hazama, Sheraton Chef and former regionalJeune Commis winner, Jon Matsubara, chef at Azure whoformerly opened Stage, and Darren Demaya of Kai Market)have been invited to prepare a dinner at the James BeardHouse in New York, creating a modern interpretation ofPacific Rim cuisine. The Chaîne will have the opportunity toenjoy the same menu that will be served in New York, with amuch better view. We will be honored to have Nationalofficer, Chancelier Sandi Miller in town to attend the eventand perform the inductions.This year the Christmas gala dinner will be at the Halekulani,with a traditional holiday celebration including a specialHoliday performance by the Diamond Head Theater ShootingStars, with live music.It is my hope that in the near future we will continue to havegreat events at the traditional locations that understand theChaîne and have been generous to us over the years, and thatwe can also try some new themes at new places that willallow us to enjoy unique meals with exciting wine pairingswhile enjoying the camaraderie that brings and keeps us in theChaîne. We will have a mix of formal and informal events. Ifthere are any venues or themes you would like to see, pleaselet me know and I'll do my best to accommodate.Future events include an Indian themed dinner “Mehfil,”which was created by Vice Conseiller Gastronomique VikramGarg, the Executive Chef at Halekulani. We will see the HauTerrace changed into an Indian palace with classical Indiandishes that you will not see in most Indian restaurants alongwith paired beverages. We will begin the evening with twococktails specifically created for this event, then sit down foran Indian feast accompanied by Indian music, with an Indiandance performance to end the night.The Honolulu Bailliage is the host of the Hawaii Regionaldinner, held this year at the Leahi Club, which is on the top9

HAWAII PACIFIC ISLANDS REGION NEWSLETTER FALL <strong>2011</strong>WERNER W. BOETTNER, Bailli Honoraire Maui and ADELE RUGG, Bailli MauiMaui No Ka’ OiHaving survived the Regional Assemblagein September of 2010 at the Makena Golf& Beach resort in Wailea, where we werehonored with Mr. & Mrs. George Brown,our National President, in attendance, wemoved right into <strong>2011</strong>.We had a very extensive and well writtenarticle along with a cover shot in theGastronome for the Assemblage.We finished the year with a great Christmasparty at the Lanikeha Clubhouse inKaanapali, which is situated on a hill with asuperb view of Kaanapali shores and westMaui. Rather than a sit down dinner, weenjoyed a variety of hot and cold foodstations, a superb wine selection and greatcamaraderie and fellowship, under a sunsetthat only Lahaina can supply.It was my distinct pleasure to introduce tothe membership, Adele Rugg, the new Baillifor Maui.It was my privilege to receive a Silver Starfrom our Regional Bailli for having survivedmy turn asBailli.The nextevent was atO-O Farms,where AdeleRugg wasinducted asMaui Bailli,green ribbonand all.This was areal funevent withfamily style service, located at the 3400foot level in Kula,is owned by twoof the premierrestaurants inLahaina, andsupplies themwith their ownorganic produce.We also weregiven a guidedtour of theiroperation andherb fields. Wewere shown theFarm layout, herbbeds, greens, andan abundance ofall the organicvegetables thatare grown there,including the coffeebushes, from which they produce their ownunique coffee blend. Whilst wanderingamong all these mouthwatering legumeswe were sippingChampagne and weretreated to a variety ofdelicious Hors d’Oeuvres.At the inductions, FredHellekes, our BailliProvincial, did the Honorswith his usual flair. AdeleRugg was inducted asMaui Bailli, the first timewe have a Lady as Bailli,and about time too. Afterthat it was my privilegeand honor to be elevatedto Chambellan Provincialfor Maui and the BigIsland.Mahimahi en Papillote with Lemon grassstarted our dinner. The chefs spit roastedseveral legs of lamb over a huge cast ironwood rotisserie for many hours. When thiswas presented with a variety of vegetables,grown right here on the farm, it was simplya real down-to-earth experience. KulaStrawberry flan with papaya compotecompleted a great meal.Enjoying cigars and after dinner drinks, wewatched the sun set over Wailea andKahoolawe, truly a great ending to adelightful Chaîne event. Adele Rugg calledon Chef James McDonald to introduce hisstaff, who received a standing ovation. OurBailli then presented the chef with a Chaînepresentation plate.Our main effort for the rest of the year, andyear to come, is to increase membership. Allchapters Nationwide have seen a decrease inmembers due to the economic downturn.Our challenge is to add ten more members in10

HAWAII PACIFIC ISLANDS REGION NEWSLETTER FALL <strong>2011</strong>MAURICE NICHOLSON, Bailli Kauai/OahuThe Kauai/Oahu Bailliage hasenjoyed a year of food, wine,travel, and camaraderie. Wecurrently have 50 members ofla Chaîne <strong>des</strong> Rôtisseurs and46 members of SociétéMondiale du Vin.We have a new slate of officers as of July 1, <strong>2011</strong>:• Dr. Maurice Nicholson, Bailli• Mrs. Aida Paulin, Vice Chancelier-Argentier• Ms. Kathy Stafford, Vice Conseiller Gastronomique• Mr. Eric Leterc, Vice Conseiller Culinaire• Mrs. Kathryn Nicholson, Vice Chargée de Presse• Mrs. Kimi Matar, Vice Chargée de Missions• Dr. John Magauran, Vice EchansonWe owe an enormous debt ofgratitude to our outgoingBailli, Mark Monoscalco,who, along with Mirella andhis outstanding group ofofficers, has been aninspiration to us all. They haveprovided us with many years of amazing events andwonderful memories. They organized and hosted thefollowing events during the past year:• Sparkling Wines from Around the World, Ka'Ikena DiningRoom, Kapiolani Community College. 51 members andguests enjoyed an evening of education, great food, and ofcourse lots of sparkling wine.• Holiday Party, Halekulani. 62 members and guests weretreated to an elegant black tie gala in the ballroom.• Annual Business Meeting, Roy’s, Hawaii Kai. 52 membersand guests gathered to dine and review our corporatebusiness.• An Extraordinary Wine Dinner, Hau Terrace at theHalekulani. 24 members and guests had an opportunity toexperience an exquisite meal <strong>des</strong>igned specifically to pairwith the extraordinary wines selected for this event.Our members continued their enthusiastic support for ourregional and nationalmeetings. TheKauai/OahuBailliage had verystrong and activerepresentation atour regionalAssemblage onMaui in September,at the Chaîne <strong>des</strong>Rôtisseurs GrandChapître in SanDiego, California inOctober, and at theSociété Mondialedu Vin NationalMeeting inWillamette Valley,Oregon in June.The first event under our new leadership will be on Saturday,August 13. This will be a Mondiale du Vin “Summer Winesand Barbeque” which will be our first attempt at a less formaland less pricey gathering. We are trying to balance coststhrough the year by having less expensive events as well asmore elaborate ones. The annual Christmas party will be onDecember 18 at the Oahu Country Club and this will beformal. Among our other events, we will continue two Kauai/Oahu traditions: the annual business meeting/dinner in Marchand the Extraordinaire dinner in May.We have a verygood group ofnew officerswith lots ofenthusiasm andexciting ideas sowe are lookingforward to agreat year.11

HAWAII PACIFIC ISLANDS REGION NEWSLETTER FALL <strong>2011</strong>THE MAGNIFICENT YOUNG SEVEN, Judith Kellogg Chargée de Presse Provinciale Hawaii/Pacific Is.On March 19, seven talented young chefs gathered at 6 am at the Culinary Institute of the Pacific at Kapiolani CommunityCollege for the Young Chefs Regional Competition. Culinaire Provinciale Kusuma Cooray had organized yet anotherimpeccably coordinated event. Contestants needed to prepare a three-course meal, which had to include all the ingredients ina “mystery basket,” only revealed that morning. This year the mystery basket included lamb racks, whole tilapia, Kauaishrimp, fresh fennel, Hamakua alii mushrooms, artichokes, Asian pairs, hearts of palm, leeks, apple banana, jicama, andmizuna.Although only one of these young chefs would go on to represent the region in the national competition, they are all worthyof mention, since they represent the best of our culinary future.Robin Abad’s training started at 14 in the culinaryprogram at Farrington High School, and continued atKCC. His talent in the kitchen has nurtured his passionfor travel, and he has worked in Japan, Australia, andMaui. Presently, he is at the Halekulani. With hisadventurous spirit, it is no surprise that his culinarytastes are eclectic. He would like to have a smallrestaurant where he can cook whatever sounds good thatday.Leimomi Acia was fascinated by the “magical” qualitiesof cooking as a child. She loved to see how a variety ofseparate ingredients coalesce into something unique. Sheworks at Flapper, an organic restaurant in Paia, Maui, aplace where community spirit is emphasized. Sheespecially brings her imaginative and experimentalperspective to her passion, which is bread making.Jose Arambula comes from a culinary family, where his dad was a Marine chef. His upbringing in Japan has made asignificant contribution to his tastes. He would love to have a small, Japanese style restaurant that would feature French-Japanese fusion dishes. He has honed his skills at the Four Seasons on Maui, and at present is at Bistro Casanova.For Randy Bangloy, culinary blood runs in the family. His father was a professional chef, his brother is a corporate sushimaker at Roy’s, and his younger brother is a supervisor at Genki Sushi. So, no surprise that a dream would be to have afamily Japanese style family restaurant. He is proud that he started young, as a dishwasher, and worked in just about everykind of station, and is now working at Roy’s in Ko’Olina.(continues...)12

HAWAII PACIFIC ISLANDS REGION NEWSLETTER FALL <strong>2011</strong>THE MAGNIFICENT YOUNG SEVEN, continues...Jason Ichiki, executive sous chef at Roy’s in Waikiki,is already an accomplished professional whose roles runfrom supervising the line to creating menus. He wouldlove to be Roy’s executive chef one day. He especiallyappreciates working with local produce and fusioncuisine.Keaka Lee’s passion for cooking diverted him from hisbiology studies at UH. He has already proven his talentby being a member of the 2009 KCC team that tookfirst place in the national American Culinary Federationcompetition. He now works at Alan Wong’s, but wouldlike to own a small restaurant featuring fresh, localisland foods.Andrew Rose came to cooking through scuba diving.Introduced to the underwater world by a friend, hebegan spear fishing and then needed to learn how tocook his fresh catch. So the passion was ignited. He lovesworking with very fresh local ingredients, so working at I’O on Maui is a good fit, since it has its own organic farms tosupply its produce. He especially likes Mediterraneanand Latin American styles.The competition spectators envied the judges, whoenjoyed an array of tastes and textures created by thesecreative young chefs. It was a tough call, but RobinAbad emerged as the winner who represented ourregion in the national competition. Congratulations toall for a job well done!Members of the Hawaii/Pacific Islands with Echanson Provincialof South Africa Monty Friendship and Rona Friendship13

HAWAII PACIFIC ISLANDS REGION NEWSLETTER FALL <strong>2011</strong>CHAÎNE CONNECTIONS, Robert Lee, Jr., Bailli Provincial Honoraire Hawaii/Pacific IslandsIt has been a pleasure to be a member of the Chaîne since 1973 and to have beenappointed Bailli Provincial for the Hawaii/Pacific region in years past.I look forward to a bright future for our region, but looking to the past reminds me ofthe friends we have the opportunity to meet when we travel, nationally and abroad. Onour recent trip and cruise, which I call “Tremor, Tsunami, Temples, and Taj,” I metseveral Chaîne members at hotels, restaurants, and on the cruise. Enroute to Naritaairport in Tokyo, our flight changed course, having to fly south to refuel at Yakua AirForce Base because of the tremor and tsunami that had just occurred in northern Japan.Instead of going directly to Singapore from there, we were diverted to Osaka andBeijing before finally meeting our ship, the Crystal Serenity, in Singapore. There weboarded the ship to cruise the Indian Ocean, stopping at various cities to visit the sights,including several temples.We stayed at hotels managed by the Taj Company, whose propertieswere under strict security due to a terrorist attack several years agothat killed several workers and guests. When at the Lake PalaceHotel we met Richard Bickman, General Manager of all the Tajhotels and a former Mumbai Chaîne member. He then arrangedseveral dinners for us at Chaîne restaurants, with Chaîne plaques onthe walls. Richard is from Hawaii, so when President Obama stayedat the hotel, he gave the President a very thick pikake lei, Hawaiianstyle. Upon his departure, Obama waved the “shaka sign” atRichard.Regarding national issues, the Chefs Militaire Society needs tobecome more active, with more publicity needed in the variousbailliages that are in cities where there are military bases, hospitals,camps, and posts. The military membership fees and dues have to besent partially to Paris, as do our regular membership fees. A seal orlogo has been <strong>des</strong>igned for this third sub-organization of the Chaîne.14

HAWAII PACIFIC ISLANDS REGION NEWSLETTER FALL <strong>2011</strong>MIRELLA MONOSCALCO, Vice Conseiller Gastronomique Honoraire Kauai/Oahudelicious pinot noir.The following day we toured Stollerwinery in a beautiful setting of rollingThe festivities continued for the twelveHawaii members as we visited EyrieVineyards, one of the first wineries inNATIONAL MONDIALE MEETINGWILLAMETTE AND BEYONDAn even dozen Société Mondiale du Vinmembers from Hawaii stormedWillamette Valley, Oregon to explorelocal wineries and to cheer for DavidCastleberry, the winner of the Hawaii/Pacific Young Sommelier competition,in the national finals.The National meeting festivities beganwith a tasting of local wines and food. Itwas a great opportunity to explore whatthe area had to offer in one setting.Dinner was at the elegant DomaineSerene, one of our favorite wineries,where we sampled wild boar with driedfigs and venison loin served with redcurrants and both served with ahills and vineyards. It was wonderful torenew old friendships and share theharmony of the table at Dundee Bistroand then we were off to visit PennerAsh wine cellars, a small producerfocusing on pinot noir in the NorthernWillamette Valley.That evening the gala dinner at theAllison Inn was all farm to fork foodssuch as duck breast with foragedmushrooms, roulade of pork with Swisschard, and lamb with arugula pestoserved with another wonderful selectionof pinot noirs. During dinner weenjoyed composing and singing newverses for the Mondiale song. We wereall happy to see Ian Cauble, youngsommelier from the Pacific Northwest,win the competition.the area whose wine placed in the topten pinot noirs at the Olympia<strong>des</strong> <strong>des</strong>Vins in Paris!After a few more days of wine tasting,dinners and golf, all twelve of us wereoff to Sedona, Arizona to celebrateHonolulu ViceChancelier-ArgentierHonoraire,Mike Paulin’s70 th birthday,with anothersix membersfrom Hawaiiwho met us. Aregional dinnerof the seasonsat Red’sprepared byChef RôtisseurRon Moler wasa great way tocelebrate abirthday!Dinner the following evening at Rene’s,whose Executive Chef Walter Paulsonis a Chaîne member, was anotherincredible experience. A jeep tour,hiking, river sliding in Oak CreekCanyon, more golf, and a visit to themeteor crater filled our days together. Asteak barbecue prepared by all of us thelast evening was a great way to end theincredible Chaîne journey that we allshared.15


HAWAII PACIFIC ISLANDS REGION NEWSLETTER FALL <strong>2011</strong>CalendarAugust 13, <strong>2011</strong>Mondiale Summer Wine PairingsContact Maurice Nicholson 381-5586August 20, <strong>2011</strong>Mehfil, An Indian Themed CelebrationContact Sid Lee 237-9361September 9, <strong>2011</strong>Hawaii/Pacific Islands Assemblage DinnerGala and InductionsLeahi Club, Sheraton WaikikiContact Sid Lee 237-9361October 19–23, <strong>2011</strong>United States 50th Anniversary GrandChapître, Buckhead, GeorgiaContact National Office (973) 360-9200December 3, <strong>2011</strong>Honolulu Christmas Dinner andInduction, Halekulani HotelContact Sid Lee 237-9361December 18, <strong>2011</strong>Kauai/Oahu Holiday Gala, OahuCountry ClubContact Maurice Nicholson 351-5586December <strong>2011</strong>Maui Christmas DinnerContact Adele Rugg (808) 879-9964December <strong>2011</strong>Big Island Christmas DinnerContact Robert Crudele (808) 969-7707(808) 772-2342March 31, 2012Young Chefs’ Competition, CulinaryInstitute of the PacificContact Kusuma Cooray 734-9491For the Current Schedule:bailliages2.chaineus.org/hawaii/CurrentCalendarHPI.htmlRegional Webpage:http://bailliages2.chaineus.org/hawaii/ContributorsJUDITH KELLOGG, ROBERT LEE, FRED HELLEKES,KUSUMA COORAY, PATRICK OKUBO, WERNER BOETTNER,SID LEE, MAU NICHOLSON, MIRELLA MONOSCALCO, ANDBRUCE LIEBERTEditorsJUDITH KELLOGG AND BRUCE LIEBERT8.13.11Contact WebmasterBruce Liebert with updates for events:bruce.liebert@gmail.com or (808)351-388217

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