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global environmental legislation guide - National Marine ...

global environmental legislation guide - National Marine ...


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Based on above <strong>global</strong> policy developments, the following occupational exposure limitsare set in various European countries and the United StatesLimit values are in ppm.1. Austria 202. Belgium 503. Denmark 254. Finland 205. France 506. Germany 207. Ireland 508. Italy 209. Netherlands 2510. Norway 2511. Spain 2012. UK 10013. USA 20Other countries are to be added.B. Emissions to the Environment;Assessment of styrene emission controls for yacht and boat building industries in the USand Europe:USA:The fiberglass-reinforced plastics (FRP/C) and fiberglass boat building industries have manyalternatives for reducing styrene emissions. Styrene emissions can be reduced by using resinmaterials and application equipment that generate less styrene emissions, improvingoperator techniques to reduce overspray, changing open-moulding processes to closedmouldingprocesses and using add-on emission control devices. The actual reductionachieved by these alternatives, taken separately or in various combinations, can vary widely.Lacking the regulatory mandates, add-on pollution control systems are not often used toreduce styrene emissions in the FRP/C and boat building industries. Low concentrations andhigh air flow rates also have made conventional emission controls very expensive and insome cases less efficient in destroying the emissions. The FRP/C and boat building industriesneed information. To meet this need, the cost and performance of several conventional andemerging add-on pollution control technologies and air flow management practices,potentially applicable to these industries, have been evaluated.Europe:More than 60 publications and reports were found to contain usable data on styreneexposure of workers in the European FRP/GRP industry. The data also show that efforts tolower styrene emissions have been very effective, as the following findings will show:• Styrene emissions and exposure in the open mould sector of the GRP industry hasfallen by an average of more than 3% per year over the last 32 years.41

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