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5. ASCOBANS Advisory Committee (UNEP), report of the noise working groupPotential terms of reference for a report (or reports) that might examine ways in whichASCOBANS can assist parties in meeting the requirements of the relevant Europeandirectives and other bodies that countries have elected to adhere to which are concernedwith marine noise. This section depends strongly on the work of the EU technical subgroupnoise.This work is still in progress and therefore this section needs to be amended later this year.However, the SC7 of ACCOBAMS (Monaco, 29-31 March 2011) suggested creating a commonASCOBANS/ACCOBAMS working group on the EU <strong>Marine</strong> Strategy Framework Directive towork on general aspects of the directive (not limited to noise). This working group will godeeper into this issue to collect more material for the next ACCOBAMS Scientific Committee.6. The recreational marine industryIn 2003, the EU funded the sound boat project in co-ordination with the recreational marineindustry. Several ICOMIA marine industry associations were involved as well as IMEC. Theproject collected a significant amount of surface noise data/knowledge. Theattachments/graphs show in essence the results and that we as an industry do not have aproblem with surface noise.PERSONAL WATERCRAFT SOUND TEST REPORT 2003 at Jet Ski Village in FranceFollowing the successful sound test conducted in 2001, the IMEC PWC Task Force broughtfive new Personal Watercrafts (by three manufacturers) together. They have beendeveloped and marketed in European community since then. The chosen units employednewly developed technology for PWC such as 4-stroke engines, the latest direct fuelinjection technology, catalyze technology on a 2-stroke. The sound test was conducted inpass-by mode per ISO 14509. The results confirm a satisfactory repeatability of the pass bysound levels can be attained for PWCs. Once again, these results also demonstrated thegreat efforts that the industry has made to further reduce the sound level of the products.See below: Data from the sound boat project.46

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